Deja Duel 1 As Yugi and the gang arrive in San Francisco, a duffel bag concealing Weevil and Rex gets seperated from them. The two duelists find themselves in a rough part of town surrounded by a group of thugs, and are saved by none other than Duke Devlin. As Yugi and the crew head for Industrial Illusions headquarters, Kaiba and Mokuba arrive at Duelist Kingdom. They find it deserted, but then encounter Pegasus, who challenges Kaiba to a duel in the Duelist Kingdom Finals arena. Pegasus deploys the same old Toon strategy, but Kaiba has improved since last time, and takes out Toon World. He then questions Pegasus, who reveals himself to be Alister in disguise. He reveals his Orichalcos duel disk, and proceeds to play the Seal. He then proclaims that Kaiba's soul will be sealed permanently, and this time, it will not be set free. By Red Eyes Fan #1