Sit Down, Lose, and Go Home A.K.A "Next Please!"
by Steven Kearns
Store: Jmc Collectibles
Number of ppl: 35-40 usually around 20-25
Entrace Fee: $5
Prizes: 1st- $20 store credit 2nd- $10 store credit, everyone gets a PSV pack or   tournament 3 pack
1x Jinzo
1x Barrel Dragon or summoned skull
3x Gemini
3x Bazoo
3x Goblin
3x Kycoo
2x magician
2x penguin soldier
1x witch
1x hayabusa
1x cyber jar
 sum times one man eater
- when restrictions are up i will add 1 yata for a bazoo, n 1 fiber for man eater
2x graceful
1-2x axe
1x united
1x mage
1x raigeki
1x mst or giant trunade
1x dark hole
1x pot of greed
1x nobleman of x out
1x scapegoat
1x snatch steal
1x reborn
1x swords
1xchage of heart
1x feather duster
1x heavy storm
1x mirror force
1x torrential
1x call
1x cylinder
This week at JMC there was about 15 more ppl then usual about 99% if not all were newbs. Before i get to my report id like to say sumthin.... how do these ppl win tournaments with their decks that look like starter decks. I cant believe how many people on pojo hav horrible decks and still manage to win tournaments and hav high ranks.  They most b playin lil 5 year olds in a k b. At jmc we got like  a bunch of good players that could probably whoop any one that came their way.  so to all u people around philadelphia that would like to test out their "great" decks come to jmc collectibles has the info if u need to know how to get there.  Please me, shuan, matt, and kirk are looking for new people to beat.   Now to the report
first round
me beat down vs william starter decks (newb times 10)
    When we first sat down the kid next to will said he had 5 monster reborns! So i had to wait for him to get his deck bac into a legal form.  First turn i got to atk i did 6800 damage with a combo of scape goat, kycoo, united, and axe.  He soon lost.  He did no damage to me but i did some to myself by attacking his 2000 def with a kycoo. final score 2-0 me
second round
me vs matt cooper ( watered down beat down with a few fun cards like celtic)
  matt use to be hard for me to beat when i first started but he kinda got bad sorry matt.  Anyways this match was back and forth but in the end i got the best of him and i beat him 2-0 i think or it wuz 2-1
third round
me vs shuan fayhe
this kids deck is like 95% exactly like mine.  Hes small but could easily defeat a bunch of u uglys out there. i think he beat the experts at the mall tour also.  anyways this round was very close too but he came back in the 2nd match. i ended up winning by 5900 lp in the last match, i did like 5400+ on one turn n beat him
fourth round
me vs shuan choi (azn homie)
shuan is like 2nd best in the store (im first).  Me and shuan usually split the prize money if we end up facing each other in a round other then the finals.  shuan plays a hand destruction/beat down.  he usually beats me outside the tournament but i take him out like chinese food in it.  first match i beat him in like two turns 5200 lp  to 0.  the next match i got rolled. but then i got him in the third match.  a couple weeks ago i found his main weakness which im not telling you people cause u will probably find it to b the same weakness in all beatdowns.
5th round semis
me vs steve m. (exodia)
 ok im getting tired so im gonna start making things shorter.  First match  i lost cuz he got exodia out and i had nothing in my deck that was anti-exodia. But in the 2nd match  i murdered him with man eaters and penguin soldiers and sum anti-exodia stuff , same in the 3rd match.
6th round finals
me vs kirk (fun beatdown)
kirk plays with a deck that has lots of commons like fairy box n celtic (opposite to me where my whole deck is holo except for like 3-4 cards that are rare)
First match with came close w but i won 3700 lp -0 lp.  The next match he got me with hayabusa powered up.  The last match ended quick , i won 5700-0
so i won the tournament which is like my 4th outta like 9 i think so thats about half of them.  For any of u that want to no, i won season 1 n 2 at my store.  i was top 100 in season 1 but not two.  After the tournament points are put up i should b in the top 20-30 in my region and top 100 in the nation.
once again come to jmc to get beat
for a lot of people coming so i got more points
for gettin a yatagarasu for 15 from a dude i know at a flea market
for shuan n kirk n matt for losing to me
john for holding tournaments
not getting another yata from shuan (hes gotten 4)
to em for ripping pauls pants while trying to pants him- lol it wuz really funny paul wuz gonna walk home with no pants on
if u want to make a comment or chat my i/m is
or email me at
and if u try to talk trash i will burn u down.  but if u talk trash be ready to back it up in a duel ....
go to