World of books San leandro, ca. January 25, 2004 Advance bracket 6 dollars to enter This is my first tournament report in more than six months because I haven't been playing lately since I have to take care my education first more than anything deck have changed a lot since my last report, but I still have a beatdown theme with a different monster types rather than the common warrior beatdown, or mixed beatdown decks. My deck: Monsters: magics: traps: Jinzo 3 mystical spaces imperial order 2 mechanicalchasers raigeki ring of d. 3 x head cannons dark hole magic cylinder tribe infecting virus pot o greed 2 wabokus breaker the magic warrior graceful charity call of the h. witch of the black forest snatch and steal mirror force sangan change of heart cyber jar monster reborn fiber jar premature burial exile force scapegoats 2 mystic tomatos swords of revealing light spirit reaper 3 limiter removals 2 reflect bounders heavy storm jarpie's feather duster it pretty much self explanatory to everybody the theme of my deck, so to cut the blabbering short, this is my beatdown machine deck. It is fast and very powerful, if you know how to use it. 1st match marcus (not k-force 1 marcus) vs froilan marcus is very talkative of a nine year old kid and he is very nice to converse with since he is also funny to talk to while we were dueling. The way that marcus and I were playing, it does not look like that we were playing in a tournament..marcus ran an old school beatdown deck with a couple of wall of illusions and giant soldier of stones. I haven't seen those monsters for ages in the tournaments lately except for some "fun" decks. This match with marcus was finished quickly because to make my explanation short, I attacked him with two machine monsters with two limiters attached to them, and it was game from there...I think it only took about three turns for both of my wins to finish him off...I didn't want to be too harsh to the little boy but I wanted to win since I've been excited to be back in world of books for more than four months, and I wanted to duel other people who I know and I don't know. 2nd match brian (yata lock) vs froilan this kid was very cocky at first glance, and also he seems to have a large amount of confidence on his deck...I don't know if he was cheating but it seems that he always have an ample amount of cards in his hand even after he used like three of them in every turn...anyways, this kid yata locked me in our first duel in three turns so he was talking to his friends how powerful and quick his deck was. Since he beat me in three turns, he didn't get a chance to see the contents of my deck so he was in for a bit of a surprise in the next two duels. Our second and third duel went pretty similar with my match with marcus. I beat him in three turns in each duel. I think that I was just lucky this time around since every time he goes first, he always sets a monster in defense mode with a card on the m/t zone. Also, with my first draws in the last two duels, I seem to have cyber jar on my hand. So as a good duelist do, especially one with a beatdown deck, I set cyber jar first, and one on my m/t zone, witch was a waboku. In brian's turn in both duels, he attacked my cyber jar, and I flipped waboku, so even him having monsters out, he cannot attack on his continued battle phase after the effect of cyber jar. With the same occurrence in our last two duels, during my turn after cyber jar's effect, I had two machine monsters on the field, raigeki on hand, two limiters, a space typhoon, and a harpie's. if you area good duelist, you should know what I did, and I hit him with my two machine monsters with two limiters, and that was it for him. This kid was shell shocked after what I did to him. He couldn't believe that I beat him with a single blow...I shook his hand, and I think I hurt his ego, and his confidence a little bit, but that how you learn kid, you win some you lose some, and take whatever you can from your mistakes and improve from there. 3rd match Justin (yata-magical scientist-weird deck) vs froilan I played Justin before the tournament started, well one of my friends played him using my deck, and he countered my deck pretty will so I’ve saw a tough duel ahead of me. He has many removals in his deck so that's my main concern. Our first duel also went quickly because I got yata locked again!!! What is up with yata and me today? Anyways, in our second duel, we went at it back and forth, and our life points were down pretty low. He had a vampire lord on the field with a reaper, and I had a witch face down, and a call of the haunted face down. He attacked my witch with vampire and ended his turn. I had on my hand a limiter, a snatch and steal, and a jinzo. I was somewhat hesitant to use my call of the haunted so I could sacrifice for jinzo since Justin had three cards face down on his m/t zone, and if I know how he played, since I've