Peter's Strategic Beatdown 2 Gifts for Guys & Gals Wilmington DE
Name: Peter Burston
Deck: Strategic Beatdown
Store: Gifts for Guys & Gals: Wilmington DE
Date: 9/13/03

Here's some information about the tournament I go to.
$5 entering fee
16 players
Winner only gets 1 pack
Rest gets nothing (stinks huh?)

Ok here is my Strategic Beatdown Deck: Total (40)

Monsters: 19
Jinzo (Sweet effect)
Summoned Skull (Great Attack strength)
WOTBF (To bring Jinzo into my hand)
Sangan (To bring other monster into my hand)
Susuke Samurai (Defense Destroyer)
Spear DragonX3 (Damage Inflictor)
Goblin Attack ForceX2 (Great Attack)
Gemini Elf (Good Offense)
Cyber Jar (Multiple Destroyer)
KycooX2 (Card Remover)
Mask of DarknessX2 (bring back my good traps)
Magician of FaithX2 (bring back my good magic cards)

Magic: 10
Raigeki (destroyer)
SORL (delayer)
Axe of DespairX2 (great power-up)
Pot of Greed (Helps get new cards)
Monster Reborn (Reviving my good monsters)
Heavy Storm (m/t destroyer)
Harpies Feather Duster (opponent's m/t destroyer)
United We Stand (combined power)
Change of Heart (Mine now)

Traps: 11
Ring of Destruction (damaging card)
Barrel Behind the Door (for ring of destruction)
Mirror Force (you attack, they all die)
Call of the Haunted (Here's Jinzo)
Rope of Life (Jinzo's back, and he's angry, and stronger)
Magic Jammer (protection)
Seven Tools (protection)
Imperial Order (protection)
Magic Cylinder (attack, you take damage)
Bottomless Trap Hole X2 (You summon that, can't use it for the current duel)
That is an excellent deck of 40 cards, and here's how I did during the tournament

1st Round: Peter vs. Ryan (faced him last week in the 2nd round)

1st duel

He kept using snatch steal on my Kycoo, which was equipped with United We Stand, and kept on using traps on my Spear Dragons, and Gemini Elves. But he didn't stand a chance against my Summoned Skull. After he was summoned, he kept getting no monsters, and I kept attacking directly.
Results: Me: 1300; Ryan: 0000

2nd duel

He kept on using Solemn Wishes, kiseitai on my Spear Dragon, and kept using SORL to get more LP. He almost had 9000 LP by those cards (after having 4000 before that happened) To take out my kiseitai equipped monster, I used Ring of Destruction to destroy it. Later, he kept using cards that draw cards from the deck. After removing his Swords from play by Kycoo, he didn't stand a chance.

Results: Me: 4000; Ryan 0000

2nd round: Me vs. Matt (good friend, and sweet deck)

1st duel:

I kept on destroying his monsters with Goblins, Susuke, Summoned Skull and Spear Dragon, and attacking directly.
Results: Me: 8000; Matt: 0000

2nd duel:

He managed to kill some of my monsters, he premature burialed his Jinzo, equipped him with an Axe of Despair, attacked my Summoned Skull. I used Change of Heart on his Jinzo, and used United We Stand on my Goblin Attack Force, with 3 other monsters, and attacked Directly

Results: Me: 3300; Matt: 0000

3rd Round: Me vs. Calvin (water deck)

1st duel:

I kept on killing his monsters, and attacking directly.

Results: Me: 5000; Calvin 8000

2nd duel

I didn't get any good monsters

Results: Me: 0000; Calvin: 3000

Every time I summoned a good monster, he kept killing the with trap hole, or when my goblins, or spears are in  defense mode, and used heavy storm on my mirror force, magic cylinder, and call of the haunted, and kept attacking directly.

Results: Me: 0000; Calvin: 3300

That's what happened this time; here are some props and slops

My Dad for driving me there early
Me beating Matt
Me getting Mirage of Nightmare out of my entry PGD pack

Didn't do as well as I thought
The other duelist that wouldn't shut up at all, giving me a huge headache, and making me lose focus in the Semi Finals
The weather that day

That's all for this Week, for any Help, or advice you can e-mail me at Until next time, See You Later