
Deck Name: Magicians Gambit

Duelist Name: Stephen Oré


D-Low Cyber Café
Puente Hills Mall
1600 Azusa Ave #233
City of Industry, CA 91748
(across from Kay Bee Toys)


People Participating: 8 or 9

First Place: 4 packs of any booster you want

Second Place: 2 Packs of any booster you want

Everyone got a TP4 Pack




Despair from the Dark





Spear Dragon x2



Gemini x2

Magical Scientist

Sinister Serpent

Skilled Dark Magicians x3

Witch of the black Forest

Fiber Jar

D.D. Warrior Lady

TI Virus

Exiled Force



Six Staples (Raigeki, Duster, PoG, Dark hole, Change of Heart, Monster reborn)

MST x3


Snatch Steal

Swords of R. L.

Heavy Storm



Mirage of Nightmare

Book of Moon





Waboku x3

Ring of Destruction

Call of the Haunted

Mirror Force





Ryu Senshi

Dark Flare Knight


Me and my Brother got there early. Not to long after that the judge showed up. I talked with the judge while people filtered in. Soon we had enough for a tourney. Then the Judge paired us up.


Round 1

Duel 1

Bigred Blues vs Gravity Bind Deck

This kid was running a Gravity bind Lava Golem Deck. He was able to kill my TIV with his sonic duck, and hit me fore 1000 for something else before I finished him off with a Skilled DM.


Duel 2

No need to Side Board. This time I got Jinzo, Call, and TIV my first hand. With a turn, Jinzo was on my Field doing his anti trap dealie. I was able to Atk Directly Twice with Jinzo before he was dark holed. I summed D.D. Lady in atk, and Prematured Jinzo for the Win.


Round 2

Bigred Blues Vs Bye

During this round, I simply helped people with their decks.


Round 3


Duel 1

Bigred Blues vs. Annoying Deck

This guy had only been playing a month. He was also running a Gravity Bind deck. He had an annoying card he was using to send cards back to my hand. But I was able to Raigeki it and Kill him off.


Duel 2

I got Jinzo and Graceful, and a TIV, Skilled, and Mirage. The duel was slow till he was hitting me with that Send back card. So, I used DD Lady on it. Then he hit me for 1800.

I summoned Tribe. Discarded Jinzo with TIV. Reborned Jinzo. And finished him.


My Brother had to face the Best in the store next. He was running a beatdown/Zorc Deck. He lost quickly. Bad draws. My brother got a Morphing jar in TP pack. Then I faced the best in the store.


Final Round

Bigred Blues vs. Store Best

First Duel, it was quick and I was able to beat him.

Second Duel, I was cut down by his Prenegators and was off’ed by lily.

Third Duel, Same speed as the 1st. He was able to get lily onto the field, but I was waiting. He didn’t want to atk me so it was my turn. I activated Waboku and atk’ed his lily with a snatch Stealed Footballer. He chose to let it die. I Set a Ring of D and ended. He had 4000 Lp left and I was at 5300. He passed again because of the mirage that he had set. He hadn’t pulled a MST yet so he was discarding his entire hand. I Reborned my Despair from the dark, and atk’ed him directly and then Ring’ed my Despair for the win.


I didn’t get anything useful in my packs. But for once, I got first. Yea me!



My brother coming and dueling

My brother gave me the morphing jar

Winning first



My Bro losing and getting 3rd.

Nothing in my packs


If you have any comments, hate mail, suggestions, or even questions, feel free to email me at: