“The Dark Circus”

Tournament Report by Creon316

Space Coast Games, Palm Bay, FL

Admission:  $2 

About 20 or so participants, with double elimination



Hey all, I’m back with my second tournament report.  I got lots of feedback on my “Legendary Aqua” deck report from August 2003.  No, I didn’t quit the game over that, I just needed a reality check and to remind myself that it’s a GAME.  But that’s another story.  As promised, I’m back with a report on my favorite deck type, Gravity Bind.  Here’s the rundown.


Deck Name:  The Dark Circus  (Wouldn’t say that to anyone’s face though, I simply called it “Hand Destruction Deck.”)  So named because of the Clown aspect and that many monsters are Dark attribute.

Total cards:  42


Normal Monsters (2)

2x Giant Soldier of Stone  (Everybody knocks these guys, but they have bought me some serious time.  I did remove my 3rd one today for Mystic Lamp.)


Effect Monsters (15)

3x Dream Clown

Penguin Soldier

Yata-Garasu (cackle)

Inaba White Rabbit  (Has won me many a game; someday I may let him have Trix.)

Giant Rat  (This was a last minute addition, and boy was I glad.  See later.)

Cyber Jar


Witch of the Black Forest

Nightmare Horse  (A kid I work with let me borrow this, I have to give it back soon.  He wouldn’t trade for anything.)  L

Hayabusa Knight  (LOVE this card!  Heeere, Secret Pass!)

Crass Clown  (Not loving this one.  You ARE the weakest link.  Goodbye!)

Mystic Lamp

White Magical Hat


Magic (16)


Mirage of Nightmare

Graceful Charity

Delinquent Duo  (Which I ALWAYS get on the first hand.  Seriously.  Fine though, best time to use it.)

United We Stand  (Nightmare Horse bait, BWAHAHAHAHA!)

Messenger of Peace (I only own 1, otherwise I’d probably run 2.  Heeeere, Jinzo!)

Premature Burial

Pot of Greed (You put your WEED in it!)

Harpie’s Feather Duster

Dark Hole

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

Secret Pass To The Treasures  (LOVE this card too!)

Change of Heart

Monster Reborn


Trap (9)

3x Gravity Bind  (‘nuff said)

2x Magic Drain  (Used to go with Jammers, b/c when I flip a trap, I WANT it to work, not maybe, but these seem to get the job done unless it’s a game-winning move.  When your theme is hand destruction, you’re still getting your way.  Fun to use against Pot of Greed…they get no hand advantage either way.)

Imperial Order

2x Robbin’ Goblin (Really a key card here.)

Mirror Force


I know, my monster/M-T ratio is WAY off.  17 monsters to 25 M-T.  Sue me.  I think I did okay.  I never once had the problem of not holding a monster, and I seem to pull off speed and get fistfuls of magic. 


See how the Circus theme comes in?  We have 3 Dream Clowns, the one Crass Clown.  Oh, it’s a hand buzzer and pie in the face of the Messenger of Peace!  Then White Magical Hat could be the ringleader.  LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, CHILDREN OF ALL AGES!  Giant Rat and Sangan are the freakshow.  Come see the three-toed, three-eyed hairball that WANTS to be killed!  He’s related to Watto from Star Wars episode 1 and 2!  Come see the big rat that collects skulls!  Marvel at the pole dancing rabbit!  Nightmare Horse would be the pony show, ooh ahh jumps through flaming hoops.  The Witch could do some magic hexes with that Mystic Lamp.  There’s a guy with a bird head doing sword tricks, maybe swallowing them.  Then there’s a penguin and a crow flapping around the room, and Goblins are pickpocketing all the spectators.  I may add Queen’s Double to this deck, since I traded all my Jinzo #7’s and Servant of Catabolisms.  She could give Dream Clown a haircut with those Wolverine blades.  Doesn’t it all sound like fun?  (*Pauses to wait for HBO to call and hire me as a writer for “Carnivale.”*)


(*not happening*)


Ever notice that Queen’s Double and Princess of Tsurugi are the same girl with a different colored robe?  However, in QD’s picture, you can see her reflection in all of the crystals around her, while with PoT you cannot.  They both look like Maha Vailo when she was in elementary school, playing with her Barbie Hand Crystal Knives.


