Extreme Beatdown Deck
Jonathan Liu
At Game Wizards, Twinsburg, Ohio
Entry Fee: $5 (free booster pack given)
16 people entered

Okay, this is my first tourney report. This is like my 7th tournament that I have been to. I brought a friend along named Phil (who!&s last name is also Liu). I like to say this: Phil-oo flew over a fence. He!&s really annoyed by it. He has a decent deck but I think mine is better. Anyway, we paid the fee. Both of us got LOD packs. He got a Thunder Nyan Nyan and I got a Fiend Skull Dragon (Yeah! More trading bait). Before the tournament starts. Some kid offers Phil a Mirror Force for $15. What a deal! He accepts and hurriedly shoves it in his deck. This kid also gives me a free Opticlops (cool a 2nd one). I chill out and do a couple of friendly duels. In a few minutes the tournament begins. Perfect, 16 people. There are no byes for anyone. Here is my deck:

1x Sangan (searcher)
1x Opticlops (beatdown)
1x Morphing Jar #2 (hehehe have fun!K)
1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (beatdown + great effect)
1x Jirai Gumo (Atk used for Def)
1x Witch of the Black Forest (searcher #2)
1x Spear Dragon (Die you defense loving fools!)
1x Exiled Force (Someone is going to die with me!)
2x Summoned Skull (brute force)
1x Gemini Elf (beatdown :)
1x Bazoo the Soul Eater (I!&m going to switch him out to the Side later.)
1x Man Eater Bug (someone is going to die!)
1x Sinister Serpent (ultimate Yata defense and tribute card and discarding card!!!)
2x Magician of Faith (Magic come back!)
1x Yata-Garasu (You are stuck in this lock forever!)
1x Jinzo (Trap? I don!&t think so.)
1x Wall of Illusion (Bye!)

1x Raigeki (Die!)
1x Dark Hole (Everyone is gone!K.)
1x Change of Heart (Hi enemy, oh hi friend!)
1x Pot of Greed (Greed is very very good!)
1x Harpie!&s Feather Duster (M/T cya later!)
1x Monster Reborn (An old buddy will come back)
1x Swords of Revealing Light (isn!&t this card annoying???)
1x Creature Swap (I!&ll give you MoF and you give me something cool!)
1x United We Stand (Divided we fall!)
1x Scapegoat (Help! The evil sheep are here!)
1x Card Destruction  (I need something new, this hand is trash!)
1x Graceful Charity (Steal from King Bob and give to me!)
1x Nobleman of Crossout (Facedown card. Trick eh? I don!&t think so.)
1x Delinquent Duo (Hmm. You lose 2 cards.)
1x Premature Burial (My ally is back from the dead)
1x Fissure (Whoah! Suddenly an enemy died.)

1x Magic Jammer (Sorry, but no!)
1x Mirror Force (this card is very evil)
1x Skull Lair (broken card, also very evil)
1x Waboku (I!&m protected!)
1x Imperial Order (No magic allowed, by the order of imperial people!)
1x Torrential Tribute (huge gush of water arrives and takes everyone out)
1x Magic Cylinder (back at you!)
1x Seven Tools of the Bandit (I!&ll counter that!)
1x Call of the Haunted (The spirit of a fallen one returns)
1x Ring of Destruction (Die!!!)

1x Injection Fairy Lily (Major damage!)
1x Royal Command (I!&m sorry, no effect occurs.)
1x Final Flame (Feel the heat!)
1x Coffin Seller (very annoying little card)
1x Bottomless Trap Hole (When are you ever going to reach the bottom?)
1x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (beatdown, awesome effect)
1x Man Eater Bug (Die!)
1x Sasuke Samurai (Facedown? You are dead!)
1x Mask of Darkness (Retrieve my traps!)
1x Spirit Reaper (I!&m not dead yet!)
1x Mystical Space Typhoon (M/T begone!)
1x Confiscation (I think I!&ll confiscate that from you young man.)
1x Asura Priest (Bam, bam, bam, you!&re all dead!)
1x Axe of Despair (Plus 1k attack. Nice.)

Okay, on with the tournament.

Round 1
Me vs. Roger

This person is my ultimate rival. This is my 5th time facing him. I can never beat him. He runs a machine/beatdown deck that is soooo good. He also must be rich because he has a Morphing Jar and 3 Mechanicalchasers.

