jinzo's revenge
jacob kelley
wiles rd. coral springs fl.
every saturday and sunday at 1:00 p.m.
about 10-30 people
2 slices of pizza and a soda-$1.00 Extra(only for people entering)
when you enter you get any pack you want except tournament packs


1x injection fairy lily
1x mad dog of darkness
1x kuriboh
2x luster dragon (mfc)
1x kycoo the ghost destroyer
1x tribe-infecting virus
1x vampire lord
3x giant orc
1x penguin soldier
1x witch of the black forest
1x mask of darkness
1x jinzo
1x cyber jar
1x spear dragon
1x gemini elf
1x berserk gorilla
1x bazoo the soul-eater


1x swords of revealing light
1x axe of despair
1x scapegoat
1x question
1x raigeki
1x monster reborn
1x cost down
1x change of heart
1x mage power
1x tribute to the doomed
1x heavy storm
1x reload
1x graceful charity
1x confiscation
1x pot of greed
1x premature burial


1x waboku
1x bottomless trap hole
1x magic cylinder
1x ceasefire

   1x mirror force
  1x call of the haunted
  1x shadow spell

duel 1: when i drew i got a injection, axe of despair, mage power, cyber jar and a shadow spell. i placed injection in face-up attack position and shadow spell face-down and  ended my turn. he drew and put archfiend soldier in attack mode and i used shadow spell and he ended his turn. i drew spear dragon, i summoned spear dragon and put axe, and mage on spear dragon and he was at 3400, i pumped injection and attacked his archfiend and attacked his life points with spear. me:8000/ him:2400 it was his turn he put a card in defense mode and ended his turn. i drew a raigeki and used it, I attacked with both monsters and won.

duel 2 : i drew and placed a card in defense mode and 2 cards face down and ended my turn. he drew and summoned a goblin and attached axe, united we stand, mage power, and big bang shot to it. he used raigeki and destroyed my card he attacked my life points. me:1500/him:8000
i drew and put a monster face-down and ended my turn. he drew and used dark hole and summoned archfiend soldier and attacked and i lost.

i got a pack for entering i got invasion of choas and pulled a Reload

Jacob Kelley
