Hey this is my first tournament report so sorry if its a little messy
deck name: Mario's Yata-Beatdown
Place/Date:Daves and Alex's Card shop Mcallen Tx.
Entery fee:None
Prizes: first-3 packs
           Second-2 packs
           Third-1 pack

Here's My deck
Tribute monsters(x1)
x1 Yata-Garasu
x1Injection Fairy Lily
x2Spear Dragon
x1Don Zaloog
x1Exiled Force
x1Tribe infecting Virus
x1Mystic Tomato
x1Fiber Jar
x1Goblin Attack Force
x1Magician of Faith
x1Witch of the Black Forest
x1Cyber jar
x1The Forceful Sentry
x1Delinquent Duo
x1Premature Burial
x1Heavy Storm
x1Monster Reborn
x1Pot of Greed
x1Dark Hole
x2Mystical Space Typhoon
x1Nobleman of Crossout
x1Snatch Steal
x1Swords of Revealing Light
x1Harpie's Feather Duster
x1Change of Heart
x1Graceful Charity
x3Drop off
x1Judgement of Anubis
x1 Call of the Haunted
x1Magic Cylinder
x1Mirror Force
x1Imperial Order
x1Torrential Tribute
So heres my deck not the best in the world but it works for me.
We got there kinda early so i did some trading. I got a few cards but nothing worth putting in my deck.
Finally they told us to stop trading and get in line to pick numbers. I cant remember what number i got but i ended up dueling my friend Josh in the first round.
Duel 1(Mario vs. Josh)
This guy is pretty much a noob with pretty good cards.
So anyway i let him go first he put 1 card in face down defense and the rest of his hand face down and ended.
I drew and used Pot of Greed and got just what i needed i Noblemaned his facedown card and Harpies the field I play Yata and thats game. 1 Turn Yata-Lock.The second duel was pretty much the same just a little longer.

Duel2(Mario vs. Some guy) (sorry I forgot your name)
I remember beating this guy a few weeks before he used to run a gravekeeper deck.
Im not sure what he was running now though. He ended up going first im not sure what happend this duel but he won. My memory is still fuzzy but in the second round i Yata-Locked him late in the duel. The third match was very interesting although i cant remember most of it he Torrential Tributed my Yata and Noblemaned my Fiber and ended up Raping me with his Summoned Skull. I had to give him credit on that one.
Well I lost the Tournament now for my Slops/Props
Losing the Tournament
For my friend who got his deck stolen
and for my Yata being Torrentialed
For my mom driving me to the tournament
For later Packing a Berserk Gorilla
And...Thats it

if you have any comments or suggestions about my deck feel free to e-mail me at