The Return of the Darkness Beatdown
Owner of Deck: Robert Sanders
Tournament Location: Trademart @ Moline, Illinois
Date & Time: 12/13/03 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
Population: Approx. 45 Duelists
Prize(s): 1st & 2nd Place Teams Recieve LON Booster

      Hello, fellow duelists!  I deeply apologize about the serious lack of tournament reports, but gaining access to a computer was very difficult lately.  My deck has gotten better thanx to Magician's Force, so I would be willing for you to take a look.  See for yourself!
Darkness Beatdown
Cards: x40
Monsters: x19
2x Magician of Faith
1x Yata Garasu
1x Injection Fairy Lily
1x Fiber Jar
1x Cyber Jar
1x Sangan
1x Witch of the Black Forest
2x Mystic Tomato
1x Tribe-Infecting Virus
1x Breaker the Magical Warrior (If he is a Magical Warrior, then why is he classified as a Spellcaster?)
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
2x Skilled Dark Magician
1x Jinzo
2x Dark Ruler Ha Des
Spells: x17
2x Axe of Despair
1x Change of Heart
1x Confiscation
1x Dark Hole
1x Delinquent Duo
1x Graceful Charity
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Heavy Storm
1x Mage Power
1x Monster Reborn
1x Pot of Greed
1x Premature Burial
1x Raigeki
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x The Forceful Sentry
1x United We Stand
Traps: x4
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Imperial Order
1x Magic Cylinder
1x Mirror Force

      There you have it!  My deck has seriously improved thanks to the Skilled Dark Magicians and the great Breaker.
      Well, the tournament was like the last... and the last... well... it was just like every other tournament.  I paid the wonderful hard-working employees of Trademart my admission fee and headed into the back room filled with duelists with the desire of being number one.  There were some of the good ol' duelists there: Jeric, William, Rais Bros. and Neal that joined the tournament.  Before the tournament started, I bought a tournament pack 3 and recieved a Pot of Greed, the lousy fusion from the M-Warriors and a White Hole.
      I took a vote of hands on what kind of tournament we should have and Singles were outnumbered by far.  Doubles was the game and I promised Jeric that I would be his partner.  Oh, and in case you don't know what Jeric plays, he plays some identical cards like mine.
      I rolled the dice to decide the match-ups and our first opponents were...
Round One: Team Urameshi vs. The Last-Standing Warriors
      Aw, I had to take on a Senior student named Chris, which Chris was a good friend while I was in the same trailer park as him.  Anyway, down to buisness.  It was Chris and another ally against me and Jeric and it was an interesting duel.  Me and Jeric assembled our powerhouses early in the game and took each of them down.  Chris' friend hardly stood a chance as he showed us his hand, which had two Blue Eyes White Dragons.  We won with full life points for the first out of three, but the duo decided to forfeit because they like to play by street battles.  I congratulated them on their hard work and assembled my deck for round two.
Round Two: Team Urameshi vs. Team ???
      I don't quite remember the name of the team, but it consisted of Neal F. and James Rais, a deadly team combo.  It started off with bashing heads against each other.  One minute, it would look like we would have the advantage, then the next would look like it would be theirs.  Eventually, thanks to their Monster Reborn on my Jinzo, they disabled my defenses and wiped out Jeric's life points.  Then it went to my turn and I took out James.  Eventually, it was a one on one with me at a heavy disadvantage.  They one the first of three matches, but the second one was in a race against time.  With around ten minutes on the clock, me and Jeric had to win one for a tie under the time limit or it would be over.
      With Skilled Dark Magicians and special Trap defenses, we took out one at a time and barely make the time limit.  Tom, my assistant coach, commented about us going over the time limit, but James and Neal were very respectful and let us proceed into the third round.  Good kudos to them.
Round Three: Team Urameshi vs. Team Dragons (?)
      These two were around the age of ten or eleven and one of the two had always battled me in every tournament for some time now.  Anyways, they played cards like La Jinn and 7 Colored Fishies.  Me and Jeric let our Kycoos and Skilled Dark Magicians do the talking and we took them out without many problems.
      Due to the lack of time the tournament had to be wrapped up by giving out prizes early.  The top three teams were chosen and one pack was to be given to each team.  Me and Jeric recieved our pack and it was the Mask of Dispel, which I gave to Jeric.
      Well, I apologize about the lack of notes taken, but I completely forgot about notes as I was having so much fun.  Now, let's look at the pros and cons.
*No headache
*My deck has greatly improved
*I recieved Kurama, Reformed Demon for Yu Yu Hakusho TCG
*I didn't lose the tournament
*Jeric was a powerful partner
*Jeric's deck has become more powerful
*Chicken pizza was served
*Skilled Dark Magicians do the hard work
*I have a total of 35 tournament pack cards overall
*Bad notes
*Didn't win the tournament (no result)
*Time limits

      I know that you recognize me as Great Exodia, but I am now  So, if you would like to e-mail me for questions, deck upgrades, therapy or even if you are wanting to scream like a baby to me, there is my screen name.  

      Last thing that I must say is very important, so listen well.  Here it is: GOOD LUCK AND HAPPY DUELING:)  (Oh, and Happy Holidays!)
                                                From duelist to duelist,
                                                                        Robert Sanders