Deck Name: Kycoo’s Beatdown

Location: The Gathering Place. Casselberry, FL

Cost: $5

Date: May 24, 2003

Rules: No Japs and Legacy of Darkness is legal today.

Prizes: 1st: $30 store credit

        2nd: $15 store credit

        Everyone else: Tourney pack for entering.

# of people: 22


I would like to say that all of my cards except 2 (Graceful Charities) are from the actual boosters and not the starter decks.


My beatdown deck:


Tribute Monsters: 3

Jinzo x1 (its Jinzo that is all that I should have to say)

Summoned Skull x2 (best tribute monster there is attack wise)


Normal Monsters: 2

Gemini Elf x2 (1900 attack + no tribute = awesome)


Effect Monsters: 14

Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer x3 (my favorite monster)

Bazoo the Soul Eater x2 (remove 3 cards for 2500 attack)

Magician of Faith x2 (get Raigeki back)

Man-Eater Bug x3 (aw there goes your Jinzo)

Cyber Jar x1 (monster version of Dark Hole except better)

Goblin Attack Force x1 (2300 attack for no tribute is great)

Witch of the Black Forest x1 (search for any monster in my deck)

Sinister Serpent x1 (a free Magic Jammer/ TttD)


Magic: 19

Premature Burial x1 (800 for a monster back…DUH)

Change of Heart x1 (ill tribute your Jinzo for my Jinzo)

Dark Hole x1 (I will destroy all the monsters and attack you directly)

Axe of Despair x1 (1000 extra attack)

Mystical Space Typhoon x2 (where did your Mirror Force go?)

Monster Reborn x1 (staple)

Tribute to the Doomed x1 (discard Jinzo and reborn him)

Pot of Greed x1 (greed is good)

Swords of Revealing Light x1 (stall)

Mage Power x1 (2nd best equip)

United We Stand x1 (best equip)

Graceful Charity x2 (I will discard Jinzo and Summoned Skull and reborn them)

Heavy Storm x1 (so much for Maha)

Raigeki x1 (Where did your monsters go?)

Nobleman of Crossout x1 (so much for Nimble Momonga)

Snatch Steal x1 (see Change of Heart)

Harpie’s Feather Duster x1 (A Raigeki for magic and traps what’s not to like?)


Trap: 4

Mirror Force x1 (no more 5 monster army)

Imperial Order x1 (what happened to Raigeki?)

Magic Cylinder x1 (stop attacking yourself)

Magic Jammer x1 (What happened to Raigeki?)

Number of cards: 42




1st round me vs. some kid who thought he was Bandit Keif (he had the bandana and everything). Deck: UNKNOWN


1st duel: This was so easy it wasn’t even funny he didn’t get a monster on the field the entire duel (which consisted of three turns).


2nd duel: Same thing happened. Man he was unlucky. Same thing happened although he did get one hit on me when he change of hearted my goblin attack force.


Forty minutes later we are finally ready to start the 2nd round.


2nd round me vs. some six-year-old kid. Deck: Beatdown


1st duel: I noblemaned his Momonga on the first turn and he forfeited now what is up with that?


2nd duel: Lets just say that I had Jinzo powered up with Axe, United We Stand, and Mage Power with three monsters and five magic and traps yeah that’s 8300 attack can you say overkill. Not to mention my powered up Bazoo and regular Summoned Skull.


In between rounds so I got a pack and got mask of restrict!! Sure it isn’t that good but is good trade bait.


3rd round me vs. seven-year-old whose uncle owns the shop


1st duel: This kid had like three of every card ever made he gets boxes for free!! On to the duel. So I summon my Jinzo Raigeki his reborn his equip united we stand to his Mage power to mine and that is game.


2nd duel: he had to leave so I won.

This kid got a box of legacy of darkness afterwards (for free) and he got Yata, fiber jar, and some other really good holos.

4th round me vs. stupid exodia kid


1st duel: I didn’t get the cards I needed so I lost.


2nd duel: Same but he didn’t summon a monster the entire duel stupid gravity bind! I lost.


So 4th round is not that bad I get my tourney pack open it and get black skull dragon ain't that good but hey it is a super rare, pot of greed, and spirit of the harp. Pretty good I think that I was the only one in the store to pull a holo today.



Making it to the 4th round

My deck

Three kids pulling Yata-garasu today

The Gathering Place for being a cool store

Mom for driving me

Chris and mike for being there so I had something to do in between rounds

Me kind of learning how to play Magic (don't worry Yu-Gi-Oh! is still better)

Jinzo for saving my butt a few times today



The thieves who broke in to the store 2 nights ago and stole $1500 worth of stuff form the store including 3 sets of exodia.

Not getting Yata-garasu

Mom not letting me get my permit

Stupid exodia kid



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