Dark, Solumn Destruction

Sports Cards City USA, Royal Oak, MI

March 10, 2003 – 2 PM

13 Entrants

Report by ‘thedragonwizard’ – Chris Taylor

No Japanese cards allowed.

Upper Deck Sanctioned.

TP-2 tournament pack to each entrant.

Another TP-2 tournament pack to 1st & 2nd.

I knew today had to be different than the last few weeks. I was on a mission. Early in the season,

entrants had alternated winning 2 weeks in a row through 4 people (including me), until last month!

Nobody could figure out how to beat the secret of one 10 year old’s beatdown/card destruction deck,

for four weeks!! I had to break a few traditional deck building rules to try to!

(If you don’t keep a bigger deck, and you hit each other every turn, he’ll run out your deck!)

Here’s my (oversize) deck (60):

Monsters (34):……………………. Magic (16):……………………….Traps (10):

1 Barrel Dragon…………………....1 Raigeki………………………….1 Mirror Force

2 Summoned Skull………………...1 Dark Hole……………….………1 Magic Jammer

2 The Fiend Megacyber.…………..1 Mystical Space Typhoon………..2 Michizure

3 Goblin Attack Force (–1 r)….……2 Heavy Storm……………………1 Robbin Goblin

2 Gearfried the Iron Knight………..1 Monster Reborn…………….…..1 Imperial Order

2 La Jinn the Genie of the Lamp......1 Premature Burial……………..…2 Solumn Wishes

3 Magician of Faith………………..1 Pot of Greed………………….…1 Call of the Haunted (r)

3 Invader of the Throne……………1 Swords of Revealing Light….….1 Enchanted Javelin (+2)

3 Hayabusa Knight (r)………….….1 Axe of Despair

1 Witch of the Black Forest………..1 Black Pendant………………….Side Deck (15):

3 7-Colored Fish (r)…………….….2 Horn of the Unicorn (r)……..... 1 Dark Elf

3 Harpie’s Brother (r)……………...3 Malevolent Nuzzlers………..…..3 4-Starred Ladybug of Doom

3 Man Eater Bug………………………………………………….……...2 Steel Scorpion

1 Morphing Jar #1 (newest addition)……………………………...….…3 Fissures

1 Cyber Jar………………………………………………………………1 Giant Trunade

1 Morphing Jar #2…………………………………………………….…3 Trap Hole

………………………………………………………………………….2 Enchanted Javelin

{When I used my side deck, the whole side deck went in, to replace the cards that were marked with (r).}

When matches were called, everyone knew there’d be a bye. Not mine this time, Alan got to sit out.

No body wanted to hear that Jeremy would be their match and be out in the first round, but a new kid

Max was called. He didn’t know any different. I got a new kid, too!

Match 1-Duel 1. thedragonwizard x new kid with starter deck.

Not much to say. I explained what I was doing when I stole a couple monsters with my Invader of the Thrones. He was a little upset when each of them, and one of my own, took out his lifepoints. 8000-0

Duel 2. About the same, but I played with a few of my lesser monsters with Nuzzlers. I didn’t want to

kill him too fast with the 2 tribute monsters I’d been drawing. 6200-0

Record: 2-0

We finished in less than 15 minutes, so he played another game with Alan who was waiting for round 2.

I went over to talk to the shop owner, Mr. Katty. He’s cool! Sometimes when I lost, or was waiting for a turn, we’d play Crazy Bones. Most of his 5 kids played in the duels from time to time, but only Jeremy was there every week (except the one he was sick). Older brothers, Mason and Nolan, work in the shop, and Nolan helps the new players when they need it.

Match 2-Duel 1. thedragonwizard x another new kid with a little better deck.

I used my Summoned Skull this time, not a difficult game. 8000-0

Duel 2. He got a few hits in before I could draw the Morphing Jar #2. When he attacked it, we both laid a couple monsters out. Now it’s my turn. I tributed them for my Barrel Dragon to finish the game. 5600-0.

Record 4-0


Match 3-Duel 1. thedragonwizard x John Lossing (a two time winner)

He beat me down with Enchanted Javelins a month ago, and I’ve used them ever since! I surprised him with a couple, but they only protected my lifepoints. I got 3 tribute monsters, and couldn’t keep a Level 4 monster on the field long enough to summon one. 0-6200.

