From: []

Subject: RegnR8's Absloute Rule of the Monarchs - March 26, 2005


RegnR8's Absolute Rule of the Monarchs
Tournament Report for March 26, 2005


Hi all,


Welcome to this, the last tournament report until the new ban list kicks in! Excellent!


Today was a busy Saturday with two tournaments in two locations. The Monarchs were itching to finish out the season with some solid wins before the deck has to go through some minor revisions for the new ban list. As you can see, there shouldn't be too many changes. Two monsters and two Spell Cards and I'm good to go. For now, the deck looks like this:


Absolute Rule of the Monarchs


x3 Nimble Momonga
x3 Berserk Gorilla
x2 Mobius the Frost Monarch
x2 Zaborg the Thunder Monarch
x1 Tribe Infecting Virus
x1 Sinister Serpent
x1 Breaker the Magical Warrior
x1 Morphing Jar
x1 Twin Headed Behemoth
x1 Fiber Jar
x1 Magical Scientist


x2 Scapegoat
x2 Creature Swap
x2 Metamorphosis
x2 Smashing Ground
x1 Nobleman of Crossout
x1 Pot of Greed
x1 Change of Heart
x1 Snatch Steal
x1 Swords of Revealing Light
x1 Heavy Storm
x1 Mystical Space Typhoon
x1 Painful Choice
x1 Premature Burial


x2 Bottomless Trap Hole
x1 Ring of Destruction
x1 Call of the Haunted
x1 Royal Decree




x3 Kinetic Soldier
x3 King Tiger Wanghu
x2 Magic Drain
x3 Royal Oppression
x1 Jinzo
x1 Torrential Tribute
x1 Forceful Sentry
x1 Nobleman of Crossout


On to the first tournament of the day!


Sports Cards and Collectibles
Fayetteville, Ga
$5.00 to play, you get a pack for entering
3 packs for 1st
2 packs for 2nd
Nothing for losers who can't make it to the top 2
5 rounds of Swiss
Advanced Format
25 or so folks there today. Good crowd.


We got there and I bought a box of Dark Revelation for some strange reason. I have about a dozen of every card in the set anyway. I really didn't get anything that good except a couple of cards and got a RARE Tribe Infecting Virus. DOH! Oh well.




This deck was really strange. He had a lot of goofy stuff in it that, if he had taken out and replaced with a little more consistant cards, would've actually been a fairly decent deck. Maybe.




On his first turn he activated Gravekeeper's Servent and I don't care. I keep attacking him anyway because the damage being done to him for outweighs the discard. The Royal Decree stops him from using Bottomless Trap Hole on my Zaborg. Meh. I manage to summon a Mobius right after that. After he uses Exiled Force on my Mobius, he gets out a Gemini Elf with Mage Power at 3900 attack and attacks my Mobius. It's ON now! I had a Nimble on the field and, next turn, I tribute it for Zaborg and destroy his jacked-up Elf. My Decree is keeping me safe from all harm and I just hammer away at him.




This guy uses tons of traps and set monsters so I drop in Jinzo and another Nobleman for the Reckless Greed and Magical Scientist.


This is getting stranger by the minute. Is this a Earth deck with Warrior support or a Warrior deck with Earth support? He summons Amazoness Paladin, Rock Spirit, Freed, and other strange things. Man Eater Bug, MoF, Penguin Soldier. It doesn't really matter because I pretty much dominate this duel and kill him with a Nimble Momonga! GO NIMBLE!






I win the die roll and draw Sinister, Mobius, Nimble, Zaborg, Gorilla and Creature Swap. Not too good. I set the Nimble and the Swap.


He summons a Masked Dragon and attacks my Nimble. I gain 1000LP and get two more on the field. Gotta love those Nimbles. He set a couple of S/T cards.


I draw Painful Choice and decide not to play it, yet. I don't know why. I just did. I Swap my Nimble for his Masked Dragon, then tribute it for Mobius and he chains the two set cards. Ring of Destruction on Mobius and Book of Moon on the Nimble. Crap. That's annoying.


He summons another Masked Dragon and attacks with my Nimble and the Dragon. Boo hoo. My Nimble has turned traitor!