I got the idea for this deck from a friend who sent me a complete list for a killer hand destruction deck.  I don’t own all the primo cards, so I had to improvise with what I had.  Funny that I had all this stuff just lying around the house.


Side Deck


Royal Oppression


Soul Release

Collected Power

Fengsheng Mirror

Ordeal of a Traveler

Spiritual Energy Settle Machine

Bad Reaction to Simochi


Vengeful Bog Spirit (makes Yata useless)

Reverse Trap  (makes Bazoo suck his thumb)

2x House of Adhesive Tape (underrated…will destroy Yata, Goblin Attack Force, and Spear Dragon)


I didn’t use a single one of these today.  Don’t even know why I mentioned this.  And it’s 14 instead of 15.  Sue me again.  They are to combat Exodia, lots of equips, or burn decks, and I didn’t go up any of those today.  A few are for particularly nasty beatdown decks that go heavy on recursion.


Conspicuously Absent, because I don’t own them:  Spirit Reaper, Axe of Despair, Injection Fairy Lily, another Messenger, Call of the Haunted (well I own one, but am trying to cut down on M/T cards).  Heart of Clear Water would probably help a lot, but still conserving space.  Reaper on the Nightmare would fit in with a vengeance, too, but I don’t own a Spirit Reaper, plus I would have to fool with fusion magic cards.  Maybe when Magical Scientist shows up I will try it.  Also, missing a Fiber Jar.  Read my last report and you’ll know why.


I got to the tournament late and therefore got a free BYE.  The first guy I played against was one I’d seen every week but haven’t played in a tournament in a long time.


Tourament Match #1:  Me vs. nice guy with Dragon deck


Dragon decks are getting popular around here.  I tried one myself, but was lacking in Luster and Tyrant dragons, and it never really cut the mustard.  It just kind of squooshed it flat and then ruined the cards.  Cave Dragon was the best I had going there.  It was either pull a Lord of D/Flute thing off and do 9000 damage in one turn, or die horribly.  Had nobody to hold the fort while I drew power cards.


I let him go first even though I won a die roll.  Here’s why—in a weenie deck like mine, you rarely attack on your first turn.  Unless you get a Heart of the Cards on your initial hand, you will be setting something in defense, or setting Gravity Bind or activating Messenger.  And if the fate of the world vs. life in the Shadow Realm doesn’t depend on your next draw, it won’t always happen.  You won’t have had time to activate Robbin’ Goblin, so even if you can get a direct attacker down, you will have to leave them in ATK mode.  The couple hundred direct damage is not worth it without something like Goblin to stir up trouble, because on the next turn you will most likely lose them to an 1800 or something worse, and take overflow damage, losing your precious attacker to boot.  Unless you get a staller card right away, you could try it, but with your opponent coming off their first hand, they will likely have set a Magic Drain or MST or Imperial Order.  Exception for Reaper on the Nightmare—but good luck summoning that on your first turn.  ANYWAY…I like to let my opponent go first, because they will not be able to attack.  I wouldn’t have attacked on the first turn anyway, so I like to stick them with that.  I have won more than one game at the last moment with a direct attack, when my opponent would have won on their next turn.  Therefore, that one first turn with no attacks made all the difference.  Also, I always seem to get Delinquent Duo on the first hand.  I can activate that straight away after they’ve summoned/set 3 or more cards…this cuts their options in half right away, hope they set good stuff.  If I need help, I can get my sister to come watch me and poke her eyes out so I can draw inspiration from her courage to get optic surgery, and tell her I will sell the packs after I win to pay for her surgery.  But she lives in New York, so that would be a lot of work.


First Duel

He started by setting a monster and some M/T.  As usual, I got Delinquent Duo on the first hand.  I played it and discarded crap.  I set Gravity Bind and Goblin, summoned Nightmare Horse and hit him directly.  He goes, tries to attack but I flip Bind.  I set Giant Soldier of Stone, flipped Goblin, attacked again.  Now he loses another card.  He draws, grumbles, and passes.  I set Cyber Jar just in case. 


