RegnR8's Total Chaos at Sports Cards and Collectibles. 5/15/04
Where? Sports Cards and Collectibles
Fayetteville, Ga.
How much to play? $5.00 You get a pack upon entering
What do you win? 1st place: 3 packs
                           2nd place: 2 packs
Swiss format
How many folks entered? 16 (I think. Maybe some more showed up later. There seemed to be way more than 16 people there.)
Hi all. Welcome to this week's Tournament Report. Hope this reading finds you all well and winning!
We arrived at the Tournament location around 11AM. I usually bring a bunch of other people to the Tournament with me. I went to the Dunkin' Donuts, like I do every week, and purchased a large French Vanilla coffee with cream and sugar to get me pumped up and out of control! Too much caffeine!
We went inside and chatted a bit with the store owner Steve, and his wife Bernadette. They're great people, and Steve has the most reasonably priced YGO cards in town! Bernadette brought her little dog, Jill, in today. It ran around the store a lot. It's a little fuzz ball.
We registered and I got my pack. They were giving out LOD this week. I get - Magic Reflector. DOH! My daughter gets - Injection Fairy Lily! Figures. Ha.
I had made a change to my Chaos deck since Regionals, and I wanted to see how it worked. I added a Magical Scientist in place of Yata and made a lot of changes to the side deck. I had play tested 3 Reasoning in the deck earlier in the week and boy, did they ever suck. I think I'll try to find a place to slide the Yata back into the deck. It does come in handy.
A player there asked to look at my deck. He said it was too slow. He also plays a Chaos deck but with only the CED and BLS. I told him the deck is pretty fast most of the time. He still insisted it was too slow.
Well, here it is, judge for yourself.
Total Chaos:
    1x Chaos Emperor Dragon - EotE
    1x Black Luster Soldier - EotB
    3x Dark Magician of Chaos
    3x Thunder Dragon
    1x Mystic Tomato
    1x Breaker the Magical Warrior
    1x WotBF
    1x Sangan
    1x Cyber Jar
    1x Tribe Infecting Virus
    1x Shining Angel
    1x D.D. Warrior Lady
    1x Reflect Bounder
    1x Magical Scientist
    1x Card Destruction
    1x Painful Choice
    1x Pot of Greed
    1x Graceful Charity
    1x Harpie's Feather Duster
    1x Heavy Storm
    3x Mystical Space Typhoon
    3x Reload
    1x Dark Hole
    1x Raigeki
    1x Monster Reborn
    1x Premature Burial
    1x Dimension Fusion
    1x Imperial Order
    3x Waboku
    1x Call of the Haunted
    Side Deck:
    1x Fiber Jar
    1x Jinzo
    1x Shining Angel
    1x DD Warrior Lady
    2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
    1x Yata Garasu  
    1x Dimension Fusion
    2x Soul Release
    1x Nobleman of Crossout
    1x The Forceful Sentry
    3x Fissure
    Fusion Deck:
    3x Ryu Senshi
    3x Dark Baltar
    3x Dark Flare Knight
    2x Thousand Eyes Restrict
    1x Fiend Skull Dragon (Just for the heck of it)
Does it look slow to you? How can I speed it up? I hate Mirage of Nightmare.
Pairings were announced and I sat down to face my first opponent of the day, a young man who had entered his first tournament today. He was really nice and told me this was his first tournament and he asked me not to kill him too badly. LOL. I told him that was cool, but he could kill me just as well as I could kill him. He was playing with a mish mash of cards. Some insect stuff, some water stuff. It didn't make a whole lot of sense.
Round 1
Chaos VS Something, I guess I'll call it a beatdown deck. ??
Game 1.
 He won the die roll and chose to go second. I set a Shining Angel and ended my turn. He attcked it with a Prickle Fairy (?!). I had to explain the damage calculation to him. The next turn I attacked his Prickle Fairy with the Shining Angel and had to explain to him why his monster was destroyed. Oh well, we all had to start somewhere. I managed to get CED on a clear field with a DD Warrior Lady. I attacked with both, then blew everything up for the win.
Game 2.
