Barrel Dragon Blastage 1/31/04 Collectors Corner_Oakland_CA. 8 people unofficial 5$ 1st= 3 packs 2nd= 2 packs get past 1st round = 1 pack PLEASE have your e-mail subject name have something to do w/ pojo or yugioh or it will probably be deleted and my name is Barry AIM=lilaznspitshine thanks for posting my report!! Monsters 2x Barrel Dragons 1x Jinzo 2x Lesser Fiend 2x Cannon Soldier 1x Yata 1x Witch 1x Tribe Infecting Virus 2x DD Warrior Lady 1x Mystic Tomato 3x Nimble Momonga 1x Sinister Serpent Magic/Spell 1x Pot of Greed 1x Graceful Charity 1x Change of Heart 1x Monster Reborn 1x Harpies Feather Duster 1x Raigeki 2x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Premature Burial 1x Confiscation 1x Delinquent Duo 1x The Forceful Sentry 2x Limiter Removal 2x Reasoning Traps 1x Imperial Order 1x Call of the Haunted 1x Mirror Force 2x Torrential Tribute 2x Interdimensional Matter Transporter Well since finals for our school just ended, I was able to have a nice relaxing day at Collectors Corner, plus I have time to write this report. Alright, today looked like an interesting day . Nobody was there. usually the place is full of ppl. There were so few ppl that I actually had to play some1 magic instead of YUGIOH. A family came over to CC to see how they would do. I played their son a couple times. Then it was time 4 tournament. 1st Match (Kenji) we’ll I played kenji a couple times w/ my fun deck beforehand so I had a clear image of his deck, plus I’ve beaten him in the past. He gets a quick jump on me, two tremendous fires. me-6000 him-7000 he got out lava golem, but I attacked after typhooning his gravity bind. I don’t remember what else happened, but he killed me. 2nd Duel (Kenji) I beat him down quick w/ barrel, jinzo and nimble. me-8000-7200 him-8000-5400-3000-2000-0 3rd Duel (Kenji) Well this duel was a lot slower than the last. He attacked my nimbles and my sangan w/ his tomatoes. I suicided my second nimble to ensure that he couldn’t use that lava golem. I killed him w/ the rest of my little guys, like witch, cannon, tomato and tribe virus. 2nd Match (Tehman) now tehman was also running a burner. only its a bit different that kenji’s. tehman runs secret barrel and des koala, while kenji runs lava golem and mask of the accursed. slow and topdecking. I attacked him w/ serpent 4 times. all the pecking ended up paying off. he heavy stormed and I called jinzo. he gave me lava golem, tributing my serpent and newly called jinzo. I knew I won though b/c all he had was a messenger of peace and I happened to be saving a typhoon. 2nd Duel (Tehman) this was just a bad game. it was slow. in the end he gave me lava golem. I had mirage going, but couldn’t pull out an MST. he kept flipping his koalas whilst I had the 4 cards in my hand from mirage. it was just a downhill game. 3rd Duel (Tehman) he got a nasty 1600 koala hit on me, but jinzo and cannoned finished him after being attacked by tribe, tomato, and DD warrior lady. 3rd match (Betty) betty and I were gonna split, but then Jacob conveniently tells me that they happened to change the prize format, I was pissed but u can’t really blame them since they used to give out killer prizes. betty looked kinda distracted/tired. she ringed(rung) (SP) tomato. her ha des killed my jinzo, which I had called b4 a heavy storm. I dark holed the ha des and attacked w/ witch. I damaged her life, while I got life from my nimble. it just went downhill. I felt bad for beating her, I wish we could have split, it would have been so much easier. 2nd Duel Pretty much the same thing, she killed cannon soldier via ring. she got me down pretty low, 2200 but I still won. props -Jeremy being cool -getting a kycoo, a mirage knight and 2 Airknights -Jason giving me a great deal on a box -my fun deck for being really fun -getting to hang out w/ betty and M4A1 -getting a deck box as prize slops -changing the stupid prize format -Jeremy showing up late -ppl swearing to much shouts Jeremy- always being cool and helpful (too bad he doesn’t read pojo) Jason- -having a nasty, but funny sense of humor and giving a cool prize selection/ trade deals -being obsessed w/ “breakies” seriously though. I’d rather have the better prize format than the expensive plastic. Betty- cool friend only capable female duelist at CC. Jr.- collecting orcs and being funny David- collecting monkeys and being really stupid (snatch my jinzo, summon tribe and call machine) Batman- never gets mad and is a really good duelist too. other shouts Bandit Keith from K-Force Robin Paul (guy w/ the big muscles) sorry if I forgot to mention u... if u ever stop by collectors corner, i’m the kid who uses the barrel dragons. PLEASE have your e-mail subject name have something to do w/ pojo or yugioh or it will probably be deleted email me at my name is barry AIM me at lilaznspitshine