Army of the Demon Queen

Michael Beaton

Faceoff Sportscards

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

March 27th 2004

# of Participants: 14 (give or take)

Entrance Fee: $6


Hello, Duelists! This is my first report for Pojo, so bear with me please…we’ll start with my deck:

Monsters - 17

Dark Necrofear

Summoned Skull

Lesser fiend

Giant Orc x3

La Jinn the Mystical Genie of the Lamp x2

Mystic Tomato x2

Witch of the Black Forest


Mask of Darkness x2

Kuriboh x2

Magical Scientist

Spell/Magic - 16

Monster Reborn

Premature Burial

Dark Hole

Nobleman of Crossout x2

Offerings to the Doomed x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Giant Trunade

Pot of Greed

Graceful Charity

Mirage of Nightmare

Change of Heart

Emergency Provisions

Traps - 7

Imperial Order

Torrential Tribute

Waboku x3

Magic Jammer

Seven Tools of the Bandit



The Tournament

Me and two of my dueling friends, (names have been altered to protect me from their lawyers…^.^) KC and B…yea just B.

So anyway, we got their sometime after 10:00 am, we all signed in. (I was sooo nervous…)

Then I went and bought some cool looking shiny black card protectors and an Invasion of Chaos Box thingy (with the three packs and a variant card). KC got a Lava Golem as his variant, and I got…Ring of Destruction (Oh yea!)

So anyway, the tournament was about to begin…(oh yeah, I didn’t open the packs until later…)

Round 1

The Queens Army (Me!) Vs. Jamie/Life Drainer (I think that’s what his name was…)

I don’t remember much (I forgot to bring a pad of Paper…oy) except that he played high defence monsters and played a Curse of Darkness (which I kept forgetting was on the field…). Somewhere in there I took control of his Giant Koala and he stopped it with Mask of the Accursed. In the end I had 200 LP, but oddly enough I beat him.

In the second duel, the only damage I took was by attacking Soul Tiger with a Mystic Tomato (700 LP), the rest I killed with Lesser Fiend, Summoned Skull and Giant Orcs.


So, after I went to see how everyone else was doing, B was defeated (in less than six minutes, apparently…) and BC was still dueling (the guy he traded his Injection Fairy Lily to for Different Dimension Dragon, Helpomer and something else…). He lost because of the Guy’s Ceasefire, and his constant use of Masks of Darkness and Penguin Soldier.


Round 2

Queens Army Vs. “Johnson” (Not his real name (I don’t remember it), but he acted like him!)

This went rather terribly…for the duel all I kept getting was a bunch of Magic cards, Wabokus and Kuribohs…so the first duel I lost right badly…and he guessed I was trying to work up to Dark Necrofear with all the Kuribohs I kept discarding…

Not much different in the second duel either, lots of Magic and my cute little Kuriboh were all I got again…I did manage to kill his insane line up of monsters (He had a Spear Dragon, and three other monsters on the field) with a Dark Hole, but he revived his Spear Dragon with Call of the Haunted…and then I was through…


So, I got my consolation prize: any one pack you want - a Dark Crisis Booster. Then, my parents wanted to leave badly, so I didn’t get to see who won…but we all went to Mcdonalds, in the words of KC: “That’s some good gerbil!”

So, Props and Slops!


-Cool first tournament, although I now have a vendetta against “Johnson”!

-Pulling a Ring of Destruction, and some cards I need for my Chaos Deck (Chaos Sorcerer & Freed the Brave Wanderer!!!) Suh-weeeeeeeeeeeeet!

-”Johnson”, my friends and some people there didn’t like him…I don’t know why, he was a cool and interesting opponent…

-Making it to the 2nd round!



-Everybody, losing…

-”Johnson’s” Spear Dragon & Call of the Haunted

-Not putting Ring of D. in my deck…

- and the poor gerbil’s that made those burgers we ate…


Well, you can contact me via E-Mail at for all comments, suggestions, flames (if your like that…) etc.