Subject: Damage Counter for Casio Algebra Calculator - Saul Vargas Well I just saw the calculating program for other calcs. But I have the Casio Algebra FX 2.0, and if you have it you can use this code based in another similar: This program might be compatible with other Casio calcs. But I’m not sure at all. (Don’t be lazy, type it by your self!!!) “A LP = 8000” (EXE) “B LP = 8000” (EXE) 8000->A (EXE) 8000->B (EXE) Lbl J(EXE) "PLAYER A DAMAGE"?->C(EXE) "PLAYER B DAMAGE"?->D(EXE) "A LP"(EXE) A-C->A¬ "B LP"(EXE) B-D->B¬ If A>0 And B>0(EXE) Then Goto J(EXE) IfEnd(EXE) If A<=0(EXE) Then "PLAYER A LOSES"(EXE) IfEnd(EXE) If B<=0(EXE) Then "PLAYER B LOSES"(EXE) IfEnd(EXE) "END OF DUEL" Any (EXE) symbol indicates that while you're typing this program, you must put a "line jump" there (line return). Any ¬ symbol indicates that you need to put that small black triangle (Shift+Vars then F4, for algebra FX 2.0) Any <= symbol means "equal or less than". When you see the -Disp------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------- symbol on the bottom of the screen just press (EXE) to continue. When LP are increased, jut put a "-" (minus) before the damage. You can also enter the damage in an indirect way, i.e. you attack an Armored Zombie with a Summoned Skull so, don't think too much and just type "2500-1500(EXE)" and the Calc. will make the rest of the work, although it's an stupid example, I have meet duelists that cannot make this kind of operations ;). You can send suggestions and questions to (please don't send your complains...:D) Maybe I'll put other code for 4 player duels and the message text in DRAW situations. See Ya!