

My deck:

monsters: 25

labrynth wall


gravekeeper's chief

a cat of ill omen




revival jam

lava golem

wandering mummy

mother grizzly

swarm of scarabs

byser shock

cobra jar

dark jeroid


worm drake

jigen bakudan

gravekeeper's spear soldier

gaurdian sphinx

gravekeeper's curse

swarm of locusts

an owl of luck

ryu-kishin powered

lord poison

Spells: 13

mystical space typhoon

double spell

non spellcasting area


pyramid energy

book of moon

ground collapse


infinate cards

monster reborn

jam breeding machine

rush recklessly

card of safe return

Traps: 13

compulsory evacuation device

dust tornado

bottomless shifting sand

rite of spirit

reckless greed

rope of life

staunch defender

ojama trio

acid trap hole

curse of royal

nightmare wheel

widespread ruin

coffin seller

Total: 51


I only got notes on the last round, but this was the best duel, so I hope that dosen't matter.


first duel:


he started off  by setting a trap and summoning la jinn in attack mode


I drew Newdoria, Curse of Royal, rush recklessly, drillago, and lekunga on my turn I drew cat of ill omen  I set curse of royal and rush recklessly face down and summoned drillago I attacked his life points for 1600 he activated waboku I ended my turn


 LP: me 8000

LP: him 8000


on his turn he tributes la jinn for summoned skull and attacks drillago he ends his turn


LP: me 7100

LP: him 8000


I draw coffin seller and set it I play newdoria in face down defense and end my turn


he draws and I activate coffin seller he tributes summoned skull for great maju garzett (atk.5000) and attacks  newdoria’s effect destroys great maju garzett  he loses 300 from coffin seller he ends his turn


LP: me 7100

LP: him 7400


I draw Gravekeeper’s chief  I summon lekunga, activate rush recklessly to power it up and attack his LP for 2400 I end my turn


LP: me 7100

LP: him 5000


he sets a card and summons blazing inpachi he attacks lekunga he ends his turn


LP: me 6950

LP: him 5000


I draw nightmare wheel he activates jar of greed I set nightmare wheel and set cat of ill omen I end my turn


he tributes blazing inpachi for summoned skull and attacks I activate nightmare wheel he ends his turn


LP: me 6950

LP: him 4700


I draw card of safe return I flip cat of ill omen and bring widespread ruin to the top of my deck I tribute cat of ill omen for gravekeeper's chief and end my turn


he tributes summoned skull for shadow ghoul (atk.2100) and attacks gravekeeper's chief he ends his turn


LP: me 6750

LP: him 3900


I draw widespread ruin and set it I end my turn


he attacks I use widespread ruin to destroy shadow ghoul he ends his turn


LP: me 6750

LP: him 3600


I draw granadora and attack for 1900 I end my turn


LP: me 7750

LP: him 1700


he dosen't do anything


I attack to win.


Second duel:


I draw staunch defender, labrynth wall, granadora, ojama trio, and coffin seller. I went first, drawing gravekeeper's curse I set staunch defender and ojama trio and summon granadora I end my turn


he sets a monster and ends his turn


I draw cobra jar and tribute granadora for labrynth wall in defense mode I end my turn


he tributes for summoned skull and attacks labrynth wall I acticate ojama trio and staunch defender he loses 9000 LP thats game


I got 1st in the tournament


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