Duel 2. We exchanged a few lifepoint hits, and when I had Summoned Skull out, I drew an Invader of the Throne, took his monster and attacked with three monsters! Next turn he Raigeki’d me, but I Monster Reborned a Summoned Skull, and took out his lifepoints. 5200-0.

Duel 3. This game was fun, for me! Halfway through, I tributed for Barrel Dragon and toyed with him. Twice I flipped 2 heads, killed the monster and attacked the lifepoints, another I just attacked the defense monster, and the fourth attack finished the game. 7200-0

Record 6-1

Well this was the moment I was preparing for. I switched cards (r) with my side-deck, and Jeremy was called back to the game table. (He finished 10 minutes ago.)


Match 4-Duel 1. thedragonwizard x Jeremy Katty. (Shop high-point)

He runs a beatdown full of Zebras, Harpie’s Brothers, & Summoned Skulls, with Trap Holes, Fissures & Javelins. I loaded 2 Nuzzlers on a LaJinn, and he took the 3200 points with a Javelin, and I didn’t have a counter. 11,200 pts! Bad start! His next turn he Change of Heart’d my monster, and I never recovered, between the equipped Dark Zebra & a Summoned Skull. 0-7800.

Duel 2. This was the duel my deck was built for! It took 25 minutes, and was like a sparring match. At first I couldn’t keep a monster on the field long enough to attack his lifepoints, but I gained 3,500 pts. with a Solumn Wishes before he Typooned it, and about 5,800 with a couple Javelins. The exchanges were intense, so everyone still in the shop was in awe. The Judge was secretarying the score to help us concentrate on the attacks, and Nolan was cheering us both on! This went on until about ½ of Jeremy’s 45 cards were gone. Then I Used Raigeki and made an 1800 ATK. Then he attacked a Morphing Jar #2 and had to discard 8 cards before he could replaced the destroyed monster! Next turn I set a Morphing Jar #1, and when he hit it, I knew he lost a good hand. We drew 5 cards, and he groaned again. I knew then, he didn’t get a good draw. Given a nod, I drew set a card. He did the same. I tributed my set card for a Summoned Skull and attacked. He set a card, and my next turn, I killed it with a Goblin, and attacked the LP’s with the Summoned Skull. He prayed for the Raigeki he hadn’t seen yet (it was on the bottom, we discovered after the game), got a Cyber Jar instead. When I destroyed it next turn, my draws left me helpless, and his next turn left me with 300 LP’s! My next draw was a Monster Reborn, and I called back his Blue Eyes that I Raigeki’d earlier! That hit left him with 400 LP’s. He was scrambling to find a way to kill off, or defend from the Blue Eyes, and failed! 300-0. Whew, that was close!!!!

Duel 3. He had a Maha Vailo with a couple Nuzzlers, but next turn I Giant Trunaded the equipments, bearing the Maha, which I destroyed with a Gearfried. Next turn he added them back to a Harpie’s Brother to attack my face down Magician of Faith, I pulled back the Trunade! This happened again in a couple turns, and I finally got my Barrel Dragon on the field, flipped the 2 heads, to kill the monster, after adding an Axe, I took half his LP’s. He couldn’t put a monster on the field, so I took the rest of his LP’s! 3,800-0. Finals over, victoriously! We shook hands, and agreed it was a good match.

Record 8-2.

I didn’t get anything special in the Tournament pack, but the Pharoah’s Servant pack I bought produced a Gravity Bind, good trade bait for next week. I already have 3. We discussed the new LON cards, we’ll use them next Sunday for sure! Jeremy said, "Congratulations, but look out for next week!" He’s trying to keep his score in the Eastern Region in the top 100, so he’ll be tough I’m sure!


To everyone for having fun, and all being good sports – win or lose.

For winning and getting closer to Jeremy’s total points!

For the Katty’s for being such a nice family.

My mom (the judge), for being accepted for the Demo Team.

Nobody realized that I’m only 8! (I’m quite tall!)


Same old cards in the Tournament pack!

A dirty look I got from one of the new kids.

thedragonwizard – Chris Taylor@ (mom’s e-mail – CathyT@c-t-i-usa.com)