Total Chaos Assault

Matt Loyd

Game Plan

Cheyenne, Wyoming

13 people participated

Prizes: 1st Place: 2 packs of any kind

2nd Place: 1 pack of any kind

Entry: $5 with free pack

My deck has no changes in general, and nothing really happened before the tournament. However, today was the last day of the season, so the pressure was on. Im in 2nd by about 20 pts. Anywho, heres my deck:

Monster Cards

Archfiend Soldier x1

Cyber Jar x1

D. D. Warrior Lady x1

Exiled Force x1

Gemini Elf x1

Jinzo x1

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x3

Magician of Faith x1

Marauding Captain x1

Reflect Bounder x1

Skilled Dark Magician x1

Spear Dragon x1

Summoned Skull x1

Tribe-Infecting Virus x1

Vampire Lord x1

Witch of the Black Forest x1

Magic Cards

Axe of Despair x1

Change of Heart x1

Dark Hole x1

Graceful Charity x1

Harpies Feather Duster x1

Mage Power x1

Monster Reborn x1

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Pot of Greed x1

Raigeki x1

Snatch Steal x1

Swords of Revealing Light x1

Tribute to the Doomed x1

United We Stand x1

Trap Cards

Ceasefire x1

Imperial Order x1

Ring of Destruction x1

Spell Shield Type-8 x3

As stated above nothing happened beforehand, but plenty during the tournament, so read on and enjoy.

1st Round: Me vs. Shane

The kid thats always swearing revenge on me but never gets it. He runs a Toon deck.

1st Duel: This went so fast I didnt need notes. His turn, he sets a mon. My turn, I play Raigeki then Captain and Gemini and give Captain Mage. Then I played Swords. I attacked and brought him to 3900. His turn, he sets a Cyber Jar that he got from his Raigekid Witch. I draw Tribute to the Doomed and it ended there.

2nd Duel: Same thing except I kept taking his mons via Snatch and Change. His turn, he sets a mon. My turn, I Change it, play Captain and Archfiend Soldier, flip the MoF, and attack. His turn, he puts it in DEF and sets another mon. My turn, I Change his f/d mon and Snatch Mof, flip his Masked Sorcerer, gave Captain Mage, and attacked for game.

This went quickly, so I bought a pop and browsed peoples cards until the next round.

2nd Round: Me vs. Anthony

This may very well have been the duel deciding who took first in the season. He was in first place and me in second. He ran a Fire deck today.

1st Duel: Not much here. Same old stuff. He set a mon, I destroyed it, played Captain and Gemini, gave Captain Mage, and attacked. He set another mon, I destroyed it and attacked for game.

2nd Duel: He won this one. I concentrated on the duel so much, I dont remember anything.

3rd Duel: Down to the wire. The winner would most likely win the season. This consisted of him playing Great Angus. I played Raigeki, Reborned Angus, played Reflect Bounder, gave Bounder Mage, set 4 M/T, then attacked for 6000. He played Dark Hole, Graceful Charity, revived his discarded Tyrant Dragon, removed something for Spirit of Flames, played Little Chimera, and attacked, leaving me at 1100. Ouch. However, it mattered not when I drew my next card. I set 1 M/T and a TIV. He goes, and I play Ceasefire. We have a big argument over Ceasefire and Tyrant Dragon. I win and move on.

I took the time remaining in the round to trade for an Amazoness Swordswoman, an Amazoness Tiger, and an Amazoness Fighter.

3rd Round: Me vs. Dana

Hes in third and is one of the few respectable people there. He runs an Archfiend deck.

1st Duel: I play Swords and Soldier. He somehow gets 5 Archfiends on the field during that turn. I go, and play TIV. Quite hilarious, since all of his mons were fiends. I then proceeded to make a n army over the next couple turns and take him down.

2nd Duel: This is one of those "Captain-1900 with Mage" duels, so its pointless to explain because of how many have already happened.

I used the rest of the time trying to trade some nOOb out of his Raigeki. Futile.

4th Round (Finals): Me vs. Gordon

This guy looks about 25. He runs an Earth deck.

1st Duel: He takes me out with 2-3 Bazoo attacks that went so fast I dont remember the play-by-play.

2nd Duel: I dont remember much of this either except that I won.

3rd Duel: I got owned by Cats Ear Tribe. Cant remember this either because I had to concentrate fully on the duels.

I got 2nd, which wasnt bad. My main concern was who got top rank for the season. Anyway, time for Props & Slops.


To me for getting second

To me for finally beating Anthony

To Ceasefire for helping me finally beat Anthony

To Dana for being respectable

To Dana for beating Josh

To Anthony for introducing me to the "Homie look" and the word "hata"

To getting sick new holo black sleeves for my deck

To getting an Amazoness Archers for my Amazoness deck afterwards at Lincolnway Pawn

To pulling an Infernalqueen Archfiend for my Archfiend deck in a pack I bought at Lincolnway

To me or Anthony, whoever wins the season, for obvious reasons


To me for losing

To the nOOb who wouldnt let me trade him for his Raigeki

To me for forgetting my coat at Game Plan

That wraps up this report and the season. Any e-mail should be sent to . I will answer questions, give advice, fix decks, or anything else you want me to. Oh, if you have AIM and like to duel online, please send me your screen name. Ill accept any challenge.