Subject: Rising Power- Shacko Esmit- Heroes and Hobbies- Ogden, Utah- USA
Subject:  Rising Power- Shacko Esmit- Heroes and Hobbies- Ogden, Utah, USA

Rising Power
Shacko Esmit
Heroes and Hobbies
Ogden, Utah, USA

March 8, 2003

A total of about 30 people participated in this tournament.

The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary... Vince Lombardi

Ah, My pride, my deck!

Tribute Monsters - 5:
Summoned Skull --2
Beast of Talwar -- 1
Blue Eyes White Dragon--1
Barrel Dragon--1
Normal Monsters - 9:
Harpie's Brother--3
La Jinn-- 3
Seven Colored Fish--3
Effect Monsters - 13:
Dark Elf --1 (Good Stall)
Goblin Attack Force-- 3 (Beatdown classics)
Witch of the Black Forest -- 1 (gather my GAF's!)
Sangan --1 (gather my bugs and cyber jar)
Man-Eater Bug --2 (destroy Jinzo and others)
Cyber Jar--1 (destroy the whole field, DUH!)
Wall of Illusion -- 1 (back to your hand my precious)
Magician of Faith --2 (welcome back Raigeki)
Mask of Darkness --1 ( Hello Mirror Force)
Magic Cards - 15:
Monster Reborn (necessity) Ultra Rare Too
Dark Hole (necessity) Super Rare also
Change of Heart (necessity) Ultra Rare
Raigeki (necessity)
Snatch Steal (Hey Jinzo and Summoned Skull's!)
Mystical Space Typhoon (goodbye gravity bind decks)
Axe of Dispair--2 (Barrel Dragon's Best Friend)
Forceful Sentry--1 (put card at bottom of their deck, you get to shuffle plus see whole hand)
Fissure --1 (Goodbye Jinzo)
Swords of Revealing Light--1 (3 turn no attack, sounds good to me)
Heavy Storm (necessity)
Soul Exchange (flip bug or cyber jar, sacrifice for Barrel Dragon or Summoned Skull)
Pot of Greed (necessity) two cards for free, my type of card.
Bait Doll (someone interpret for me but it sounds extraordinary!
Trap Cards-13:
Mirror Force --1
Trap Hole--2 (great monster elimination card)
Call of the Haunted--1
Seven Tools of the Bandit--1
Magic Jammer--1
Solemn Judgement--1
Waboku--1 (save my bug's then flip on my turn, sacrifice for Skull's)
Ceasefire--1 (flip their unwanted cards up and inflict damage)
Michizure-- 1(kill any monster)
Imperial Order--1
Magic Drain--2

First Round: Me vs. wimp kid
This kid ran a yugi and kaiba starter deck.  He even believed that you could send out tributal monsters with no sacrifices.  I drew 2 Goblin's and a raigeki, and you can imagine the shock on this kid's face. 1-0.  Second match was just as easy but he told me that he drew a Blue Eye's so I should watch out.  I laughed inside as my Summoned Skull's obliterated his field. 2-0.  No challenge whatsoever.

