Official Upperdeck Sanctioned Tournament
Players: 25
Wizard's Tower
Ottawa, Ontario
by Justin Correia

[Crui53 C0ntr0l]

Monsters [ 15 ]
[+]Vampire Lord
[+]Breaker the Magical Warrior
[+]Tribe-Infecting Virus
[+]D. D. Warrior Lady
[+]D. D. Warrior Lady
[+]Don Zaloog
[+]Don Zaloog
[+]Mystic Tomato
[+]Mystic Tomato
[+]Witch of the Black Forest
[+]Fiber Jar
[+]Sinister Serpent

Spell [ 17 ]
[+]Dark Hole
[+]Pot of Greed
[+]Change of Heart
[+]Monster Reborn
[+]Heavy Storm
[+]Harpie's Feather Duster
[+]Mystical Space Typhoon
[+]Mystical Space Typhoon
[+]Mystical Space Typhoon
[+]Premature Burial
[+]Snatch Steal
[+]Nobleman of Crossout
[+]Delinquent Duo
[+]The Forceful Sentry
[+]Graceful Charity
[+]Painful Choice

Trap [ 8 ]
[+]Imperial Order
[+]Torrential Tribute
[+]Ring of Destruction
[+]Mirror Force
[+]Call of the Haunted
[+]Drop Off
[+]Drop Off
[+]Drop Off


Fusion Deck [ 4 ]

[+]Dark Flare Knight
[+]Dark Flare Knight
[+]Dark Flare Knight
[+]Dark Balter the Terrible

Side-Deck [ 15 ]
[+]Injection Fairy Lily
[+]Guardian Sphinx
[+]Spear Dragon
[+]Spear Dragon
[+]Skilled Dark Magician
[+]Exiled Force
[+]Electric Snake
[+]Magical Scientist
[+]Poison of the Old Man
[+]Poison of the Old Man
[+]Poison of the Old Man
[+]Mirage of Nightmare


I arrived at Wizard’s at around 12:30 with a load of traders. I was looking for another DDWL, and 2 more torrential tributes. Nobody was willing to trade anything. I had finally got a Vampire Lord the night before and was looking to pwn my opponents with him. There were no prizes in this tournament, only the entry pack and UDE Duelist King tournament points. Anyways, I signed up and here we go….


Round 1: Me V.S. No Sleeves Guy
-This guy was probably over twice my age and he didn’t play with deck sleeves! I didn’t expect much. During the first duel, I owned him with my drop offs. I beat him down with my Jinzo and V-Lord. Second duel, I had control until he summoned Relinquished :/ He took my Jinzo and I drew crap. I lost the duel. Third and final duel, I took it in like 4 turns, with an open field and 1 card in hand, I summoned the crow and he gave up and showed me the Labyrinth Wall in his hand.

Round 2: Me V.S. Pat
-Me and this guy were friends. He had promised me the night before that he would beat me in the second round and I would cry. He played a Spellcaster/Paladin deck. He has never once pulled paladin out successfully on me. Anyways, I took the first 2 way too fast. He didn’t even put up a fight. I just laughed and waved goodbye.

Round 3: Me V.S. Hannah
-I have played her before and had beaten her back in the days where I played my GAFs and 1800 atkers. Those were the days. Anyways, she played scientist and brought out the judge and ran over my v-lord :,( Still haven’t used his recursion effect. I finnaly drew some hand disruptors and took the duel from there. Second duel, I ran over her with jinzo and v-lord. She had contract with dark abyss in her hand the whole duel and couldn’t use it. She played way better than Pat.

Round 4: Me V.S. Bo Jessome (Penguin)
-He got a bye here. This is the dude in second, right behind me. If he won this round, he would take first. That’s how close the race is. He played exodia this week. I pwned his deck effortlessly. I kept imperialing his upstart. Haha! I’m going to win the season.

Finals: Me V.S. Andrew Hammel
-This guy also got a bye. I never get byes anymore. He beat me two weeks ago in the finals 2-1, but I beat him last week 2-0 and the semis. So, we started and I just beat him down with jinzo for a bit. Can’t remember too much. Second duel is also blurry, al I can remember is flipping fiber once or twice.


Well, that was my report.

-Beating Bo
-Munchos, for being the greatest chips ever.
-Beating Pat.
-Practically clinching 1st overall in the store.

-Getting crap in pack.
-No prizes.

If anyone wants to contact me, you can email me at