Tommy T's Bait of Fiends Deck (Trap/ Fiend w/ Beatdown)
Thomas Tremberger
Madison Square Garden
New York City

I played in three "tournaments" where you won a pack after 3 wins.
1 duel each

First off, the Bait of Fiends Deck:
Tribute Monsters - 6:
Beast of Talwar - 1
Summoned Skull - 1
Marie the Fallen One - 3
Dark Necrofear - 1 (not really a tribute, but you get the idea)
Masked Beast - 1

Non-Tribute Monster - 19:

Mask of Darkness - 2
Magician of Faith - 2
Kuriboh - 1
Newdoria - 1
Opticlops - 1
Asura Priest - 1
Cyber Jar - 1
Skull Knight #2 - 2

Spear Cretin - 3
Sinister Serpeant - 1
Sangan - 1
Witch of the Black Forest - 1
Nimble Momonga - 2

Magic Cards - 11:
Upstart Goblin - 1
Rain of Mercy - 2
Delinquent Duo - 1
Megamorph - 1
Painful Choice - 1
Curse of the Masked Beast - 1

Change of Heart -1
Monster Reborn -1
Mystical Space Typhoon -1
Graceful Charity - 1

Trap Cards - 13:
Bottomless Trap Hole - 1
Magic Jammer - 1
Mask of Restrict - 1
Horn of Heaven - 1
Torrential Tribute - 1
Mirror Wall - 1
Ring of Destruction - 1
Skull Lair - 1
Eye of Truth - 1
Seven Tools of the Bandit - 1
Bad Reaction to Simochi - 2
Drop Off - 1
Ultimate Offering - 1

Total Number of Cards: 50
Wow! I never thought i'd get much response from my first tourney. Many duelists are asking for the sequel of my msg tournament. So I put a special section to thank all those duelists who helped out and be reminded, this is an old deck, but you can e-mail me any advice. So back by popular demand, here is the second three match tourney I was in.

Duel 1: Me v.s. Alex (a fellow fiend deck)
Ths was the battle of the Necrofears. I start out with two Maries, Mirror Wall, Spear Cretin, Change of Heart & Drop Off. I set Drop Off & Mirror Wall and set the Spear Cretin. He draws, bam!, I get his, oh please, yes,  NECROFEAR. Alright, now we're talking. He sets two magic/trap cards and sets a Winged Minion. I draw Graceful Charity, get Beast of Talwar, Ring of Destruction & Mystical Space Typhoon and throw the Maries. I activate the Typhoon and destroy his Solemn Judgement. Then i flip Spear Cretin & bring back a Marie after I tribute for Talwar and Change of Heart the Minion, tribute it to power up Skull and attack. I set Ring of Destruction to end my turn. He uses Premature Burial, gets back his Minion and tributes it for Skull and equips it with a Megamorph I use Ring to destroy the Skull for the win.
Final: Me 2300  Alex 0

Duel 2: Me v.s. Mike (Maha Vailo/ Equip Card Beatdown)
Met this guy when I first came in and i tried to trade for his Axe of Despair. He said no, to my disappointment. Well he goes first, sets one card facedown, ends his turn. I have a Mask of Restrict, Cyber Jar, Asura Priest, Eye of Truth, Nimble Momanga & I draw Skull Knight. I set Cyber Jar and the Mask. He flips the Harpies Bro and summons a Gemini Elf (god there are a lot of them). He attacks and Cyber Jar activates. He gets 2 Maha Vailos, an Axe, an Asura Priest & Exchange. I get Spear Cretin, Mirror Wall, Sangan, Witch & Opticlops. He doesn't attack. I draw Ring of Destruction and set it then set Momanga. He goes uses 2 Axes on his Maha Vailo & I activate Ring of Destruction. He flips Asura & attacks all the monsters, I grab Kuriboh & Summoned Skull. I smack him around till his life points reach zero.
Finals: Me 6000  Mike  0

Duel 3: Me v.s. Eric (Direct Damage/ Speed Exodia Deck)
All right folks, time for your hero to loose one. I start off with a Masked Beast, Mirror Wall, Magic Jammer, Mask of Restrict, Skull Knight #2 & Delinquent Duo. I set Skull Knight, Magic Jammer & Mask of Restrict. He summons a Jinzo #7, equips it with Mage Power, I toss Masked Beast to stop Mage Power w/ Magic Jammer, and sets four cards facedown. He attacks directly with Jinzo# 7. I go and draw Marie the Fallen One, and uses Delinquent Duo and take out Backup Soldiers & he chucks a Rainbow Flower. Then i tribute Skull Kight for Marie in attack mode & special summon Skull Knight in attack and activates 2 Jars of Greed. I attack w/ Marie & end my turn. He draws and uses Pot of Greed. He summons Dark Tomato, equips it with an Axe and Fiery Meteor Crush and destroys my Skull Knight. I go and draw a Graceful Charity and actiate it, he uses Appropriate, draws two card and reveals his deck's little secret EXODIA THE FORBIDDEN ONE! Damn you Exodia.

To some great duels
To my responses from my last report
To NYC, and MSG
To the final MSG tourney, coming soon.

Thats it

Thank You Section:
This is a new part of my report where I thank people who responded, and you can too.
E-Mail me at
Thanks to:
NinjaBlader007 - e-mail if anyone who can help him build a fiend deck (i think) - needs advice on his warrior/hand destruction deck