Second Round: Me vs. Brian
First off, Brian is the best duelist in all of Utah.  He has almost all of the tournament cards and knows every strategy and card ever made.  I had watched him win first(1st) place the last 3 weeks before I decided to enter this tournament.  He mocked me and my deck but I wasn't phased.  We began the duel, both drawing well.  He chose to go first and sent out a bug in face-down defense position.  I soul exchanged the bug bringing out summoned skull first round.  Next turn he fissured my Skull, fricken idiot!  After that I drew raigeki and used it on his la jinn, then I damaged him for 2300 with my Goblin's.  Then I played Sword's.  He was very upset.  He sent out a Goblin's for himself and set imperial order.  He ended and then I sacked Goblin's for Beast of Talwar.  He activated imperial order on sword's his next turn but unfortunately for him I played Seven tools of the Bandit.  He was pissed.  He couldn't draw anymore 4-stars and I thought I had won we he drew mirror force.  He had 500 Life Points left and I had 4 monsters in attack position.  He killed them all and sent out another Goblin's.  That finished me. 0-1.  Next round he didn't draw a single 4-star and I walked over him, that was a relief.  1-1.  Next round we were both dishing out power but he didn't draw "good" traps.  I used Michizure on his Goblin's and set cyber jar.  He attacked with a la jinn and I used jar's effect.  He once again couldn't pull a 4-star or lower but he managed to get Jinzo out with soul exchange.  I used fissure on the Jinzo and then monster reborned it.  Wow, I had beaten the all-star! 2-1!
Me vs. Relinquished Deck
This kid had the new LON cards and had an amazing deck.  He knew some great ideas for a Thousand Eyes Restrict deck and Relinquished deck.  First round I draw a raigeki and mirror force.  He responds with a card that gets him a fusion material monster out and he gets thousand eyes.  He then summons out a thousand eyes restrict, I still don't know how, but he did it on his second turn!  He steals my Goblin Attack Force and Does 2300 damage to me.  Wow!  I was a little scared.  But, I used Raigeki and then call of the haunted Goblin Attack Force, sacrificed for a Summoned Skull, and attacked him for 2500.  Phew!  Well, he then played wimps out of his hand who were used to get a relinquished combo and I wiped him out, eventually using Mask of Darkness to get back a Goblin Attack Force because of Call of the Haunted and equipped it with an Axe of Despair.  1-0.  Next round he totally annihilated me.  He used Raigeki, Mirror Force, and a Relinquished.  8000-0 in five turns.  1-1.  I drew well with an Imperial Order to start.  Once again he got Relinquised out but this time I activated Imperial Order on his Black Illusion Ritual.  He was pissed.  Then I cleaned the slate with a fissure, taking out a Sonic Bird.  Goblin's Attacked, then sacked him and bug for Barrel Dragon, yes!  I took out his cards getting heads every time but once!  He lost and made up tons of excuses, I was heading for the championship round!  2-1.
Round 4 Championship Round  Me vs. Bryce
I played a friend from my neigborhood who I had considered weak.  Boy he surprised me!  He had somehow made an ultimate beatdown deck that was as good as Brian's.  I soon realized I would have to play my best game of the day.  Unfortunately for me he kicked my ace the first (1st) duel.  First he used snatch steal and took my Harpie's Brother then he sacked it for a Summoned Skull and tried to damage my life points, but I activated Waboku.  I then used Snatch Steal on his Summoned Skull(yeah pretty lucky) and sent out a Goblin Attack Force to do 4800 to his life points, unfortunately he used Mirror Force on me.  Dang him!  He eventually knocked me out.  Round two I totally destroyed his arsenal unlike round one.  This time I Drew all three (3) of my GAF's and one by one, combined with Sword's of Revealing Light I dominated him in six (6) turns!  Round three was the ultimate battle of the day.  It lasted at least 25 minutes first of all!  At first it looked like everything was going wrong for me, but then I drew Imperial Order.  His whole deck is composed of magic cards so I set it.  Next turn he used Snatch Steal on a Goblin Attack Force that was in defense position so I let him.  Then he tried to switch it into attack position but I reminded him of GAF's rulings.  He was so fricken mad but he sacked it for a Summoned Skull.  I trap holed it (YES!)  I then monster reborned the Summoned Skull to which he used Solemn Judgement.  I then sent out a Seven Colored Fish and attacked his cyber jar.  We both drew well.  He sent out a Magician of Faith and got back Snatch Steal.  I sent out Barrel Dragon because of the many 4-star or lower monsters I had on my side of the field and took out his Mask of Darkness and attacked him openly for 2600.  He said "I don't care you only have 2500 left and I have a Snatch Steal in my hand!"  I felt humiliated.  It was then his turn and he used Snatch Steal, I looked at my traps and guess what I found Imperial Order!  YES!  He had never seen one before, or so he claims.  He set a Man-Eater Bug and ended.  I then discarded Imperial Order to which he threw a tantrum and said I was cheating.  I knew it was a rule and he finally believed me.  Then  I drew Axe of Despair and Equipped it to Barrel Dragon.  Once Again my effect worked and I killed his last remaining defense.  Barrel Dragon attacked him openly for 3600 to win the tournament!

It Was an excellent tournament and I hope to attend it again this upcoming Saturday.
I got three (3) packs of my choice of either Magic Ruler or Pharoah's Servant.
To Barrel Dragon for never failing me but one time.
To my Magic Ruler pack for pulling an Ultra Rare Legendary Fisherman to which I traded for another Axe of Despair.
To my mom for taking me to the tournament

To Bryce for not believing about Imperial Order and that you can discard it during your Standby Phase.
To my other packs for pulling nothing but Bladeflys and Senju of the Thousand Hands.

For further questions or information, or to help make my deck about 45 cards, contact me at
Please help me fix my deck so that it is even littler.  Thanks, also, Pojo, for the time and effort you make to post these reports!  
