Jinzo the Beast of Skulls Lockdown

Michael N. (Gravekeeper’s Assailant)

Michael’s Comics and Cards

Oxnard, California

September 14, 2003

Entry Fee: 6 dollars-Get a Magic Ruler Pack

1st Prize: Cursed of The Masked Beast, The Masked Beast, Summoned Skull (Foil MRD), Beast of Talwar, Lava Golem, Hot Pack (Pack that consists of 12 cards that the owner made of the store made), Metal Raiders Pack.

2nd Prize: Tyrant Dragon, Twin Headed Behemoth, Fiend Skull Dragon, Red Eyes Black Dragon (LOB), Magic Ruler Pack.

3rd Prize: I totally forgot what 3rd prize was ::Blinks:: Sorry.

4th Prize: Backup Soldier, Mystical Elf, Fire Princess, Hot Pack and a Booster pack (forgot which one).

Sup People! This is my 10th or something like that, time at Michael’s tournament. No I am not the storeowner, though the owner and me are good friends. Out of my 6 tourneys I have only won one tourney before at his store, that was the Gate Guardian Pieces and Gate Guardian itself. O_o; w00t. I was hoping that I would win this tournament. Before the Tournament I got rid of my Pokemon cards for good! And I got: Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer, Metal Dragon, Flying Kamakiri#1, Gravekeeper’s Watcher, Great Moth, Wandering Mummy, Magic Reflector, Pyramid Turtle, Shadow Ghoul, Second Coin Toss, Jowls of Dark Demise, Princess of Tsurugi(MRD), Royal Oppression, Witch of the Black forest(a Better condition one than my old one), Elegant Egotist, Winder Sage Falcos. The cards I got in my Magic Ruler Pack were: Tailor of The Fickle, Karate Man, Flash Assailant, Jigen Bakudan, Minar, Peacock, Final Destiny, Hungry Burger, Queen Bird. And there were bunch more of cards I got today for free, trying to collect every set so that’s why I got a bunch of rare cards and stuff. Well onto my deck!

Jinzo the Beast of Skulls Lockdown

Monsters: 17


Gemini Elf

Spear Dragon-2

Don Zaloog-2

Witch of the Black Forest

Exiled Force


Fiber Jar

Spirit Reaper


Cannon Soldier

Injection Fairy Lily


Sinister Serpent

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Magic Cards: 17

6-Staples(ask me if you don’t know.)

Mystical Space Typhoon-3

The Forceful Sentry

Delinquent Duo

Heavy Storm

Graceful Charity

Premature Burial


Painful Choice

Snatch Steal

Trap Cards: 6

Torrential Tribute-2

Mirror Force

Imperial Order

Ring of Destruction

Call of the Haunted

Side Deck:15

Don Zaloog

Spirit Reaper

Mystic Tomato-2

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Banisher of the Light

Bazoo the Soul Eater

White Magical Hat

Magician of Faith

Mirage of Nightmare

Nobleman of Crossout-2

Swords of Revealing Light


Magic Drain

Before the Tournament: Like I said I traded away my Pokemon cards. Traded away Barrel Behind the Door for Sorcerer Black Sleeves since my Gold ones were getting dirty and stuff. I dueled my friend Bobby and got whooped, I was using difference cards just to test them…not so good on my half. Then I dueled this little Vietnamese boy Haha you know who you were…he beat me then counted his cards and said oops I have 36 cards so I didn’t count that duel. I redid my deck like the way you see it above and beat the Vietnamese boy badly. Oh and I’m Vietnamese to so yah…Azn power! Lol.

The Tournament: I Forgot to count the people who had entered…there was like 5 rounds so I think 25 people entered or 26….27..o_O; I don’t know.

