Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2003 2:15 PM
Subject: Jinzo_Tsunami_Duncan_Alonso_Comic_Kings_VA_Beach_VA
Place: Comic Kings, VA Beach, VA
Time: Noon
Entry Fee: $5.00 (You get a tourney 3 pack)
People: 48 (I was the last one to sign up)
Prizes: First: 16 packs of Legacy of Darkness
Second: 8 packs of legacy of Darkness
Date: June 7, 2003



Cyber Jar
Hayabusa Knight
Freed The Matchless General
Witch of the black forest (WotBF)
Exiled Forest (X-Force)
Magician of Faith (MOF)
3x The legendary Fisherman (TLF)
Penguin Soldier
Fiber Jar
Dream Clown
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
Karate Man
Total Monsters: 17


United We Stand
Axe of Despair
Dark hole
Change of Heart
2x A Legendary Ocean (ALO)
Magic Reflector
Heavy Storm
Monster Reborn
2x Graceful Charity
Premature Burial
Snatch Steal
Pot of Greed
Mage Power
2x Soul Release
Total magic: 18


Magic Cylinder
Call of the Haunted (CotH)
Imperial Order
Solemn Judgment
Tornado Wall
Total traps: 5

Total Cards: 40

Side Deck: N/A (I didn't use it)

The tourney:

I got there around 10, signed in got my TP3 pack (it had a white hole), Dueled some of my friends (Bobby, Stephen, Dylan, William) and was bored.  Around 1 the last judge finally showed up and they called out names and I was up against a stranger.

Round 1: Jinzo Tsunami vs. Stranger (Wannabe Ocean Deck)

Duel one: Nothing to report here it was pretty easy
Duel two: See above
Score: 2-0
Note: After the duel I checked out the guy next to me's deck.  It was pretty good.
I was done in about 10 minutes so I checked out my opposition for half an hour.  Then came round two.

Round 2: Jinzo Tsunami vs. Kid next to me

Duel one:  Hammered me down with harpie's brothers till I was at 2650, then out came Jinzo, Raigeki, reborn, tribute, Freed, United, Mage, and Axe on jinzo and bang 8800Damge to life!
Duel two: he went first and set a m/t.  I set solemn Judgment and summoned Hayabusa with an axe, Mage and united!  Then I play Raigeki Attack twice.  I yell game and he says wait waboku so he gets a turn to set a card.  Then I summon Kycoo. Attack w/ all.  I yell game again and he yells Magic cylinder so I play solemn judgment.
Score: 4-0

Round three: Jinzo Tsunami vs. Bobby (Harpy deck)
This kid can beat me!
Duel 1: Nothing much except he played premature burial when he had 100 life points left.
Duel 2: Jinzo fisherman onslaught he never knew what hit him.
Score: 6-0

Round 4 (12-under finals, Winner plays 13-over winner): Jinzo Tsunami vs. Steven (Fiber):

Duel 1: He removed my Jinzo and all reborning cards with soul release and destroyed me.
Duel 2: X-forced his fiber, and took it to him w/ Jinzo
Duel 3: Fisherman's Feeding Frenzy!
Score: 8-1

Finals: Jinzo Tsunami vs. Anthony (Beat down)
First of all this guy knew about my fisherman and he is ranked 3rd in the store.

Duel 1: Call the National Guard! I got slaughtered!
Duel 2: This must be the civil war coz I got hit by cannons all over the place.
Score: 8-3

To my bro for letting me borrow United
To some dude for trading me united and mage for my Ha Des
For getting to the finals

For losing
For pulling crap out of my packs
For forgetting to bring McDonald's money.

Questions, Suggestions, rants, raves? Email me at (no porn please)