about 18 people
injection fairy lily
spirit reaper
exiled force
yata garasu
spear dragon
sinister serpent
breaker the magical warrior
vampire lord
witch of the black forest
fiber jar
tribe-infecting virus
gemini elf
d.d. warrior lady
archfeind soldier
creature swap
3xmst(mystical space typhoon)
monster reborn
graceful charity
pot of greed
swords of reaveling light
snatch steal
change of heart
nobleman of crossout
heavy storm
harpies feather duster
delinquent duo
the forceful sentry
premature burial
dark hole
imperial order
gravity bind
call of the haunted
ring of destruction
mirror force
I was sick during the turney but i still won.Yay.on to the turney
me vs. zaldey(i dont know how to spell his name)
He went first.He used confiscation.he got my rageki.He put a pyrimid turtle face down def. position.I summon gemini elf and the attacked his turtle.He got a vampire lord out.I quickly got rid of it using my d.d. warrior lady. I soon got him in a yata-lock bout 5 turns later.
He won the second match thx to a vampire lord.
3rd i won 2 yata-lock
me vs.Chris o.
I beat him first duel cause he forfited.
2nd mathc i lost cause he got me on yata-lock
3rd i won thx to jinzo and him top-decking.
Me vs. Zack h.(chris o's brother)
He beat me cause he got rid of my hand first turn
i Beat him thx to jinzo-yata lockdown
third time he beat me cause i forcefuled the wrong thing
Me vs.pj(fat boy)
he beat me bye getting rid of my monsters.
I beat him bye yata-lock
i dont know how i beat him after that.
me vs. nick p
i beat him 2-0 i also dont knoe how i did that
Me vs zaldey
i beat him thanks to me hand destruction
i beat him after a long match thatnks to yata lock
i got 3 holos out of 4 packs i think thats good
Email me at Tightsavage4ever@aol.com
ps i need 1st edition mirror force,jinzo,kuriboh,crossout,mst,regeki,swords,and change of heart