Duel 1

My starting hand is okay. I have Man-Eater, Call of Haunted, Waboku, MoF, and a second Waboku (I swapped a card for this before the duel). I set a Man-Eater Bug down in defense mode. Set Call of the Haunted and 2 Wabokus. He draws. Summons Robotic Knight and attacks me. I kill him with effect. He sets down 3 M/T. I draw. Summon Kycoo and attack. He uses Magic Cylinder. He draws. Summons Mechanicalchaser and kills my Kycoo. I draw. Set 7 Tools. Use Call of the Haunted on Kycoo. Then tribute it for Summoned Skull and attack him. He uses Limiter Removal. Ouch! Mech chaser is dead at his turn. He draws. Uses Monster Reborn on my Summoned Skull, summons another Mech Chaser and attacks me. Luckily I had Seven Tools and Waboku down. I use Waboku. He uses 7 Tools. I chain with my 7 Tools. I draw. I use the Pot of Greed. I get Raigeki and Skull Lair. Set Skull Lair. I use Raigeki and he uses Imperial Order on it. I set MoF. He draws and doesn!&t pay the 700. He gets a Spear Dragon in attack mode. He attacks with it. I Waboku it. MoF. I take back Raigeki. I draw. Use Graceful Charity. I get Gemini, Sinister, and Creature Swap. I lose Sinister and Jirai Gumo that was in my hand. Change MoF to attack mode. I use Creature Swap (hehehe). I give him MoF and I take Summoned Skull. I summon Gemini Elf. I attack the MoF with Summoned Skull. Then I attack Mech Chaser with Gemini. Major damage. He draws. Dark Hole. Summons his 3rd Mech Chaser. Attacks me directly. My turn, draw. Play Raigeki. Monster Reborn my Kycoo (for his effect. Attack and remove 2 from his graveyard. He draws. Sets a monster in defense mode and ends. I draw. Summon Spear Dragon. Attack his facedown card. It is Fiber Jar (shoot). We both shuffle and draw 5. I set down Magic Cylinder and Magic Jammer. He draws. Plays Harpie!&s Feather Duster. I chain w/ Magic Jammer. Discard my Opticlops. He summons a Bazoo. Power him to 1900 and attacks. I Magic Cylinder. He sets down 4 M/T (scary) and ends. I draw. Play CoH on Bazoo. I!&m lucky he didn!&t have Imperial Order down. Tribute it for Jinzo and attack for the win.


Whew. That was hard. I!&m surprised I beat him.

Duel 2

Basically something just like the first duel but I was down to the 100s and I barely eked out a win. Yay! I beat him.

Round 2
Me vs. Stuart

This guy has a decent modified beatdown. I!&m not scared of him like I am against Roger. Everyone was surprised that I won against Roger. This guy wasn!&t too hard. I won both duels. I can!&t remember what happened though. It was pretty easy. In the meantime during the duel I was going psycho at Phil because he won his 2nd round because the other guy forfeited. Oh, and that happened to be the guy that sold him a Mirror Force for $15. He quit because he wanted to buy a Jinzo tin with another kid and split it.

Round 3
Me vs. Phil

Why do I have to face my friend? Oh well. Time for him to lose.

Well I don!&t remember much because all my concentration was going into the first round. He won the first round by a lot. Then I came back, barely won. 3rd duel I barely won again with 1200 Life Points remaining. Ouch! He!&s good under pressure.

Round 4
Me vs. Jeff
I won first duel, he won second duel. I barely lost to him on the last. I only remember right before I lost. He used Feather Duster and I didn!&t chain with RoD on my Summoned Skull. That would have brought him to 450 Life Points. I think I would have lost anyways. Oh well.

Anyways I chilled out a while. I traded Jeff my Rope of Life for a Forceful Sentry. A bunch of people were playing Magic. It was fun.


To me for getting 2nd and the farthest I!&ve ever been and getting $5 for 2nd
To me for beating Roger for the first time
To Phil for buying 2 packs and getting a bazoo and Reinforcements of the Army
To the kid who gave me an Opticlops and being hilarious at the tourney
To me for finding an Invader of the Throne on a table and nobody claimed it
To Phil for almost beating me
To Jeff or whatever his name was for being a good sport and getting 1st
To Game Wizards for hosting tourneys and selling cards at good prices
To Pojo.com for all the info I get from it
To Ebay.com for all the cards I have got from there (Yata, Gemini, Torrential, & more)
To UpperDeck for creating this game

To me for not getting first
To Jeff for beating me barely (jk its ok)
To Phil for not flying over a fence (its his job I assigned him, lol)
To people who steal cards and cheat to win duels
To Phil for losing his Jinzo and getting a Mirror Force (lol!)
To me for not trying out my Harpie Lady deck or Water deck

If you want to contact me my email address is nightelves4eva@yahoo.com. Thanks!

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