Deck: Untitled

Name: Jason Lesage

Location: Sentry Box

City/state, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Date : March 23,2003

Number of players: 36


Level 7 or higher


Level 5 and 6

Summoned skull x3

The Fiend Megacyber x1

Level 4

Harpies Brother x2

La Jinn the Mystical Genie x1

Dark elf x2

Witch of the Black Forest x1

Goblin Attack Force x1

Level 3 or lower

Hayabusa Knight x3

Magician Of faith x2

Sangan x1

Man eater bug x2

Cyber jar x1

Nimble Momonga x3

Magic cards

Raigeki x1

Ekibyo Drakmord x1

Snatch steal x1

Swords of revealing light x1

Mask of Brutality x1

Premature Burial x1

Bait doll x1

Axe of despair x2

Monster reborn x1

Nobleman of crossout x1

Heavy storm x2

Spiritualism x1

Change of heart x1

Offerings to the doomed x1

Pot of greed x1

Graceful charity x1

Trap cards

Horn of heaven x1

Call of the haunted x1

Magic Jammer x1

Mirror force x1

Imperial order x1

Seven tools of the bandit x1

total cards 47

There were 36 players all together. It was a round robin non sanctioned tourney.

Duel 1

Me (Beatdown ) VS Beatdown

Match one:

Number 18 was running a beatdown deck similar to mine he got me down to 3600 without much of a fight. But I came back and stuck him down to about my LP. I used heavy storm, Raigeki and Hayabusa Knight with an Axe of Despair to finish him off.

Match two.

I drew only magic cards for 3 turns. I was able to stall for a bit but he quickly beat me.

Match three.

Hayabusa Knight combo right off the start I took a good chunk off his Life Points. That and my goblin won it for me.

Winner me!!

Duel 2

Me (Beatdown) Vs # Ritual

Match one:

The duel started with us just setting monsters in defense for about 4 turns each. My last monster down was Cyber Jar, I flipped it and brought me my beautiful hand: Axe Of Despair x2, Heavy storm , Nimble Momonga and La Jinn. One of my face down monsters before the Cyber Jar was flipped was Witch of the black forest. Used it to pull Hayabusa Knight. Used heavy storm, Raigeki and my 2 axes and a mask of brutality. -8000 in one turn.

Match two.

He got his gravity bind out stalling my Harpies brothers from attacking. Quicky heavy stormed and just attacked untill defeated. Nuff said.

Winner Me !!

Duel 3

Me(#1) Vs No theme newbie deck

I won't even get into details, he was a newbie so I took an easy on him but still won both matches quickly.

Winner Me

Duel 4

Me (Beatdown) Vs Exodia

Round one.

I quickly discovered that he was playing an Exodia deck so I just tried to find ways around killing his sangans and witch of the black forests quickly. I won only by a nose that round he only needed one last piece.

Round Two:

Once again my friend the gravity bind was back greatly slowing down the attack speed of my deck. He used cannon soldier to launch sangans at me. I was about to win because of my heavy storm and I had killed a couple of his Exodia Pieces but he use backup soldier to win .

Round three.

Gravity bind may have been out by my Hayabusa Knight was there to save the day. He quickly took down his life points for me .

Winner me!

Quarter finals.

Me(Beatdown) Vs beatdown

Round one.

He must of only had a couple of monsters for 2-3 turns because I was able to attack directly for a couple turns. Over very fast.

Round two:

He got his game in gear this round, got two of his Gemini Elf's out and just attacked and took out my defenses. He won.

Round Three.

Back and forth battle until I used mirror force on him and cleared his field, then I revived his Gemini Elf and attack with it and my Goblin. He had no more monsters and I just attacked.

Winner Me!!

Semi Finals

Me (beatdown) Vs Beatdown

Round One

Got my skulls out, one had an axe, It was over before he knew what hit him.

Round Two

All Magic cards for my starting hand, all support or revival magic too. Without any monsters I was doomed from the start.

Round Three.

Bait doll came into play a couple of times and destroyed his mirror force and Magical Cylinders. I kept Monster Reborn, Premature Burial , Call of the haunted my Goblin attack force and kept it coming.

After a long set of challenging duels I was in the finals..


Me(beatdown) Vs (beatdown)

There was a catch, we had to finish in 15 minutes because the store was closing.

Round one.

After a good change of heart offering combo I had it down to 5500 in one turn. 2000 after 2 turns. 0 after 4 turns.

Round two

I fell for a mirror force will all of my current monsters in attack mode

It wasn’t long after that that he had taken me down to 0.

Round 3

He got a quick shot in and time ran out.

He won ………

I got two boosters

1 magic ruler super rare: banisher of the light

1 labyrinth of night mare : rare Spirit letter I


Making it to the finals

Having only good sports for opponents

Getting a 2 boosters for 3$

I got better cards than the winner J

My friend that couldn’t come won me a Jinzo J


Running out of time

The rares I got I already had TWO of

My friend couldn’t come

You can reach me Jason Lesage @