I draw Fiber Jar and set it.


Fiber Jar saves me (I'm gonna miss this card!) when he summons another monster and attacks it. After that, it goes downhill for him. Soon after, I summon Twin Headed Behemoth, Premature Zaborg and Smash his Luster Dragon for the final kill.




Oh my gosh. After a Cyber flip, he gets a ton of monsters and I get crap and he hammers me for a lot. He saves his Ring of Destruction when I summon Mobius while I was at 1500LP. Not good.




My, this is annoying. Smashing Ground, Enemy Controller and Book of Moon frustrate me to no end. His defenses can only hold for so long and I finally get him top decking and down to 100LP. I have Zaborg and a Gorilla on the field and he has one card set that can't help him, or he would have already activated it. He's looking to the "Heart of the Cards" and he draws. He summons the Sinister Serpent he just drew and attacks my Gorilla just to kill himself. LoL. GG....yeah.




GAMES 1 and 2


Marauding Captain and Level Up! can, and will, deplete your hand in a hurry, plus Tribe Infecting Virus OWNS a type specific swarm deck. After his first turn or two he is reduced to holding one or two cards in his hand both games and it's a set of fairly easy duels.




GAMES 1 and 2


I simply can not take notes when I duel this gentleman. His deck is too wierd and too good and I MUST concentrate on what I am doing at all times or I will lose. The first game I was losing by a couple of thousand LP but managed to come back after I Snatched his Chaos Sorceror and removed it from play. The second game was a little faster and I dominated with the Tigers and Royal Oppression.






I Bottomless his Spear Dragon while I have a Nimble set. I draw SoRL, summon a Gorilla and attack for 3000. He Snatch's my Gorilla and turns it to defense position. Reinforcements gets him a DD Warrior Lady. I Change of Heart it and tribute it for Mobius and attack him for 2400. He's at 1600LP and he summons two Maraudings on me and that stalls for a while. I can't do anything.
He tributes one of the Maraudings for Dark Ruler HaDes (I didn't expect that one!) and attacks my Mobius. I draw Ring on my next turn and Ring his Dark Ruler in his next draw phase for the win.




This game is really close. It's 3000LP each when he uses CHANGE OF HEART (banned as of April 1 - YES!!!) on my Nimble and summons a Gorilla and kills me with my own Nimble. Boo Hoo. My Nimble betrays me for the second time today.




Enemy Controller kills two of my Berserks, Smashing Ground destroys my Monarchs and DD Warrior Lady removes my Nimble. Not good.


Well, the Monarchs place second and I get my packs and pull nothing of note, so whatever. It's not about the cards, it's about WINNING HAHAHAHAH!!!! No, just kidding, it's about having fun and WINNING HAHHAHAHA....oh pardon me.....ahem.


We head out to Books A Million to do some trading with the little rich kids and things are kind of slow so, we head on down to the second tournament of the day.


Newnan Sports Cards
Newnan, Ga.
Free to play
1st gets 4 packs
2nd gets 3
3rd gets 2
Single Elimination
Around 24 or so people today. Another good turnout.


Wow. The store is packed. There's a Mech Warrior tourney going on, so a couple of the tables are already taken up with sheets of plywood and folks with their tape measures and note pads and cool little painted figures hovering over them (and they say Yugioh players are geeks....hmmmm).


Well, I hurry up the judge to begin the sign up because I want to leave early today if I can. The sign up is suppose to start at 4PM but he usually doesn't begin until nearly an hour later. Everyone is pretty much already there so, he starts sign up and first pairings are called.




We had to drag a busted ol' table out of the back room and duel standing up. That sucks.


GAMES 1 and 2


Move along, nothing to report here. Cyber Jar hurt him pretty badly the first duel when I got a lot and he got nothing. The second duel was pure domination on my part.




This is a fairly straightforward Chaos/beatdown deck. BLS, Giant Orc, Angel, Spear, Exiled, Tomato, Spirit Reaper, MoF, standard stuff, no surprises.




