Japanese Maha Beatdown v1.2
Joseph Abad Jr.
Kapolei, Hawaii
3/1/03 12:00 P.M
25 Contestants
Entrance Fee: $5.00
Prize: 1st - $40.00 Store Credit 2nd - $20,00 3rd - $10.00
Non-Sanctioned Tournament (Allows Hybrid, Japanese and English decks)
Monsters: 17
1xChaos Magician
Light/Magic User/6/2400/1900
Negate Monster effects that target a single Monster that target
this card. **NOTE** Its actually "once per turn, choose one monster and negate its
1xAndroid Psycho Shocker (Jinzo)
2xDemon Soldiers
3xMaha Vailo
2xTurner of the Dead: Kaiku (Kycoo: The Ghost Destroyer)
Dark/Magic User/4/1800/700
Effect: When this Monster does Battle Damage to your opponent,
remove up to 2 monsters in your opponent's Cemetery from the
game. Also, while this card is on the Field, your opponent
cannot remove Monsters in his or her Cemetery from the game.
2xToon Gemini Elves
Earth/Magic User/4/1900/900
Effect: This Monster cannot attack the turn it is Summoned. If
your [Toon World] is destroyed, so is this card. If you have a
[Toon World] on the Field and your opponent controls no Toon
Monsters, this card may attack your opponent directly. If this
Monster does damage to your opponent, he or she discards 1 card
from his or her hand at random. **NOTE** This DOES NOT need [Toon World] to summon!!
a "Class C" Toon, it can be summoned normally except it can't attack the turn it is
1xMagic Warrior - Breaker
Dark/Magic User/4/1600/1000
When this card is Summoned, put 1 Magic Counter on this card (to
maximum of 1). For each Magic Counter on this card, increase
this card's attack strength by 300. Also, you may remove 1 Magic
Counter from this card to destroy 1 Magic or Trap card on the
1xBlack Forest Witch (Witch of the Black Forest)
1xSaint Magician (Magician of Faith)
1xCyber Pod (Cyber Jar)
1xFiber Pod
Effect: Reverse: Each player shuffles his cards on the Field,
hand and Cemetery into his or her deck, then draws 5 cards.
1xYatagarasu ("Eight Giant Crows")
Air/Demon - Spirit/2/200/100
Effect: This card cannot be Special Summoned. Return this card
to its owner's hand during the End Phase of a turn in which it is
Summoned or Reversed. If this Monster does damage to your
opponent, he or she skips his or her next Draw Phase.

Magic: 19
1xThunder Bolt (Raigeki)
1xRaise Dead (Monster Reborn)
1xEarly Burial (Premature Burial)
1xChange of Heart
1xSealing Swords of Light (Swords of Revealing Light)
1xJar of Greed (Pot of Greed)
1xAngel's Gift (Graceful Charity
Type: Normal Magic Card
Effect: Draw 3 cards from your deck, then discard 2 cards from
your hand.
1xTempest (Heavy Storm)
1xHarpie's Feather Sweep (Harpie's Feather Duster)
Type: Normal Magic
Effect: Destroy all of your opponent's Magic and Trap cards on
the Field.
1xTheft (Snatch Steal)
1xPower of Teamwork (United We Stand)
Type: Equipment Magic
Effect: Increase the equipped monster's attack and defense
strength by 800 for each face-up monster you control.
1xPower of Magicians (Mage Power)
Type: Equipment Magic
Effect: Increase the equipped monster's attack and defense
strength by 500 for each card in your Magic/Trap zone.
2xEmissary of Obliteration (Nobleman of Crossout)
2xDemon Axe (Axe of Despair)
2xDemon's Kiss (Malevoent Nuzzler)
1xWelcome for the Dead (Tribute to the Doomed)

Traps: 6
3xBottomless Pit Traps
Type: Normal Trap
Effect: If your opponent Summons, Reverse Summons or Special
Summons a monster with an attack strength of 1500 or greater,
remove it from the game.
1xMagic Cylinders
Type: Normal Trap
Effect: Negate the attack of 1 of your opponent's Monsters and do
damage to your opponent equal to the attack strength of that
1xDestruction Ring (Bell of Destruction)
Type: Normal Trap
Effect: Destroy 1 face-up Monster on the Field, and do damage to
each player equal to the attack strength of that Monster.
1xHoly Barrier - Mirror Force (Mirror Force)

Total: 42 cards

I came early...too early...It supposed to start at 11:00 A.M but it got pushed back to
one hour later. I bought 2 of the newest set, Threat of the Demon World. I got good cards.
I seen people I've beaten easily and I people began to make a crowd looking at my fine
collection. Before the tourney started, I dueled a person from the past tourney and beated him fast. I beated his butt without losing 1 duel. Finally, my friends came (Erik and Kazu) who ran the tournament, they were late. They paired everyone up and I started off with an easy opponent. Oh yeah, there were mostly ameuters around, and some good people like me.

