Deck-Chaos Control
Name-Neil Ballensky
Place-American inn-Kipling and I-70
Date-April 3 2004
Event-Regionals,Denver Colorado
Deck 40 cards
Monsters 17
Spells 14
Traps 9
2 Beginnings
1 Chaos Dragon
2 Spirit Reapers
2 Tomatoes
2 Shining Angels
Magician of Faith
Exiled Force
Skilled dark magician
7 Staples
2 Typhoons
Premature Burial
Heavy Storm
2 Torrentials
2 Wabokus
Imperial Order
Mirror Force
Magic Drain
Magic Cylinder
Ring of D
Ok,lots of traps to stop you dead....Jinzo? What about him,I run him too but when you bring him out Ive got my friend named Black Luster Soldier waiting to smack him so like the rock said..BRING IT!!
Nah messing around there but anyhoo,lecture then report(short and 2 the point because it WAS a looooong day...........)
Started off walking in and seeing gobs of people everywhere and started prodding peoples decks and such,seeing lots of familiar faces from where I dual,started off good as well.
Finally DUAL!
I went 6 and 2 or 7 and 2,forgot which one cause after the first dual I was in la-la land from staying up all night.......hehe
Dual 1 CC vs Newbie-didnt get to see his deck dude. (cool wrestling fan as well:)
2-0 No highlights Luster ruled!
Dual 2 CC vs Kid (forgot name)..Ok I cant say Kid cause he was a dam good dualist.I went 2-1 cause he busted V-lord on me and preceded to whoop me with him in all duals,but if it wasnt for Luster Soldier and his pet Chaos Dragon,V-lord would of beat me but I couldnt let that happen right?
Some Highlights included him arguing for about 10 minutes with the judge about time and such as well a sChaos Dragon arriving late to the party just to wreck everything he worked up to get.Nice Kid,touchy attitude...
Dual 3 CC vs Mike Wong,Gravekeeper Expert to the highest power.Ok first off I give Mike the credit for making my son and me believers in the Gravekeepers decks when I thought they stood no chance,so when I dualled him I thought he might be running the Gravekeepers and sure nuff he was.So here I am facing a somewhat rival from another store who beat ME and MY son in the same tourny with the gravekeepers and speaking of Gravekeepers I knew of about 10 GK's decks and they all did well..Anyhoo.I went 2-0 against him with both wins via who else--Luster Soldier!No Gravekeeper today was going to bring it down not even with Necrovally!!
Yay food time-Burger King Here we come!!!
Round 4! CC vs Matt Ullibarry Final 8 player.Ok nice, now It gets tougher for which I went 1 and 2 against this fellow VALHALLAS player,My first loss of the day in a dual but it was cool,Highlights I guess were,Matt drawing monster reborn to pick up jinzo for 2 turns kinda hurt(I was at 4800 life and he was sitting at1100-boo Jinzo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)that was third dual win....... :( :( :(
Round 5-CC vs Dude with Another GK deck-I go 2-1 with a reborned Luster from my opponent for one loss...Good dualist!!
Round 6-CC vs Curtis-Another Valhallas reg this time I turned in a flawless victory because I dont think he touched my life points both duals,who else but Luster Soldier to whomp!!
Round 7-CC vs Nick-ANOTHER Valhallas reg but this time tougher,2nd ranked in store(did I mention its TOUGH playing @ Valhallas) and Also,Judges son but thats cool,I went 1-2 against the grain on this one cause he was steamrolling through the tourny and I gave it all I could but  mistakingly left a Torrential in hand when I should of set it costed a match but I learned my lesson and it hurt.........
Round 8-CC vs wierd out of play deck with Mad Scientist and such-I went 2-1 against a VERY hard and well thought out deck with Metamorphisis and everything,I give this guy credit for how quick I got LUSTER and LUSTER out just to have him Mirror Force-BOTH of the home wreckers and proceed to win that match but hey its regionals right ????????? I gotta attack with both out there!!!!!!!!!!!
Final 8 time I got in YAY! Lost in first round though to my sons Homie Jose,Who won a previous 1000 dollar tourny so I knew I was in for it.
Anyways My son NEIL did not accompany me this day because of  prior commitments,so I really dedicate this day to him for telling me prior to the tourny that I would get to the final 8 (and I did) maybe next time he should tell me to win it all,eh??
Anyways,as it turned out 5 of the 8 maybe 6,of the 8 finalists were Valhallas players(did I mention its tough playing there!!!!!!) and Valhallas over all, posted the best score and also won the tourny with ERIC being the winner and my sons Homie Jose getting the invite to go to finals and such..
              Matt Ullibarry-Valhallas
              Jose Hernandez-Valhallas
              Eric ?-Valhallas
              Ace-Dont know nothing here
              Some other dude-Same thing know nothing here..
Ok,with all due respect to all dualists,I knew it was going to be a Valhallas ruled Tourny,so what happened to past Regional Champs,Store Champs and State Champs who attended they all got their BUTT handed to them by the VALHALLAS players thats what?????????????????????????????????????????????????????????(did I mention its tough playing there!!)
If it wasnt so tough playing at Valhallas the state champ and probally regional champ would DEFINATELY come from there,but anyways prop and slop time....\
PROPS!!! Me getting far,My sons Entourage sticking with me (you all know who you were),,Jose for coming down the house late night and tweeking our decks,Theresa-Head Judge for good rulings and a smart head on her shoulders,Burger King for the boost of energy,and Old Bob for being the judge that he is-fair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(and also Reflect Bounder from Bob;)
SLOPS!!!! My son for being gone but next time it will be him going the distance.LOOOng tourny,bad pulls in my IOC packs,a match loss to start the final 8,and Henry,Dang,Ryan,David and Andrew Salazar where were you guys????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
Hit me  ......................Lates........................