Subject: stubinator's beatdown with a vengeance-primetime sportscards-zion, il

stubinator's beatdown with a vengeance-primetime sportscards-zion, il

Blake Stubbs

Tourney Date: 3/1/03

Entry Fee: $5

hey dudes. before i get started i would like to say something about the true heart of the cards. some of you may have read garrett's and cody's tourney reports from february. in their reports, they dissed me and their hometown. i just wanna say that real duelists dont diss other duelists. real duelists respect their opponents, help those in need, and trust their deck. if that isnt the true heart of the cards, i dont know what is. there were 2 brackets-juniors and masters. i played in masters. there were no LON packs for sale because upper deck screwed store owner bill over with ground shipping instead of air (more on that in props and slops). 64 players participated in the masters. and now, on to the deck! by the way, this is how my deck looked after the tourney.

Total cards: 41

Monsters x21

La Jinn x3 (he has to spend his days in a lamp. no wonder hes so pissed off)

Man-Eater Bug x3 (CHOMP!)

Wall of Illusion x3 (bonk! you hit a wall)

Gearfried x2 (immune to snatch steal!)

7 Colored Fish x2 (actually, its only 5 colors. but they were only one off)

Magician of Faith x2 (magic reborn!)

Goblin Attack Force x2 (my armies will destroy you!)

Dark Elf x1 (the david copperfield of yu-gi-oh)

Summoned Skull x1 (2500 for one trib. gotta love it)

Cyber Jar x1 (this is one piece of pottery that explodes in the kiln)

Jinzo x1 (saved the best for last)

Magic x15

Monster Reborn x1 (reborn the monster)

Pot of Greed x1 (my fave card)

Dark Hole x1 (flush)

Heavy Storm x1 (that art is so totally stolen from twister. i didnt even see that movie and i know it was stolen)

Change of Heart x1 (yoink)

Raigeki x1 (thunder bolt of doom)

Premature Burial x1 (and you thought my jinzo was dead)

Snatch Steal x1 (hey, can i have your monster? oh yeah, like you have a choice)

Swords of Revealing Light x1 (freeze!)

Mystical Space Typhoon x1 (its cyclone you morons!)

Tribute to the Doomed x1 (TttD)

Nobleman of Crossout x2 (crossout that monster! crossout them out forever! -Yonex)

Axe of Despair x2 (insert psycho shower scene music)

Traps x5

Waboku x1 (sorry, no damage for you)

Mirror Force x1 (just when you thought it was safe to attack...)

Call of the Haunted x1 (ooh, spooky... zoinks!)

Mirror Wall x1 (it slices and dices ATK points)

Imperial Order x1 (imo, better than jammer... in most cases)


Side deck x15 (der)


4-Starred Ladybug of Doom x1 (mini-raigeki)

Barrel Dragon x1 (whoa, its weapons are bongs)

Card Destruction x1 (trash all my cards)

Dust Tornado x1 (an unlucky m/t gets sucked in)

Exchange x1 (ill just take your mirror force and you can have my wall of illusion)

Hayabusa Knight x1 (it has its uses)

Heavy Storm x1 (just in case)

Magic Jammer x1 (the radar appears to be... jammed!)

Maha Vailo x1 (insane power-up)

Seven Tolls of the Bandit x1 (mirror force? i laff at you.)

Summoned Skull x1 (more firepower)

Trap Hole x2 (i am insane! *insert deranged laff here*)

Tribute to the Doomed x1 (if they dont play many face-down mons then i just take out a crossout for this)

Witch of the Black Forest x1 (see trap hole)


i got dust tornado fo $5 before the tourney. the maha vailo was $7 after the tourney. i went with my friend robbie. his deck is similar to mine. anyway, lets go!


Round 1 (64 players left)

Stubinator vs. Fernando

Duel 1: this kid had about 300 cards in his deck. he also didnt know about the tributes rule, so i had to explain it to him. a little side note, garrett and cody had to play each other in the first round. they were like the best 2 in the store, too. yay! anyway, this was pretty uneventful. my opening hand was all m/t's and it took me sveral turns to draw my first mon: gearfried. i later beat him down with gearfried and magician of faith.