1st Round: Ameuter, X-Large deck! (Quadrouple the size of my deck!)
1st Duel:
My deck just murdered him in a matter of turns. My Maha Vailo came on the field while I cleared the field. I beat him fast. He also used Exchange and took my Snatch Steal! He stole my Jinzo and hit me! >_<...I just smacked him to 0.
2nd Duel:
He never touched me in this duel. I brought out my 1900 attacker and smacked him silly. I had a number of monsters and brought him to "overkill".

2nd Round: Ameuter, Large Deck (Triple the size of my deck!)
1st Duel:
I thought he would be a worthy opponent, but his deck was huge! He did bad and I smacked him down with my 1900 attackers. He played some Direct Damage cards like Tremendous Fire and Ookazi. I did the final blow and he was at 0.
2nd Duel:
He didn't do too well. My hand was good. I summoned one of my 1900 attackers and a trap. I also brought my Maha Vailo with an equip onto it. I cleared his field and killed him. He was easy.

3rd Round: Ameuter, Beatdown/Fusion
1st Duel:
He was good but he couldn't match up to my good cards and effects. He did well but I manage to take control and smacked him around. He went to 0 easily.
2nd Duel:
He didn't do well. It was like almost a repeat of the last duel. I brought out my good monsters like Maha Vailo with equips and smacked him around silly. In a couple of turns he lost.

4th Round: Veteran, Beatdown
1st Duel:
I haven't seen him before in the past tourneys, but he was good when I watched him duel, I thought I would lose. He started bad and I had the good hand. He would summon monsters and I would use my traps to keep his monsters from touching the field. He set own Magic and Traps and I was holding back a little. I kept hitting him with 1 Demon Soldier then I brought other monsters and killed him. Chaos Magician helped.
2nd Duel:
This duel was like the last. I felt he was sorta holding back. I brought out my good monsters and smacked him. When he summoned monsters my traps prevented them to lay a single toe on the field. I brought out more heavy hitters and killed him.

5th Round: Veteran, Beatdown
1st Duel:
Okay, I dueled him before and this match decided 1st place. Everyone crowded around us to watch us duel. He was pretty easy before but then he did better. I had crap in my hand...a Yatagarasu and a number of equips. I used my Raigeki to early and he somehow summoned Jinzo which screwed me. I got nothing and I lost.
2nd Duel:
I'm really pissed and I wanted revenge. I started with a good hand. For him, history repeated itself, he got Jinzo back. I beat him silly in this round. I got the good monsters and brought him to 0. Whew...1 more match to go.
3rd Duel:
The pressure was on and everyone was on my side cause they wanted their friend to lose. He just had a bad start and I had a fair hand like usual. I summon good monsters and cleared the field while doing direct damage for a while. he was close to 0 and I just delivered the final blow.

I won! $40.00 Store Credit. I'm still the champion there, I'm the "Undefeated of Kapolei!" That was my 3rd time placing 1st. Hmm...what to buy? I knew what I wanted, a ton of boosters. I bought 8 Threat of the Demon World, 4 Mythological Age, and 2 New Ruler. In all the packs I got 1 Ultra-rare, 2 Super Rares, 2 Rares, and 2 Normal Rares. The best card I got is the Genocide Demon King. The Super-Rares are Asura and Heavenly Knight Purseus. My rares are Snake Pot and Metal Parasitic Life Form. My Normal Rare is Lost Dog Malon. I did well today, interesting that I'm beating everyone fast. Oh, for all you people on O'ahu, I think Toyrrrific has tournaments every first Saturday of the month. Oh and I also duel at Jelly's the Original every Sunday at 4:00 p.m, if you think you're tough enough, bring it on!

-Erik and Kazu doing the tournament.
-Toyrrrific for now making daily tournaments.
-Placing 1st for the 3rd time.
-Getting good cards.
-Getting Genocide Demon King.
-Maha Vailo, Chaos Magician, Jinzo, Demon Soldier and others for helping me win.

-Erik and Kazu showing up late.
-The tournament being pushed back.
-The people who took long to duel.

Contact Info:
AIM - crmsntears77
E-mail - abadv001@hawaii.rr.com