Within a couple turns we’d both run out of hand and he had destroyed my Nightmare Horse with some magic.  I was stuck and decided to flip Cyber Jar to give us some hand.  That was my first mistake.  After his Graceful Charity, he managed to assemble a Lord Of D, Flute, Blue Eyes, and Luster Dragon.  Right away I was staring them all down, and exclaimed “You suck!”  I had set 2 clowns in DEF from Cyber Jar, and they were gone in short order but I survived the first attack.  I had set Penguin Soldier also, and used it on Blue Eyes and something else…I forgot about Lord Of D’s effect, and so the Blue Eyes stayed and I wasted that.  I managed to draw Dark Hole, but he flipped Imperial Order.  I said “You F-ing suck!”  I said it just like that, edited and all.  The guy next to me says “Whoah, Rob’s getting MAD!”  I said no, I’m just talking trash!  I had a fistful of fun stuff like Pot of Greed and Monster Reborn, but was sunk.  My Giant Soldier of Stone was no match for his onslaught and I lost on his next turn.


Second Duel

This time I started.  Got the usual lot of Delinquent Duo (I swear that’s not on purpose!), White Magical Hat, Messenger of Peace, Secret Pass, Dream Clown, and …hey!  There’s Yata!  Come out of hiding.  Slap down Messenger, summon Clown.  His turn, he Exiled Forces my Clown, then does Premature Burial on Force.  I drew another Clown on my go, summoned it, and killed off X-force.  His turn, he sets a monster and one M/T.  He’s sweating now.  I draw MST and blast his card…it was Mirror Force.  Whew.  I set Penguin Soldier.  He draws, sets another monster, and ends.  Over the next couple turns I managed to eliminate his hand, due to some Goblins and Hat and such.   He set 3 M/T’s…I was holding MST and Feather Duster.  I wanted to get rid of them all, so first I played MST on one just to draw out the Jammers/Drains/etc…anything but Imperial Order so I could then activate Duster without fear and finish the job.  He didn’t counter.  So then I used Feather Duster to get rid of the remaining two.  Before long, I got the money shot.  I flipped Penguin, returning his two monsters to his hand.  I summoned Yata, attacked directly with both Penguin and Yata, he lost all his cards and was locked.  He conceded immediately without me even asking.


Wow, that was easy.  This was the FIRST time I’d ever scored a win just because of Yata-Garasu.  I wonder if anybody else knows that this is possible!  Wait’ll this gets out!  It’ll be bigger than the Magical Scientist/Catapult Turtle combo!  But you didn’t hear about that from me.  I am still paying damages to Upper Deck for when I first suggested someone try Backup Soldier in an Exodia deck.


One duel to go.


Third Duel

Don’t remember all the specifics of this, just that I lost after some serious drama near the end.  Early on I did use Yata with Secret Pass to the Treasures just to keep one more card at bay.  This time he just pulled all the right counters out and slowly amassed a force.  I did pull off a nice combo…I Change of Hearted one of his Troop Dragons, Prematured one of my Clowns, normal summoned Nightmare Horse, and slapped down United We Stand, and like Emeril’s garlic, BAM!  2900 direct damage.  Hmph…maybe should have killed that Opticlops instead.  He did it for me though, his response was Dark Hole.  Near the end though, he had one more monster attacking than I had defending, b/c of his Tyrant Dragon’s effect.  My last defender was Giant Rat.  For some reason I was thinking its effect would let me search a monster and add it to my hand.  The direct damage from the last attack would finish me before that did any good, so I declared him a win and said oh well.  Then the guy next to me, the same one from before, corrected me on Rat’s effect—it lets me search an Earth monster with 1500 ATK or less and SPECIAL SUMMON it in face up attack. (Shoulda READ the card when I slipped it in my deck at the last moment.)  I said thanks for the tip, but the best I could do was Hayabusa Knight.  However, that did enough…his 1000 ATK cut into the direct damage and left me with 700 LP.  That kept me going for a few more turns.  I did manage to get another Bind out and stalled him.  When I had a direct attacker ready, he flipped a Mirror Force.  Ouch.  With my empty field, he played Reborn on one of my Dream Clowns (3 stars) and hit me directly for the win.  Pretty slick—used my own strategy against me.  I must have been close, that’s a pretty desperate move.