I thought I might lose this one! I didn't really get a good draw and he kept attacking me!  I drew  Card Destruction while I was holding 2 DMoC. I played Card Destruction and drew BLS and Dimension Fusion. Yeah! I removed a DMoC and Thunder Dragon to special summon the BLS and attacked. I set the Dimension Fusion, hoping to bluff him into not attacking and was going to play Dimension Fusion on my next turn to get the Thunder Dragon and DMoC on the field.
On his turn he played Dark Hole, then activated Nobleman of Extermination, killing my Dimension Fusion! Curses! The best laid plans of mice and men....He didn't have anything to set, so he ended his turn. Whew. Dodged a bullet there. If he had Monster Reborn, that would've hurt!
I drew a Shining Angel and attacked.
He then drew Blindly Loyal Goblin and attacked my Angel. I summoned a DD Warrior Lady through the Angel's effect. I had to explain to him what happens when the Shinijng Angel is destroyed in battle.  He ended his turn. I was feeling I might lose this one until I drew  Premature Burial. I got my BLS back and attacked twice, then attacked with DD Warrior Lady for game.
I helped him with his deck afterward. It still wasn't great, but we got some ideas for improving it and taking it into a more focused direction.
Record 1-0
2nd Round
Chaos VS Water Deck
I've dueled this young man numerous times and am very familiar with his deck. He really depends on the Legendary Ocean, Tornado Wall combo to keep him alive, and summoning those level 5 high attack water monsters on the field with no tribute.
Game 1.
He chose to go second. I drew and set a Sangan and Waboku and ended my turn. He activated Legendary Ocean, set a card in his M/T zone, (I assumed it was a Tornado Wall or Gravity Bind) summoned Gagagigo and didn't attack. Hmmm. Interesting.
My turn I set WoTBF and ended my turn.
This time he summoned The Legendary Fisherman and attacked with him and Gagagigo. I let him attack both cards even though I had the set Waboku. I got a Cyber Jar with Sangan and Tribe Infecting Virus with WotBF.  He ended his turn.
I summon Tribe and discard a Mystic Tomato and a Shining Angel to get rid of his Legendary Fisherman and Gagagigo. I attacked with TIV and he activated Tornado Wall as expected. I let it slide.
Next turn, he summons another Gagagigo and attacks my TIV. This time I activate Waboku.
My turn. I discard a card to destroy his Gagagigo and go ahead and set the Cyber Jar.
He then summons a monster and attacks the Cyber Jar. Cyber Jar gives me Reflect Bounder and BLS.
He gets an Amphibous Bugroth and doesn't attack me directly. Lucky break for me.
I Mystical Space Typhoon his Legendary Ocean. Summon BLS and attack twice. He couldn't recover after that.
Game 2.
I kept MST'ing his Legendary Oceans. By the third turn, a had 3 DMoC's and CED on the field.
Record 2-0
3rd Round
Chaos VS Beatdown (I think that's what it was)

I had to face one of the better players in this round. Out of all the regulars that attend, he is one of the best.  I knew I had to really play well to defeat him.
Game 1.
 What? He must have messed his deck up since the last time I played him! He kept setting Robbin' Goblins and Robbin' Zombies. He used Change of Heart on my Cyber Jar and flipped it. This helped me because I had activated Waboku in response to the Change of Heart. It gave me CED and Reflect Bounder, along with some other stuff.
I managed to summon CED and he Kuriboh'd the attack. Ugh. Stupid Kuriboh. He set a monster card and I drew Magical Scientist. I paid 1000lp to summon Dark Baltar and hit his Fiber Jar! Great! I then attacked with CED and blew everything up for the win.
Game 2.
 Too easy. I was really expecting a good set of duels here. I couldn't believe my luck. I got 2 DMoC on the field and Magical Scientist. I summoned Dark Baltar and got rid of a Morphing Jar#2! Well, he Monster Reborn'd a Kuriboh in a feeble attempt to delay the inevitable.
Record 3-0
4th Round. Semi-Finals
Chaos VS Beatdown
Game 1.
Oh my GOSH! This had to be possibly one of the worse first draws I have EVER had!!!! I drew 2 DMoC, Raigeki, Dark Hole and a Thunder Dragon. On my first turn, I draw another Thunder Dragon! Crap. I go ahead and dump a Thunder Dragons in the graveyard anyway, and end up with the same hand I began with. The Dark Hole and Raigeki managed to stave off his monsters for a couple of turns, but I continued to draw nothing and he killed me. Dead. Really bad. 0LP -8000LP. Ugh.
