SeeD.Standstill.Lionheart8.Daniel.San Jose Mall Tour.San Jose.11.1.03


3 Dark Elf                                7 Staples                      2 Waboku

3 Tomato                                 3 Fusion                       1 Imperial Order

1 Breaker                                 3 MST                         1 Solemn Judgment

1 Tribe Virus                            1 Mirage                      1 Magic Jammer

1 Jinzo                                      1Swords                      1 Ceasefire

1 Sinister                                  1 Mage Power            

1 Sangan                                  1Confiscation              

1Witch                                     1 Heavy Storm

1 Cyber Jar                              1 Card Destruction       3 TER, Standstill

1 Yata

1Don Zaloog


Finally! The Mall Tour has come around again! Some of the best in the Bay come down and play. I got up bright and early. I brought along Sean, Bucky and Mike. We arrived around 10.00. We met up with Thomas and Matt and we all registered. After taking a picture with a jumbo sized Pot of Greed(LoL), I got in line for the qualifying tournament.


            Tournament 1, Duel Field B

Round 1

Lionheart vs. Guy w/ a blue GAP shirt


This guy was pretty good. He was apparently playing hand disruption, but Im not sure. This game went by quite quickly and I actually won with little difficulty. I hit his tomatoes a couple of times and he did the same to mine. He smashed me with spear dragon. I bashed back with witch. In he end, I pulled out the Standstill and brought the game to an end.

Round 2

            Lionheart vs. Little Kid

-Game 1

For a small kid, this guy was all right. Compared to other kids iv played, he knew the rules. He played a budget beatdown, so it wasnt very hard. I took this game slow, making sure I explained every card I played.

Round 3

Lionheart vs. Duelist Leader Kevin (Warriors)

-Game 1

This is it. Ive been waiting for this ever since the San Mateo Mall Tour. Ive always wanted to face these guys. Sure some of them suck, but some are formidable opponents, like this guy. He rushed early with the Captain and Gearfried. After being used as a punching bag for a couple of turns, I finally had the chance to fight back. I cleared the field, summoned Breaker, called Exiled, revived Jinzo and took out his last warrior standing and the remainder of his life points in a beatdown-style massacre. After putting on the Millennium Pendant(yea, sure) we shook hands and I signed the book. GG


After a short break, me (Squall), and Sean (Fujin) decided to try and take the 8 Man Tournament at 60 Card. Before the tournament started I decided to set this kid straight who was beatin little 5 year-olds and said he was 15-0 and was all braggin. After killing his DREAM CLOWN, HARPIES BROTHER, and other newb $#!+ , I cut him down with Breaker GAF and the Standstill, he said I got Lucky. After that he beat more little kids to redeem himself. After runnin his mouth for a while, Sean challenged him and beat him 8000-0. heh.


Tournament 2, 60 Card

Round 1

Lionheart vs. Andrew

-Game 1

This little kid is like a feakin prodigy! Anyways, I won the cut and decided to go first. I set and ended. He played down Spear Dragon and ran over my Sangan I believe. We both had Breaker out at the same time, but I used Ring on his when he attacked. The game dragged on, but I got out the Scientist and attacked all his F/U monsters.

-Game 2

Practically the whole game was in my favor. I managed to get two Jinzos out and it was all-downhill from there. GG


I found out that Sean lost to a regular at 60 Card, Noel I think (Sorry if I spelled ur name wrong), and I was playin him next.


Round 2

Lionheart vs. Noel

-Game 1

He was playing the standard hand disruption. He emptied out my hand and tried to yata lock, but I got rid of the bird via Duo. He Ordered the spells that would have turned the game around which sent my morale all the way down. He killed me w/ Don and Gem I think.

-Game 2

The end of this game was all me. I cleared the field with the standard magic and attacked him directly for the game.

-Deciding Game 3

This game was one of those pay-per-view games you see at tournaments every now and then. Everyone from his crew was on his side and SeeD was on mine. He was beating the crap out of me with Don and Gem. I was able to stall with sinister, which bought me the time I needed to reset. Whew. I got in a free hit, and ended my turn. Then, it was the same thing all over again. He picked at me with Don. I was running out of options, so I took a risk. I set all the M/Ts in my hand and played down Mirage. Just when I was about to draw, he used MST. Oh that broke my heart =(. My hand slowly wasted away. I tried to summon Standstill but it was countered. FnCK. All I needed was two more turns. I had fiber down, and it looked like I was gonna survive. During his turn, he was thinking up a way to finish me off. He did. He revived my Cannon and launched for game. GG

All in all, the day was good. Sean and me beat a duelist leader and I got to meet Cait Sith from Avalanche! Unfortunately, Michael(Seifer) and Bucky lost to the duelist leaders after both of them challenged them twice. But Mike did manage to pull a 1st ed. Don. I do regret not playing as many people as I wanted too. But one thing pissed me off that day. Some punk stole my Don and Kuriboh. >= /




Now for Props and Slops:


-Beatin a duelist leader (Kevin)

-My dad for bringing me

-SeeD doin well

- Sean(Fujin) for beatin a leader as well

-Makin it to the semis at the 8 Man at 60 Card Deck

-Getting a Timeater signed by Cait Sith!



-Some bastard for stealing my Kuriboh and Don




Daniel(me, Squall)- SeeD Commander             


Lawrence( Zell)-Level 4                               

Renjie(undecided) and Nick(undecided)- The Delinquent Duo


Thomas(undecided)-Insane to the membrane!



Sean(Fujin)- Grave.Keeper. Ya know?

Eric(undecided)-Mad Dog

Preston(Irvine)  The Sharpshooter

Sergio(Odin)- The newest member of the team

Post Report Comments:

-         If you want to see SeeD in action, come to SF Battlezone on Saturdays and see us play! I have Squall, Rinoa, and Seifer on the back of my sleeves!

-         Come down to Battlezone! Its always good to have more ppl in the tourney.

-         Whoever stole my Kuriboh AND Don, youll get wut u deservescrew thieves. Cheap @$$es

-         Thomas I will have my revenge at Galaxy! MUAHAHAHAHa

-         Some hot girls DO play Yugioh!


-All the San Jose duelists at 60 Card


 Another victory adds another verse. Glorious Anthem

Peace Eazy. GL HF DD KA