Okay, I’ve had much worse.  After the game, the guy next to me shared something he was itching to tell me but didn’t want to interfere in the game.  He said that if it’s your turn and your opponent activates a trap, you can chain with MST from your HAND…I didn’t know that.  It wouldn’t have made a big difference in the situation where I could have done it, but I’ll remember that.


Loser’s bracket here I come.  Apparently calling it that hurt someone’s feelings, so they began calling it the “Not Winners Bracket”.  My next opponent was a guy I’ve dueled a few times.  I mentioned him in my last report, he had a Weenie Rush deck then.  Now he had a more stylish beatdown deck.  But hey, if I was facing him now, that means he already lost to someone too, so I wasn’t as worried.


Match #2:  Me vs. another nice guy with a standard beatdown

Manners make all the difference—it even says in the instruction manual that they are a must.


First Duel

Don’t remember much about this.  Just the usual Gravity Bind vs. Beatdown deck fight…you can probably work this one out in your head.  I play bind and unleash the ankle biter monsters, he gets out Jinzo and bowls over Gravity Bind, I activate Messenger, Nyah Nyah, he draws an MST in due time, I magic drain, he discards Dark Hole, yadda yadda yadda…I finally get rid of Jinzo, …I remember him Snatch Stealing my Giant Rat and trying to attack while I had Bind out, it’s 4 stars….thought I had it made as Snatch Steal racked up the points while my Rat did him no good.  He finally played Heavy Storm, which usually means a one-turn kill for a deck like mine, and this was no exception.   I did play Mirage of Nightmare, and ended up discarding Inaba White Rabbit, R.I.P.  He won.


Second Duel

I let him go first, for the reasons I described above.  He had out Jinzo in 2 turns, and reborned a Charity’d Summoned Skull and got in a direct attack.  By the start of my THIRD turn, I was at 100 LP.  It looked grim as he had these heavy hitters and several M/T’s set.  Undaunted, I pulled a Graceful Charity.  Used that, and got a Pot of Greed.  This gave me a fistful of magic.  I slapped down my Messenger, and set one Bind.  My only monster was Giant Soldier of Stone, so I defended with it.  I also activated Mirage of Nightmare and set MST, emptying my hand, then passed.  On his turn, I drew 4 more cards and then Typhooned my Mirage.  In that 4 card hand, I got Inaba White Rabbit, Dark Hole, Raigeki, and another Bind. BWHAHAAHAHAHA!  I survived the next turn…I must have destroyed one of those heavy hitters or Penguined or something.  He had a couple M/T set, so with my empty field I again tried to draw out M/T removal.  Since I was monster free I activated Dark Hole.  He couldn’t stop it…probably b/c of Jinzo.  Suck on that, Android Psycho Shocker!  Stop ripping of Psycho Mantis’ look!  That guy should have at least 5 legs for all the Achilles Heel’s he seems to have.  I had drawn MST, and used it on a facedown…it was Mirror Force!  YES!  Silly rabbit, life points are for kids! 


And the onslaught began.  He never recovered from that.  I slowly hacked him down solely with Inaba White Rabbit, getting a Robbin’ Goblin in the process.  He had absolutely no hand for a while.  I managed to revive a Dream Clown and add to the fun…all his cards were DOA.  With the same stinking 100 LP I’d had since turn 3, I had turned it around and won the duel.


