My Name: Shorty  P McD

Store: Artifex

Location: San Diego, CA

Date: September 27, 2003


My Deck (After the tourney):



1 – Jinzo

1 – Spear Dragon

1 – Witch of the Black Forest

1 – Sangan

1 – Cyber Jar

1 – Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

1- Gemini Elf

3 – Mystic Tomato

2 – Spirit Reaper

1 – Sinister Serpent (for card advantage)

2 – Don Zaloog

1 – Exiled Force

1 – Yata Garasu

1 – Fiber Jar

Total: 18



1 – Pot of Greed

1 – Change of Heart

1 – Raigeki

1 – Dark Hole

1 – Swords of Revealing Light

1 – Heavy Storm

1 – Premature Burial

1 – Monster Reborn

1 – Snatch Steal

1 – Nobleman of Crossout

2 – Mystical Space Typhoon

1 – Graceful Charity

1 – Harpies Feather Duster

1 – Delinquent Duo

1- The Forceful Sentry

1 – Confiscation

1 – Creature Swap

1 - Scapegoat


Total: 19



1 – Mirror Force

1 – Call of the Haunted

1 – Imperial Order

1 - Waboku

1 – Ring of Destruction


Total: 5


Total in Deck: 42


I got there around 10:30, but the tournament didn’t start until 1 so I had time to trade, watch the junior tournament and have some duels.



Match 1


Me Vs. Average Beatdown



Round 1


I started off going first and had a pretty good hand.  I confiscated, set kycoo, then ended my turn.  He draws, sets some m/t, and sets a monster.  My turn I activate Duster and Dark Hole, then summon yata and lock him. 


Round 2


We were exchanging blows and I had him down really low when he busted out this cyber jar and beat me that turn.  I find that Mystic Tomato and witch/sangan go through your monsters really quick, and that by mid-late game, my deck is usually 10-20% monsters.  I also found out that most of my monsters are weak, and I rely on magics to do most of my removal.  I fixed this by adding in some Kycoo, Spear Dragon, and Swords and taking out MST, Mirage of Nightmare, and Torrential Tribute.  (I did this all after the tourney)  At least I learned something from this loss.


Round 3


I really didn’t want to lose first round, and especially to some guy that hasn’t even gotten past first round.  I elect to go first, and get off to a good start with some draw power and pre-negators.  I counter what I know is in his hand and set cards I want him to attack.  In the end, I take out his life points with Jinzo and some Dons.


Match 2



Me vs. Beatdown/Hand Disruption


Round 1


This guy is really good, and he just got done beating my friend Rex, so I was pretty nervous.  He won the coin toss (Fiddlesticks) and chose to go first.  He used forceful sentry and effectively countered every move I made.  I ended up using Exiled Force on his Witch, Duster on his Waboku, and all this other krap.  He won.


Round 2


I got to go first, so I set Don Zaloog and a m/t.  Next turn he set a monster and a m/t.  My turn, I summon Don Zaloog and attack his face-down Don Zaloog, so he got to discard a card from my hand.  He goes, and sets one more m/t.  My turn I set another Don.  His turn he attacks my facedown don (Muhahaha) and I get to discard from his hand. This went on and on, but to make a long story short I ended up top decking and losing.




I was pretty disappointed to lose second round.  I got krap in my packs (of course), but dueled some people for some cards and won.  Later I walked up to Sombrero’s, a little restaurant that all the  people that play Yu-Gi-Oh! Go to get food find people to duel.  I had a little something to eat, and won this tight Yu-Gi-Oh! Calculator that fits in my deck box.  We all ended up getting pretty bored, so we decided to have an unofficial tourney.  We all put in one pretty good ultra rare and the winner takes all. 


First round I got paired up with Tai, the tournament organizer who was using his friends beat down deck because he quit playing a little while ago.  He had almost all 1900+ attackers, so it was almost impossible for me to overpower his monsters w/o magic/trap.  It ended up being 2 wins and 1 loss in favor me.  Great duels, great duelist.


Next round I faced another beat down deck. Instead of putting up an ultra-rare, he put up lava golem (quite the confident one).  I got some really good draws, and was able to beat him 2-0. 


Finally, last round, and I was facing yet another beat down deck.  The first duel was quick, and I ended up getting a good fiber jar hand (which I flipped on my turn) including graceful charity and pot.  I was able to deplete his hand and yata lock him after that.  Next duel I had him on the run.  In the beginning he was able to beat me down with pumped up bazoos, but I started to comeback until he used Skull Lair on my attacking army…twice.  But I got him back good with fiber jar.  I had a good hand, plus his deck was lacking a lot of staples so I won after that. 


Woot woot.  I was pretty happy after that.  I had won Lava Golem, Hell Poemer, The Legendary Fishermen, Creatuer Swap, Delinquent Duo, Mage power, and something else. Anyway, My friends ride came soon afterwards so I left with him.







Me: So, where’s that calculator I let u borrow?

John: Huh? I gave it to someone else…

Me: !!!!!


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