Deck Name - Pump-Up Beatdown!
Name - Edwin
Store Name - A World Of Books
Location - San Leandro, CA
Date - April 13th, 2003
Participants - Don't know. So crowded.

Prizes-...No idea


I entered Intermediate.

BY THE WAY-I was the guy with the Blue Dragonball Z shirt, Anchor Blue Black Jeans, and Osiris shoes.




x2 La Jinn (Main Attackers)
x2 Harpie's Brother (Main Attackers)
x2 7 Colored Fish (Main Attackers)
x2 Hysteric Fairy (Main Attackers)
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
x2 Hayabusa Knight (Give him my good equips)
x3 Man Eater Bug (Monster Removal)
Magician of Faith (Get back magic)
Cyber Jar (incase I am in trouble)
Witch of the Black Forest (get any monster card from my deck to my hand)

Summoned Skull  (My most powerful creature, attack wise)


Pot of Greed (Staple)
Graceful Charity (Should be a Staple..Better than PoG)
Dark Hole (Staple)
Change of Heart (Staple)
Monster Reborn (Staple)
Raigeki (Staple)
x3 Axe of Despair (Equips to Hayabusa, or Main Attackers)
United We Stand (Equips to Hayabusa, or Main Attackers)
Mage Power (Equips to Hayabusa, or Main Attackers)
Premature Burial (Monster Reborn)
Heavy Storm (M/T Removal)
Mystical Space Typhoon (M/T Removal)
x2 Tribute to The Doomed (Monster Removal)

Magic Cylinder (...)
Mirror Force (Do I really have to say anything?)
Torrential Tribute (Trap version of Dark Hole)
Imperial Order (Stop ALL Magic)
Magic Jammer (Jam Their Magic)
Call of the Haunted (It's a free Monster Reborn)
Skull Lair (The better trap hole)

Ratio-18 Monsters:23 Magic/Traps

Deck changes a lot after the tourney


      Bah. So this week, I tell my Mom I want to go to World of Books. I was hoping this time that I could actually find the place. I went the same route I took before with my brother, and it didn't seem like I would find it. :/ But my Mom is nice and she kept going down. Then I see something, and I yell 'PELTON PLAZA!' We drive in, and it all starts.


      I knew people were good. But not THIS good. @_@ This one guy had Mech. Chasers, 3 Gemini's, Morphing Jar, NO COMMONS AT ALL. He was in his Late thirties, or early forties, so he could afford the cards. I asked him how many Gemini Elves he had..He said 12. I said 'No, really' and he said 12. Then he showed me them..Pretty weird. Anyway, I go, pay my $5 and sign up for the Intermediate. Beginner was too easy (Little kids)


      The first pack in the booster box, some little kid gets (He is in the tourney) He pulled Jinzo..


      I get assigned to my first duel.. We get our PSV packs for entering (TP3 for Advanced) I got Premature...The guy got JINZO! Ahhh! TWO JINZOS IN ONE BOOSTER BOX? I got another Premature Burial..Oh well, My little brother needed one. Little did I know that Jinzo would finish me..

First round
Me Vs Matt

      Arg. REALLY bad hand. All weak monsters. He had a La Jinn with a Horn of the Unicorn, I had La Jinn with Axe. That didn't stop his Fissure. =/ Basically, he kept hitting me little by little. That was game.

Second round

      SWEET HAND. Imperial Order, Torrential Tribute, Axe, Hayabusa, and Pot of Greed. It didn't matter though. In a few turns..He got out Jinzo!! I had NOTHING. Jinzo slowly started killing me. It was over.


      Ah damn it. My second tourney, (At another place, I came first) got eliminated first round.

      Anyways, I saw a TP3 Super Rare Mech. Chaser. Looks kinda dumb. Even though the tourney was over, I stayed. Had a bunch of matches for fun.  I stayed til 4. My little brother was there also, but he came later. He whooped some people :D I met Homer J Simpson. Cool guy. :D I wanted to play him earlier but nah. I played him one time, lost. He didn't know it was me until I talked to him about his Tourney Reports and stuff, then I told him and then he knew. Then we played three more times. I won once. He won three times. Ah well. He is a good duelist. And pretty cool also.


      And the last guy I played who had Relinquished..Well. Here is basically what happened.

Me vs Some Guy

      I was KILLING HIM. Got him to 300 LP. Then came the Nimbles. And he got Relinquished, took my Gemini. Went down from there
      Then we played again. Same thing.


Also, I got two Gemini Elves.

(Unlimited) Gemini Elf #1-1st Edition Torrential Tribute
(1st Edition) Gemini Elf #2 (And 1st Edition Bazoo The Soul Eater)-Exodia Head (Which I traded Axe for) and Magic Cylinder (Both Unlimited)


Serf for running tourney
Matt for making it to the finals
This one guy I know from Toysrus..He won the Intermediate.
Me for getting Gemini Elves
To the two guys who traded me the Gemini Elves

Losing first round
Having to leave at 4 when a lot of people were still there
Losing some matches
That one kid who lost his Tin (Had 3 Exodia Pieces in it)
People who wouldn't trade Jinzo for my Gemini Elf, and my Kycoo/Bazoo.
The wind because it kept blowing everyones cards away
Me for losing my 7 Colored Fish. NNOOOO!!!! (Just kidding _>)
Improved Deck!

Number Of Cards:40


x2 Gemini Elf
x2 La Jinn
x2 Harpie's Brother
7 Colored Fish
x2 Hysteric Fairy
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer
Bazoo The Soul Eater
x2 Hayabusa Knight
x3 Man Eater Bug
Magician of Faith
Cyber Jar
Witch of the Black Forest

Summoned Skull


Pot of Greed
Graceful Charity
Dark Hole
Change of Heart
Monster Reborn
x2 Axe of Despair
United We Stand
Mage Power
Premature Burial
Heavy Storm
Mystical Space Typhoon
x2 Tribute to The Doomed

Mirror Force
Imperial Order
Magic Jammer
Call of the Haunted
Skull Lair

Ratio-20 Monsters:20 Magic/Traps

I will talk with anyone on AIM. If I am not on, add me to your BList and IM me when I am on.
My AOL/CS/AIM name is Vash0wnz. Because Vash 0wnz. (Trigun)

Edwin Narayan