Game 2.
 Oh NO!!! Not again!! This time all I drew was a Thunder Dragon and CED and some other cards that didn't really help me out much.I went ahead and discarded a Thunder Dragon  for it's effect. I thought, "It's clobberin' time!" while my opponent hit me with a Giant Orc.
Next turn I drew Call of the Haunted. Big deal. I set it as a bluff. 
Next turn he summons a Mad Dog of Darkness and sticks a United We Stand on it! Oh no! By this time, I'm down to 3100 and I haven't even touched his lifepoints.
On my turn, I draw Painful Choice! Hooray!! I pick 2 DMoC, Raigeki, Mystic Tomato and Shining Angel. He gives me the Shining Angel. I remove the Tomato and a Thunder Dragon to special summon CED. I Call of the Haunted one of the DMoC and get Raigeki from the graveyard. I play Raigeki, and hit him for 5800 direct damage. Well, that was that. I then blew everything up for 2800 additional LP damage for game. Whew.
Game 3.
This was more like it. I got BLS on the second turn, along with Magical Scientist and negated his face down Magician of Faith with a Dark Baltar and attacked with BLS. I set a Waboku and ended my turn.
He sets another face down monster and a card in his M/T zone. Next turn, I paid 2000 for another Dark Baltar and a Ryu Senshi. I attacked the face down card with Dark Baltar. It was a Mad Dog of Darkness. I attacked with BLS. He activated Magic Cylinder and I paid 1000lp to negate it for the win.  Boy, that made me nervous.
Chaos VS Chaos.
This was totally frustrating and aggravated me to no end. This young man usually plays a hand control deck, but has recently switched to a Chaos deck. I was ready for it anyway.
Game 1.
He got major lucky. He chose to go first. He played Graceful Charity, dumped a light and a dark, special summoned CED and blew up everything for a hefty chunk of my LP. I was hoping to get some attacker with my next draw, but I didn't. I managed a Waboku once to save me from an attack. He then draws Premature Burial. Crap. He brings back the CED, attacks me and then blows everything up for the second time for the win.
He admitted he got lucky and I agreed.
Game 2.
Oh boy, he made some serious mistakes. He was so excited about using Soul Release on me, he didn't even think. I Dimension Fusioned a whole bunch of stuff back and ran through him like he was made of paper.
Game 3.
This had to be the most amazing turn of luck for him. He played so badly and made so many mistakes, I couldn't believe it. He ended up winning anyway, but he could have lost. During the latter part of the duel, he played Dimension Fusion to bring back a Dark Ruler, BLS, Kycoo and something else. I was able to bring back only a Reflect Bounder and a DD Warrior Lady, two cards he had Soul Released earlier. He attacks Reflect Bounder with Dark Ruler!!! Then he attacks DD Warrior Lady with BLS!!!! What a couple of bone head plays. Well, he won anyway. If I had drawn a Dark Hole or Raigeki on my next turn, I would've won because he was so excited he almost killed himself. He had paid 2000LP for Dimension Fusion, then took 2450 when he attacked my Reflect Bounder with Dark Ruler and took himself down to 450. Oh well.
I came in second, which is better than last but still, 2nd place is 1st loser. I got 2 IOC packs for the finish and got a Fumha Shuriken and a Trap Jammer. OK, I guess.
At the end of the tournament, the guy who said my deck was too slow, told me I lost because my deck was too slow. I asked him, "What place did you finish the tournament in?" He grinned sheepishly and shrugged his shoulders. Yeah, right, I finished second, you didn't make it, so don't be dissin' my deck and  telling me it's too slow.
Hung around a little afterward and did some trading. I traded Berserk Gorilla, Spirit Reaper and a couple of other cards for 2 Diffusion Wave Motion and my third Dedication Through Light and Darkness. Yes! Now I can work on a Dark Magician deck. I think I'll mess around with it some tonight. I have another tournament tomorrow at 2PM. I'm going to work the Yata back into the deck. I think I'll take out the Mystic Tomato for it....Hmmm. Back to the drawing board.
Keep on dueling!