Third Duel

He decided to go first.  Ehh…see First Duel.  Pretty much the same.  He did make the same mistake with Bind—he Change of Hearted a Crass Clown and tried to attack.  People seem to assume that all of my monsters can go under Messenger or Bind, but a few don’t make the cut.  I did pull the same trick with Yata and Secret Pass just to annoy him, but he used Waboku.  Waste!  He won with the usual safeguards against my attacks, cursed out Gravity Bind a few times, then complimented me to heck and back on my deck and said it was a really good game, the longest he’d had all day.  I do remember him using two Spirit Reapers—we both got confused.  I remember using Crass Clown’s effect to bump a Reaper to his hand, then eliminating it from his hand with a direct attack and Goblin…HOWEVER—Crass Clown’s effect should have killed it instantly.  It’s all the same I guess, but neither of us thought of that.  He suggested that I get rid of all the Giant Soldier of Stone’s, add a second Secret Pass to the Treasures to use with Lily if I get one (he did it to me once), and add more direct attackers, no matter how lame. *cough Queen’s Double- cough-*  I guess that’s true…if you have Robbin’ Goblin in effect, any attack is damaging.  I really need an Axe of Despair, but can’t find one for a decent deal.


So now I’m out of the tournament.  Again.  I didn’t start to look for rope to tie around the low TV monitor and hang myself like last time though…I pulled out 2 wins and made both of them work for the Match victories.


Me’s ready to trade by now.  I really wanted a Limiter Removal or two, so I could work on a Gradius/Machine deck, as well as stock up for a Fire Princess deck.  I showed one kid my entire collection while he waved a Limiter Removal in my face, but he just handed it back and said no thanks.  I had my near-defunct Ocean deck with me, and traded 1 of the 3 Legendary Fishermen to another kid that plays Ocean, in exchange for a Fire Princess and a Japanese Gradius.  Brings me up to 2 of each of those.  He also really wanted another Tornado Wall, and I have 3, so I traded him 1 for a Scapegoats.  2 of them now too…and hey, they could also work in this deck.  I also traded a Cave Dragon for a Forced Requisition, which may work well in today’s deck, but didn’t try to squeeze it in.  (Ever see the Seinfeld where George put one more thing in his wallet and it exploded?) 


Then I was hungry.  The store sells food, so I asked the guy at the counter if I could have some popcorn chicken and a soda.  He said okay…do you have some money?  I said yes, I do…hey, how about I trade you some money for the food?  He said, that’ll work!  Ok, guess you had to be there.  He also asked me why I don’t buy cards anymore.  I told him I got cheap.  What he doesn’t know is that the folks at Citibank are anally raping me with finance charges and I have to turn all the money I can over to them.


All I need before I can make a rough copy of my Machine deck is a third Gradius, and some Limiter Removals.  As for Fire Princess, I think I have everything I need except for…a 3rd Princess.  I used to run a healing/annoy/summon 1000 Eyes Restrict/stall/slice-dice-juliann/deck-out/complete calculus homework deck, fitting all that in with a mere 80 cards.  So, if I dust off that archetype and make a few minor changes, I should be set to go.  I won a few games via deck-out with 13000 or so life points.  Would have won them a lot sooner had I owned any Princesses.  And now there is a card called Dark Snake Syndrome…tee hee hee.  I called that deck “Thousand Eyes Annoy.”  That deck was home to my favorite combo ever, one I thought up myself:  Play Painful Choice, search 3 Marie the Fallen One’s, Sinister Serpent, and whatever else you don’t mind losing.  98% of the time they will pick a Marie, and you win all around.


Okay, I’ve strayed.  I’m not done reporting yet.  I played two more free duels and WON BOTH!  I knew I didn’t suck at this!  My deck is finally starting to get some results.


I beat the first guy 2-0.  He had the usual assortment of 1800 attackers, spirit reaper, jinzo, etc.  I won the first duel by clearing his field with Penguin soldier and attacking directly with three of my monsters and one of his, getting him to 600 LP, and when he rebounded for the kill, I won at the last minute thanks to Inaba White Rabbit.  In the second duel, he had Jinzo and Summoned Skull out and would have clobbered me.  I held out via the usual assortment of Robbin’ Goblin with direct attackers, Dream Clowns as damage magnets (your opponent WILL spend monster removal on it), activating Messenger with a set Gravity Bind…let them get cocky and MST messenger, watch them summon a’plenty, then flip Gravity Bind and be ready to duck.  I even survived dueling Cyber Jar flips—even when your monster and M/T ratio is off like mine, speed still makes the difference.  Think I played 4 magic cards in one turn, finishing by setting Secret Pass.  He killed my Sangan, I searched Hayabusa Knight.  I summoned that and flipped Secret Pass, dealing 2000 for the win.


