
Chaos control
Carlo Favretto
Buena New Jersey
Buena Regional Highschool  May,3,2004
             Hey all pojo readers wassup. here's my deck so take a look n enjoy

3x shining angel
3x mystic tomato
2x d.d. warrior lady
1x wotbf
1x sangan
1x tribe infecting virus
1x yata-garasu
1x chaos emperor dragon-envoy of the end
1x black luster soldier-envoy of the begining
1x jinzo
1x magical scientist
1x fiber jar
1x breaker the magical warrior

fusion monsters in f. deck-
2x thousand-eyes restrict
2x dark flare knight
2x dark balter the terrible
3x ryu senshi

3x mst
1x change of heart
1x the forceful sentry
1x dark hole
1x graceful charity
1x pot of greed
1x confiscation
1x premature burial
1x monster reborn
1x harpie's feather duster
1x swords of revealing light
1x delinquent duo
1x raigeki
1x snatch steal

1x ring of destruction
1x mirror force
1x torrential tribute
1x call of the haunted
1x imperial order
1x waboku
1x royal decree

ok now on to the tourney. now this isnt a tourney at like a store so there are no prizes, just for fun .  not alot of people showed up but we had enough for a tourney so here we go

first round- me vs. isabella
isabella is really good. she is like in 2nd grade but has good cards n knows how to use them
lp me-8000-7600-6600-5800-5550-5150-4150
lp isabella-8000-7800-5950-4350-3950-2950-1500-100-0
this was a cool duel. basicly i would play like a tomato or angel n she killed it with an 1800 monster. then she ended up bringing out terrorking salmon with 2400 atk and hit my tomato again. but i retalliated and came back. we went back and forth exchanging blows and i came out the victor.she is really good and always puts up a fight. good job isabella.

next game round 2 me vs. dylan greaf
he a good player too, of course i he;lped him make his deck. so onto the game
lp me-8000-7000-6700-5900-4300
lp him-8000-7800-5400-3300-3100-2900-0
basicly this duel went on like isabella's exept for the fact that he had stronger monsters n magics. he played like he should have but couldnt beat the chaos monster which rulled the duel. so i came out the winner. good game dylan.

last game match form me vs. jeff fiochhi
really good player. he even beat me in one duel because i had no monsters but here are the details.
lp me-8000-6200-3900-3400-2600-2400-2100-1200-700-0
lp jeff-8000-6200-4700-4400-2700-3300
well this round he won. he played really good and thought alot of good moves. he won because he rammed his amazoness swords woman into my chaos dragon to do major life points and to win the game

duel 2 lpme-8000-7000-6200-3800
lp him-8000-6200-yata]
basicly field control the whole time n hand disruption n yata for the game.
game 3 lp me-8000-7000
lp him-8000-7400-4900-800-yata
same as last game but a little more of field control. yata takes the game with the witch/chaos dragon combo
good  game jeff best game in a long time

so thats my report.
note: please do not im me to internet duel, i have a lot of people doing that and i keep posting notes to stop, if anyone ims me requesting this i will report u to aol or aim and ur account will be terminated. jus im me to talk if you want  and hopefully you live in new jersey so i can play you

thanks pojo