We Fiber flip three times. I'm really going to miss this card after the ban. It would have been four Fiber resets but I tribute for Zaborg once, destroying his. This duel is really long and drawn out because we keep nibbling at each others LP. I have the upperhand most of the duel and when I Swap a face up token for his Spear Dragon and Premature Burial my Zaborg it's over.




I go ahead and side deck a little. Three Tigers and another Nobelman to take care of his MoF and Spirit Reaper. Smashing Ground and Book of Moon kill me. He Smashed two consecutive monsters, then Booked my third.




I hit him hard and heavy early in the duel. Later, TIV takes care of his Scapegoat tokens and SoRL protects me for a while. TER stalls with his Shining Angel and I Ring it for the match win.




Ahhh, a duelist after my own heart. Gyku-Gire Panda and some beastly trample. Cool.




Dust Tornado, MST and Giant Trunade frustrate my efforts for a while. He tramples me for a little bit, but his Panda is too weak to do any real damage. Nimbles give me some LP and Mobius takes out his traps and I take the first duel 8300 - 0.




Ha ha. I do the most damage to myself. I attack into a Cylinder with a Gorilla and after a Fiber flip, I do the exact same thing! LOL! Dust Tornados and MST really wipe out a lot of stuff I set. They don't get rid of my Royal Decree, and when I chain it to his Bottomless Trap Hole, I manage to get him with my Gorilla.




This deck has 47 cards but it works because I lost to it in the finals earlier today. Rematch and REVENGE!




Smash, Snatch, Bottomless and Book of Moon! Argh! We both Smash and Snatch each other! I Snatch and he Book of Moons his monster. He Snatch's my Nimble and whatever, I attack it and get LP.  Heavy Storm, Creature Swap and a Zaborg destroying his set MOF give me the final victory, though.




I side deck in Torrential and the second NoC. I was going to gain advantage my next turn, but Card Destruction ruins my plans and he Premature Burial's his Jinzo. I can't get rid of it, nor stall long enough for anything.




After he Nobelman' s our Fiber Jar and attacks me a couple of times, a Heavy Storm clears the way for a big attack and Torrential allows me to attack him again with some Premature'd and Call'd monsters for the win.




This deck is absolutely BRUTAL. It hasn't lost a duel all day long. If he wins the die roll, goes first and summons Jowgen and sets two S/T cards, the game is over for me. Wall of Revealing Light and Self Destruct Button can end duels in draws over and over again.
I hope I win the die roll. If I get the chance to go first, I may be able to win before he either Self Destructs or uses Last Turn. If I lose the first game, I am going to rely on my side deck to pull me through. I know he has little to no S/T removal or monster removal or any means of attacking me. The deck is built for pure draw power and speed. Shallow Grave, Cyber Jar, Card Destruction, Book of Taiyou and Magician of Faith can recycle cards and deck me out, too. This deck is a real threat and a real challenge.




I WIN the die roll and chose to go first! YES! If I had gone second, I may have lost without even drawing a card. I do not get a very good draw. I do have Mobius in my opening hand, and if he doesn't get rid of the Nimble I set and doesn't win on his turn, I may stand a chance.


He draws and sets 2 S/T and summons Jowgen. NO!!!!


I draw and he doesn't activate anything. Ahha! He has NOTHING! I tribute for Mobius and destroy his set cards. One of them was Spell Reproduction and the other was something useless. After that it was all Monarch.




I side deck in 12 cards.


He draws and sets 2 S/T and summons Jowgen. NO!!!!


I draw and he activates Wall of Revealing Light and Last Turn. I lose.




At least I get to go first this time.


I get Royal Decree in my opening hand!!!! YES! What luck. A turn two Mobius takes care of his set cards, and along with a Called Gorilla and summoned Breaker the following turn, it's over. He had nothing and I didn't even have to use my Decree.


HOORAY! The Monarchs RECLAIM their rightful place on the throne today!


I ended up not going home early as I wanted because I had to win the finals. Heh. Oh well. Sad me. hah. I got my packs but I don't remember what I pulled. Some useless stuff I am sure, or I would have remembered. We went to McDonalds aftewards and ate, then went home.


Well, that's it for this week. Next weekend is Regionals and I still haven't decided wether to go or not.....


Until next time, keep winning!