I beat the next guy the same way, 2-0, and made him really irritated in the process.  He had nasty stuff like Heavy Storm and backed it up with Magician of Faith’s, but I managed to get all the right stuff like Magic Drain and Imperial Order right when I needed it.  I even kept Imperial Order active for a few turns since I was so far ahead on life points, which gave me time to draw and set Magic Drain and MST, to counter the magic cards he was saving up.  Later, I did manage to lose my White Rabbit from discarding ONE card with Mirage of Nightmare, but it was okay, once again I pulled off the Nightmare Horse with 2900 ATK via United We Stand, and when I lost that, I chipped away with Mystic Lamp and Robbin’ Goblin.  Why don’t people ever MST those things?  There is usually one on my field for the whole game, and nobody does anything about them.  He also had a thing for using 2 Spear Cretins for infinite revival.  But when you’re running direct attackers, it doesn’t matter, but that can really screw someone up.  Sort of a jury-rigged Spirit Reaper.  I once got the great idea to use Mask of Darkness with Backup Soldier for infinite returns, until I read Soldier’s description closer.


People usually don’t bother with Magic Cylinder on direct attackers.  However, Inaba White Rabbit tends to draw out Mirror Force, just to get rid of it.  I had crazy luck with destroying Mirror Forces today, except for that one.  I’ve never seen Barrel Behind the Door played at my game.  So I’m usually safe from direct or reflected damage.


After this, the double duels started and I left.  One of the best days I’ve had at a tournament overall.  I went home not irritated for a change.


I shall return, with either a machine or Fire Princess deck, whichever I can set up first.  Also, if I can ever get my hands on 3 copies of Metamorphosis, I will try my 1000 Eyes Restrict deck again.  I like this idea—get Meta into the graveyard (Painful Choice anyone?), flip a Magician of Faith, get back Meta, then use it on her to summon 1000 Eyes.  Fun for the whole family.


Props and Slops:



-Me getting some decent trades for a change, acquiring Fire Princess, Forced Requisition, Gradius, and Scapegoats

-Winning a Duel with 100 LP

-Inaba White Rabbit for being the real “powerful engine of destruction.”  WHOAH! Just had a thought—get Gaia Power into play…he becomes a 1200 direct attacker.  Queen’s Double is 850…Hayabusa Knight becomes 3000 if done right…Dream Clown is 1700….Giant Rat becomes a Gemini Elf with a  bonus effect….Giant Soldiers become 1800/1500…this could work!  Call my agent!  I’m excited now.  Maybe I should call this The Earth Circus.  Every day should be Earth day!

-To my young friend from work for lending me Nightmare Horse

-To my deck, for pulling out a total of 6 wins out of 10 duels through sound strategy, speed, and not just lucky draws



-If you read my last report, remember the kid with the insect deck?  He’s still showing up, and argues about every card played, calls people names, got totally mad when lost and began yelling and cursing.  Next time I have to duel him, there will be trouble.  My day job is as a kids’ counselor, but I don’t see myself being very therapeutic with him.  He also has lots of dandruff and farted openly during the tournament.  If I worked in the store, he would not be allowed to come anymore.

-To the one tight-fisted kid who wouldn’t trade a Limiter Removal.

-Another guy who kept trying to sell me a holo Relinquished, Dark Room of Nightmares, and something else…he asked me like 3 times if I would buy them.

-Hmm, I can’t really think of anything else.  I was pretty happy with today.  If that one kid weren’t there, it’d be perfect.


See, there’s hope for me yet.  Thanks to everyone who responded to my “Legendary Aqua” report with deck advice and support. 


Other than tournaments, I don’t know anyone else to talk about Yu-Gi-Oh with, so please write or instant message with cheers, jeers, or challenges.  I haven’t won a single online duel yet, so it will be good for your ego.


AOL Instant Messenger:  crooner316

It’s all fun and games until someone gets hurt.  Then it’s hilarious.