Record: 1-0


Duel 2: i beat him in like 5-6 turns. he barely even put up a defense. the only damage i took in the whole match was from premature burial and attack his face-down castle of dark illusions with an 1800 mon. long story short, i move on.

Record: 2-0


Round 2 (32 people left)

Stubinator vs. Mitch


Duel 1: i this kid has elimnated me twice before, both by sweeps. he must be really rich, cuz he has mech chaser, morphing jar, jinzo, 1-2 axes (not sure which) and a bunch of othe stuff. he also cheats a little, but that wasnt a factor this time. anyway, he managed to snatch steal my jinzo w/ axe, and it looked as if i would go down. then i drew mst (mystical space typhoon) destroyed snatch steal, and the rest is history.

Record: 3-0


Duel 2: this went back and forth for a while until i used mirror wall. after that, he couldnt get any sort of offensive going.

Record: 4-0


Round 3 (16 people left)

Stubinator vs. Hugo


Duel 1: i didnt really know this guy, but i knew he was good. he didnt show it in this duel, tho. yeah, his deck was similar to mine, i just got better draws (i think). just one more victory to advance to the 4th round for only the scond in i think 9 tourneys.

Record: 5-0


Duel 2: it was going okay. then i paid the 2000 LP for mirror wall, and lets just say i should not have done that. oh well, you learn something new every day.

Record: 5-1


Duel 3: it had been a good day by my standards, but that would not cut it. luckily, this duel went much like the first. he just kept setting monsters and i kept killing them with crossout and such. i advanced.

Record: 6-1


Round 4 (8 people left)

Stubinator vs. Nick S.


Duel 1: i didnt know this guy, but i saw him beat the #10 player in the store before me. this would not be easy. okay, he just got me down and kept me down. yay, i lost! wait, thats not good...

Record: 6-2


Duel 2: now i would need a miracle. he had dark elf out and nothing in his m/t zone. i just had la jinn and mirror wall down. he attacks, i activate mirror wall and he loses a mon and 1800 LP. needless to say, he just couldnt get back on his feet after that.

Record: 7-2


Duel 3: this was it. the moment of truth. he had 2 1800 mons out and i had a man-eater bug down. i hoped to stave off death, at least for this turn. but i could not due to tribute to the doomed. oh well, it was my second best tourney ever. and im proud of that.

Record: 7-3


Aftermath: i free dueled a few people and beat most of them. the kid who beat me went on to the finals and lost to the other nick. as for robbie, garrett beat him in the second round. that would be the 3rd time robbied has lost to garrett. anyway, robbie traded his giant trunade for chain destruction (trade bait) and got nobleman of crossout in a pack. he also bought goblin attack force and imperial order before the tourney. since bill didnt have any tourney packs (again, upper deck's fault) he had to use the only LON box he had received as prizes. instead of tourney packs, he gave out gold sleeves with 3 LON cards in each one. i got 2 cuz i got into the quarterfinals.



to Robbie for getting those cards mentioned above.


to me for getting dust tornado and maha vailo.


to Bill for selling us those cards.


to Nick W. for winning the tourney.

to all the people that i played against. I respect my opponents.


to fate for somehow making Garrett face Cody in the first round.


to Ricky for selling his deck and quitting Yu-Gi-Oh! forever. Now I have one less tough duelist to worry about.



to Garrett and Cody for dissing me in their tourney reports. It's okay to diss Libertyville (my hometown) because I wasn't born there or anything. I also think Libertyville is just a town full of stupid rich kids with too much time on their hands. Okay, I'll shut up now.


to me for diissing Bill in previous tourney reports. Sorry dude.


to me again for dissing Robbie in a previous tourney report. My bad.


yet again to me for dissing Garrett in a previous tourney report.


to Upper Deck for being evil and stupid and obnoxious and seflish and...


to me for making this tourney report way too long.


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