1st Round: The Gravekeeper’s Assailant V.S. Brent

1st Match: TGA (Me) LP: 8000>>6000>>(Confiscation and Delinquent)

Brent: 8000>>6400>>5000>>3400>>1700>>1700>>0(Yata Lock Well Kinda…)

Okay now he was like a beginner but some pretty okay cards. I had my headphones on and was listening to Evanescence and waiting for his mother, his sister and himself to finish putting his cards in casings. After they had finished his mom told me this is Brent’s first time so go easy on him. So I said sure…Yeah right…>.>. We cut each other’s deck and I went first, I had the sweetest hand even thought I couldn’t remember the hand but it was cool. So I felt sorry that I had to go easy on him but didn’t want to. I started off with pot of greed then followed by Delinquent Duo and Confiscation on first turn. Set down my Zaloog and 2 m/t (Torrential and MST). Brent’s move he sets down a Mt I use MST to destroy his set trap hole. He sets a Mon and ends. I draw and get monster reborn. Flip over Don Zaloog use Torrential destroyed his meb. Reborned Zaloog and summoned yata attacks 1600 and he had only 1 card in his hand and he couldn’t do anything. His Mother’s words were still in my head so this turn I just attacked with The Don. Now he has no hand he draws and can’t do anything. I summoned out Yata and attacked 1600 again He can’t do anything. I draw and Summoned out Kuriboh and attacked 1700. I just attacked him again with The Don and Kuriboh for game. Second time I killed someone with a Kuriboh.

2nd Match

TGA: 8000>>9000>>8900>>

Brent: 8000>>3500>>3300>>2100(Yata Lock)

He started off. The card shop owner came and watched our duel and I said he can help if he wants to. Brent set a Mt and a Mon. I drew and MST his set Trap Hole. Then Painful Choiced my Jinzo, Injection, Delinquent, Confiscation, Forceful. He Chosed Forceful and I forgot what I forcefuled I think a Harpies Bro...or shallow grave. Set a m/t and Summoned Don Zaloog attacked his set meb…that wasn’t nice. He Summoned out Hysteric and tried to attack but I CoTH my Jinzo. So He didn’t attack. I draw and smirked snatch stealed hysteric Summoned Kirby and attacked him for 4500. Then Launched the Hysteric and Kirby to gain 1000 LP to myself.. Then he killed off my Jinzo, which wasn’t nice… He summoned opticlops then Rushed it to 2500 and killed off Jinzo. Then I summoned out Yata, Raigeki and 200 to him. I saw from Forceful that he only had a Dark Magician and BEWD in his hand. Then I drew, Summoned Spear Dragon then Reborned Jinzo and attacked for game.

TGA 2-0

2nd round. TGA VS Erick

1st Match

TGA: 8000>>7200>>

Erick: 8000>>7000>>3800>>2300>>800>>0

I’ve Dueled Erick Before. Even thought he’s like a High School Graduate we’re good friends. I forgot the first parts but he got cyber jar out quick, Don Zaloog attacked it by the way. He only drew Exiled and Bazoo which were both in defense I had Spear and Witch, witch attacked exiled and spear to Bazoo. 2nd turn he dark holed summoned out Banisher and attacks with a united we stand on Banisher. My Turn I draw and painfuled and the same cards from Brent and he chose sinister so I Reborned Jinzo, change of heart his Banisher and set a Mon…I know this is wrong I had like strong monsters on the field and he did something…but oh well… I attacked for 3200 his next turn he kinda laughed and used Raigeki and all my mons were removed. He attacked but I used CoTH on my Zaloog. My Turn I snatched the Banisher attacked 1500. He sets down a Mt and ends. I just attacked with the same mons removing the top 2 out of play from his deck. I was so happy he set down another Mt and I just killed him off. His 2 sets were Magic Jammer and Seven Tools.

2nd match.


Erick: 8000>>6600>>5600>>5500>>4200>>4000(Yata Lock)

2nd Match: AH I couldn’t remember this duel I only put the LP on the page x.x. I remember he tried to attack with a united goblin but I Kuriboh then I tried to ring his goblin but he tools it. Ah I remember! He got out cyber jar quick, I got spear and witch again I tried to ring zombyra but he tools it after I cleared his field and took 1400 off of him with cannon soldier. The 300 I don’t know how I lost that…I know he attacked my witch with Zombyra. And Then He tried to attack with Goblins after I suicide with Spear, I Kuriboh the goblin. And after that It was all blurry I just got him in a Yata lock.

TGA: 4-0

3rd round: TGA VS Bobby

TGA: 8000>>7300>>6600

Bobby: 8000>>7300>>3900>>2100>>300>>0

1st Match: Whoa I was like WHAT THE!? I had to duel Bobby. I didn’t want to duel him because I thought I was going to lose. I flat out said I was going to lose. We both shook and started the Duel. He went first by setting witch and a FD Mt. I summoned spear and attacked witch. He got Fiber I think. He sets down fiber and ends. I draw and painful choice he takes sinister to my hand. I sac Spear for Jinzo then Raigeki his fiber. Attack 2400. He then summons exiled to kill off Jinzo. I summoned out Kycoo and 1800 to him. He then MST my set Mt but I imperial. I pay for imperial and attack his set Mon he set last turn injection gone. He draws and sets another Mon. I pay again and summon out Gemini. Gemini attacks his set sinister and I attack his LP with Kycoo. He folds his hand and Match 1 is over.

2nd Match:

Final Score: TGA: 5700-400

After this match I really didn’t take that much notes just wrote down the LP. Didn’t remember this match at all. He attacked 2300 with his goblin and after that I just killed him with my Gemini and Spear Dragons.


Semi Finals: TGA Vs Angel(His Real Name)

How did He get in the semis…He seemed easy. Bobby deserved to be in the semis but too bad I killed him off…Heh.

1st Match: TGA: 200 Angel:0 (Yata Lock)

2nd Match: TGA:3800 Angel: Yata Lock

Like I said I really didn’t keep notes after I beat Bobby in the first match. I just remembered in the first round he got me down to 200 by his yata but I just summoned out and ripped through his hand and locked him. Same thing at second round but much quicker I locked him again!

TGA: 8-0

Finals: TGA Vs Santana

TGA: 8000>>

Santana: 8000>>4500>>Y Lock

Whoa my like 300th Yata lock today! Lol I got a great draw and just beat him down with my Yata and Don Zaloogs.

2nd Match:


Santana: 8000>>100

Really didn’t keep notes just that he pwned me with Yata, Injection, and Gemini when I had a set sinister. Couldn’t do anything and my first loss too.

3rd Match:

TGA: 8000>>4300

Santana: 8000>>0

Whoa Even in the finals I didn’t keep notes…I just killed him off with injection…oh yeah…I WON!! …w00t! I got my second Beast of Talwar I love DAT card. Lol

TGA: 10-1

After The Tourney: I shook hands with Santana and my Bro bought me 3 LON packs and I got diddly squat in my MRD pack I got a milus radiant w00t! in my hot pack I got Goddess of the Whim and witch’s apprentice. It was a great Tourney altogether.


To my brother for taking my to the tourney, Couldn’t have been there without you taking me there!

For everyone besides Brent for giving me a great challenge and having fun instead of shaking.

Evanescence for making a great CD…Amy Lee call me…^-^

Hot Cheetoes and Sprite for being great junk snacks!

For Michael’s Comic and cards for hosting great tourneys.

For Getting all the cards I need to build up sets.


For People Who steal cards and are stealing one right now.

For the People who went to the world tournament and didn’t take me.


To Contact me My E-mail Address is: ssxxvegeta4e@yahoo.com or MichaelAnonymousHaven@yahoo.com

My Aim is: SeraphAngelRuler I don’t YVD duel so Don’t ask me. I online duel, my Aim chat isn’t working so instage message is the only way.