watched him, he always have a mystical space on one of those m/t slots. But I went for it anyway and I called witch, and I sacrificed it for jinzo. After all that work, I snatched his reaper, and attacked his v. lord with the jinzo with a limiter, and I took the second duel. The final duel ended quickly because I put cyber jar face down in my first turn, with a waboku face down. I also had jinzo, change of heart, a pot of greed, and a harpie's on my hand. After the effect of cyber jar and my chaining of waboku to its effect, I ended up with a tomato, a fiber jar, and a reflect bounder on the field. Justin ended up with two traps, two magics, and tomato from cyber's effect. He ended his turn with the tomato face down, and four cards on his m/t zone. On my turn, I sacked my fiber for jinzo, and changed of heart his tomato. Justin assumed that his will only take damage from two tomato, a reflect bounder, and a jinzo. He didn't look worried at all until I used my pot of greed and drew two limiters! I used the limiters and it was over from there. That was the quickest win I ever had as far as I can remember, two turns. 4th match nate (dunno what deck) vs froilan nate is a die hard yugioh fan. He had four decks in his bag, and he attends all the yugioh tournaments every weekend, and went as far as las vegas and south cali just to play. I admire him since he had all the cards in existence, and I want some of those cards for my collection. Anyways, here is our first duel. Damn that yata, I got locked again in the first duel in four turns. Next time I'll bring a rifle and shoot all the damn birds in world of books, or just poison them with pesticide (just kidding folks, don't rant on me regarding this comment). Our second duel was so funny, he could have me beaten in four turns because I was top decking, and he had a pyramid turtle, a reaper on defense, and a v. lord on his side of the field, and me putting one monster at a time while it was getting destroyed my the v. lord, plus my harpie's set down on the field. I keep telling nate to attack me with he had but he didn't since he was afraid of what I had face down. He put another monster in face down defense mode, and just keep destroying whatever monster I put face down with v. lord. I kept telling him to attack me so just to end the game because I needed to be at work in 30 min but he was so cautious. He told me that yesterday, he went for all he had got and he lost the game because of mirror force, and he didn't want to risk it this time around. That was his biggest mistake ever, and starting from there I gained momentum. I drew swords of r. l., and on the next three turns, I ended up with a jinzo, a witch, a reflect, and a pot of greed on my hand. He still had the same monsters on the field, and his life points was down to four hundred because he kept paying for his imperial earlier, and I attacked him for big losses before he got the field control. I summoned reflect on attack mode just for protection, and set waboku. He creature swap my reflect for his scientist witch he can't use since he only had 400 life points, and I chained waboku. He told me that in the next turn, he will kill me so he can avenge he loss to me 5 months earlier, damn man, good memory, I didn't even remember that. I just didn't say anything coz it was over for him anyway. I let my action speaks for me. I sacked that doped out looking scientist(I think this scientist have been taking some of his own products, if you know what I mean, damn e-tards) for my jinzo, and attacked his v. lord for exactly 400 life points. He was shocked that I won even with his field advantage. I just started laughing from there because when everybody asked me what I had face down, and when I showed the harpie's to them, you could just see the surprise on everybody's faces. It was funny how I scared nate with a harpie's face down, well, maybe it wasn't that funny to him. The last duel was all mine from the beginning, I had cyber jar again on the field with waboku. To cut it short, after cyber's effect, I beat nate in three turns with a jinzo and a reflect on the field with total field control with the help of exile and raigeki. I didn't even have to use my limiters in this match, and I won. 5th match (semi-finals) springfield's finest-dunno his name (yata lock again) vs froilan guess what happened on the first duel? I got yata locked again! Maderpaker!!!!!!!!! In this match, he owned me basically with his forceful sentry, delinquent duo, and dons. I lost this one with little struggle, but I beat this guy 5 months ago so we are even. Props: Serf when are you going to show up again? Sean, sign up for advance instead of intermediate!!!!!! For pulling a morphing jar tp4 two weeks ago, ha ha ha ha!!!! Damn man, I hate yata for locking me up for four straight games, watch out for my rifle yata, retribution will come thundering back from all my machines!!!! Email: