Fiend Beatdown + Yata-lock


Name- Carmine Muraglia

Store- Cupids Lounge

Location- Belleville, NJ

Number of people- 8 (low low count) (2 loss elimination)

Date- 6-21-03


Monsters 5+

Dark Ruler Ha Des

Summoned Skull

Dark Necrofear



Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

Hayabusa Knight

La jinn x3

Witch of the Black Forest

Man-Eater Bug

Spear Dragon

Injection Fairy Lily

Penguin Soldier




Wall of Illusion


Magician of Faith

Cyber Jar



Mystical Space Typhoon

Pot of Greed

Dark Hole

Graceful Charity x2

Tribute to the Doomed

The Forceful Sentry

Heavy Storm


Delinquent Duo

United We Stand

Swords of Revealing Light

Change of Heart

Nobleman of Crossout

Monster Reborn

Axe of Despair


Mirror Force

Magic Jammer

Solemn Judgement

Skull Lair

Robbin’ Goblin

Imperial Order

Call of the Haunted 



If you have any ideas or changes about my deck, please contact me at



Tournament- Since there was very few people there, there was only a first place prize. O well, a tournament is a tournament. Now lets get on with what happened.



Me vs. Angel(beatdown deck)

Round One

Duel One

I don’t remember much but he took control early and was destroying all my mons with Skull Lair(god I hate this card). I got rid of his SL, finally, with Mystical Space. I placed an Injection. He took out a few mons and forced me to pay 2000, I used it twice and then I was below 2000 so I couldn’t ise it no more, I put it in defense. He fissured it and attacked with La jinn for game.


Duel Two

Almost exactly the first time, he forced me to pay 2000 lp to use Injections effect, he quickly finished me off.


Me vs. Dennis(Skull Lair Kid)

Round Two

Duel One

Heavy Storm, Yata, Delinquent Duo, Forceful Sentry, Crossout, Imperial order in first hand = GAME.(Yata-Lock ^_^)


Duel Two

This one lasted longer than the last. We were both going back and forth attacking. He got out Skull Lair(>.<) and cleared my field, on of the cards being Witch. I got Kycoo and put an end to his little come back J. Winner, me. He is eliminated.


Me vs. Lewis(beatdown deck)

Round Three

Duel One

This one was fun. I used both gracefuls and discarded 3 fiends and summoned Dark Necrofear in defense. It was a wall for him! Next turn I start attacking with her and La jinn. He the snatches my Dark Necrofear and summons it for Jinzo. Not to worry, Necrofear comes back!! I got his Jinzo and attacked for the rest of his lp.


Duel Two

I don’t remember much about this one, but I know I won with Yata. He had a few face down cards with no mons. I risked it and played yata. I attacked and he used mirror force, which I countered woth solemn judgement. He couldn’t draw but he didn’t surrender. I finally drew call of the haunted and finished him off.


Me vs. Angel again O_O;;

Round Four

Duel One

I took early advantage as he bragged about his good hand, which fell to Delinquent Duo. I picked jinzo and he threw away bazoo. I played Injection and imperial and ended. He tried tribute to the doomed, but it fell victum to imperial. He played a fd mon and a couple traps and ended. I used crossout then attacked. I announced the attack, waited, then payed 2000. He then tried to activate mirror force, but I hadda explain that you couldn’t after u pay the 2000. hes down to 46. He plays another mon fd. I draw, play raigeki and throw down lajinn and attack for game. I won!! I was so happy.


Duel Two

He had a really bad hand with like 1 mon and no magic/traps to defend himself. I just kept poking his lp until he didn’t have anymore J.


Angel and Lewis duel, Angel wins and Lewis is eliminated. Now for the 3rd time I have to face Angel!! :(.


Me vs. Angel

Final Round

Duel One

I don’t remember the first duel that much. All I know is that my injection was out and he forced me to pay, again, until I had like 2000 lp then just attacked and wiped them away. I lose first duel :(.


Duel Two

This was probably the best duel the whole day. It was late in the duel he had a full M/T zone filled with no mons. I summoned and he skull laired it >_<!!!! His grave is pretty big to kill around 4-5 more mons. I injection and witch in my hand. I play witch facedown and end. He summons his own witch and attacks, no mons die, he ends. He then skull laired my witch. I thought all hope was lost as I was searching the remaining cards in my deck for a mon that can save me. Then I saw it! KYCOO!! (by the way I only have 900 lp) I draw a kuriboh, feeling a little comeback, I play Kycoo. After that, he flips trap hole. After that, I knew I have lost when he summoned another mon to finish my lp.

GJ Angel..

Ok time for Pros and Cons



-Coming in 2nd

-winning a lot duels in a row

-beating the store owner once ^_^

-getting dark necrofear out like 4 times

- cupids lounge for having a cool owner

-good food



-Coming is 2nd

-having to play Angel 3 times

-no 2nd place prize

-he got Maruding Captain in one of his 2 packs he won

-people owning my Injection

-yata being mirror forced


This was my first deck report, please don’t send me hate mail saying its sloppy or something.


AIM screename- Impr3ssive
