The Return of Code Red Overheat V. 1.2 (C.R.O.)

Ben Goodman

Sat. Aug. 23rd , 2003

Vintage Stock (68th mem)

10:30 AM Central time

Tulsa, OK


1st 5 Packs of whatever

2nd 3 Packs of whatever

No. of people: 20ish

Weeks ago, I thought of a cool name for my Deck, Code Red Overheat(or C.R.O.) but I felt that It didn't sound too good because my deck has nothing to do with a crow(cro)... But, now things are different. I finally got the elusive Yata Garusu into my deck, and this bird is a crow, so, C.R.O. fits my deck.


Deck( 18-18-7 = 43 total):

-Airnight Parshath


-Feind Megacyber (Doesn't really count as a tribute..)

=3 tributes


-Gemini Elf x3



-Fiber Jar

- Spear Dragon x3

-Injection Fairy Lily

- Witch

-Marauding Captain

- Nimble Momonga x3

-Don Zaloog

16 regular monsters

+2 tributes



- Dark Hole

- Raigeki

- Snatch Steal

- Pot of Greed

- Change of Heart

- Charity

- Swords

- MST x3

- Mirage of Nightmare

- Duster (HFD)

- Reborn

- Crossout

- Heavy Storm

-Premature Burial

-Delinquent Duo




- Call of the Haunted

- Imperial Order

- Mirror Force

- T. Tribute

- Waboku x3



We got there a little late, and noticed, noone that there was a skilled duelist... All n00bs... I sat down after I signed up and a n00b came up to me(he comes like every other week) and asked me if I wanted to duel, I didn't want to, but, this guy sitting next to me thought I had bad cards and stuff, so, I decided to show him my stuff.

So, I started dueling the kid, I set MST f/d and Gemini in atk mode. The kid drew and said "Oh yeah, I rule!" I tried to keep a straight face, I'm still cracking up about that..

Anyway, his big move was a f/d monster, then ends his turn.

He was clearly not an expert duelist because anyone knows nowadays that one attack can kill you even if you are at 8000 with cards like Lily, United We Stand and such..

If you don't have a trap, bluff.. Put a magic down.

Anyway, my turn I crossed out, Troop Dragon.

He thought he could get more, but, I told him he couldn't because it didn't go to the graveyard, it went straight out of play.

He didn't beileve me of course, but, he only had one in his deck (!?!) so it didn't matter.

After that, he couldn't draw anything so I killed him, bad.

I dueled him again and just killed him, lily, Gemini, and Airnight ruled the feild.

After those duels(which took about 5 mins combined...)I noticed that Sammy and Travis had gotten there.

I dueled Sammy(The Unstoppable Sammy) and I won.(We played match play, 2 out of 3)

I traded him my Hades for Megacyber, Great something(ultra from PGD) and another Fairy Meteor Crush.(That makes two, once I get a third, I can make my Meteor Mash deck, stay tuned for that)

They called the pairings, and I found out that Cole(My brother), Travis, and I were in the same bracket. And Cole had to duel Travis..

Which sucks because we have this deal where if one of us wins, we give the others 1 pack.

I had to duel this guy named Alex I think..

C.R.O. vs Alex? with a starter deck or something.

I found out that he had a Joey and Kaiba deck combined, so, can you guess who won?

I started with a excellent hand, I thought "Poor kid, I have to slaughter him.."

He asked me if he could play traps straight from his hand, I answered "no" and he beleived me.(That's a shock!)

He set 3 cards and a f/u 1700 defense tribute monster.... I explaned it to him and he understood.

I liked him better than most newbies because he knew I knew the rules, and, he didn't go "Oh yeah" or " I rule" or anything..

I was thumping him with Spears and Geminis, then he plays Dragon Capture Jar, which switch my spear to def, which surprised me because I didn't expect it..

Anyway, I won this one with ease..

Winner: Me

So, now I'm going up against either Travis or Cole, which either one could defeat me.

They were doing match play, Travis won the first, and Cole won the last two.

So, now I'm up against Cole..

C.R.O. vs Cole with Beatdown/Warrior thingy, works pretty well..

1)We decided to do match play since it is safer in a way..

I won the first one pretty fast with Yata hitting the feild while Cole had no hand or cards on the feild.

My first "official" yata lock! Yay.

Winner: Me by Yata

2) I had no monsters in my hand, plenty of monster removal, but, that wasn't going to help much.. I finally did get some monsters, but, it was too late. He had Jinzo and Lily on the feild, while I kept drawing Spear dragons...

Winner: Cole

3) This was for all the marbles, for the duel, and who goes up against Chris then the finals.

I again drew a bad hand, I was doing good, but, I got Yata out to early and left my self with a empty feild.. Again, he has Jinzo and Lily on the feild, but this time I keep drawing Kycoo and Geminis....

Winner: Cole

Samething happened with me that happend with Travis, if we hadn't done match play, we would have won...

After that, I trade a little kid for his Barrel Behind the Door, but, his "big" brother(who was 9 or something like that) got in between and was making sure I didn't rip him off, which was very annoying, but, in the end, I trade Azura P. for his BBtD..

Anyway, Cole goes up agianst Chris, they do match play, Chris wins the first one, and Cole wins the 2nd.

Uhoh, is it going to happen again? ..................................................... Nope, Cole gets Yata locked, that would have been freaky if he had did it again..

I may have only made it to the second round, but, I had enough practice duels to fill me up..



..................Props and Slops Time!!



Getting my third Gemini today.

Magician's Force isn't very far away

My b-day is Sept. 7th, not very long!



Only Making it to the 2nd round..


Not being able to think of any Props or slops. :/


