by ShadowMiller (Kevin Miller)


Gemini Jetpack Cards, Collectibles and Manga (

Waterloo, ON, Canada

Entry was CAD$5.00

1st place gets $1.80 in store credit X the number of participants, and something similar for 2nd and 3rd.

June 16th 2003, 5:15 – 8:00


At the end of the last tournament we played at Gemini (see Atlantis Rising June 4th), Dave, Holly and I stayed a while afterwards to talk with Pista, the runner of these unsanctioned Tournaments, and the store owners, Dave, Jason and Wendy.  We came to the conclusion that another tournament should be held soon, and a few after in rapid succession, in order to judge whether such Tournaments will be popular enough here.  If they are, Gemini will open up to Officially Sanctioned Tournaments ^_^.


Anyway, ever since I found this place, I have been having great luck.  I got Yata-Garasu in my first pack of LOD, won a Legendary Fisherman on eBay, and got a less interested player to lend me his Suijin.  Unfortunately, LOD is still restricted at Gemini until July 1st, disallowing my Legendary Oceans and Magic Reflector to protect them.  Oh well, maybe next time…


Anyway, my record at Gemini currently stands at 8-4-0, in a W-L-T format.  Just my luck:  Dave’s stats are exactly the same.  This means that chances are we will have to duel each other right off the bat this time, and Dave beats me 2/3 times.  Here a few stats on Dave, as well as a few other duelists I know:


Dave Freiburger

Duelist ID: SpikedNinja

Gemini Record: 8-4-0

Deck Type: Relinquished Beatdown

Signature Cards That Piss Me Off: Relinquished, Nobleman of Extermination, Giant Germ


Holly Freiburger

Duelist ID: (none)

Gemini Record: (not sure, but lower than mine)

Deck Type: Warrior

Signature Cards That Piss Me Off: Princess of Tsurugi, Buster Blader, Lightning Blade


Chris Campos

Duelist ID: (none)

Gemini Record: (none)

Deck Type: Burner

Signature Cards That Piss Me Off:  Burning Land, Gravity Bind, Hinotama


And then Pista’s just a mystery to me – he seems to run a standard Beatdown/Relinquished deck, but I have no idea what his stats or ID are.  He’s the leading duelist at Gemini, and is definitely better than us, but not indestructible (I gave him his first Tournament defeat on the 4th  ^_^).


Anyway, onto the report:


These are the contents of my deck, ATLANTIS RISING:


Monsters (23)


[3x] Amphibian Beast

[3x] 7 Colored Fish

[2x] Aqua Spirit

[2x] Cure Mermaid

[2x] High Tide Gyojin

Suijin (borrowed)

The Legendary Fisherman

Mother Grizzly

Island Turtle


Trap Master

Cyber Jar

Man-Eater Bug

Magician of Faith

Wall of Illusion

Hayabusa Knight


Magic (15)


[3x] Umi

[2x] Offerings to the Doomed

Malevolent Nuzzler


Monster Reborn

Soul Exchange

United We Stand

Mage Power

Giant Trunade

Change of Heart


Dark Hole


Trap (7)


[3x] Tornado Wall

Torrential Tribute


Magic Drain





I added the third Amphibian Beast that I won during the last Tounament, replacing my Crab Turtle, as well as the killer effects of Legendary Fisherman(which replaced my Deepsea Warriors) and Suijin.  I also found the 7 Colored Fish I lost before the last Tournament and added it back in.  I took out Witch of the Black Forest, because when I thought about it, it wasn’t really helping me.  Magic-wise, I added the staple Raigeki that I got in my first pack of LOB (that’s right, I had never bought LOB before), and a United We Stand that I got after work the day before the Tournament.  Bitchin’!.  My Traps hold constant with last time.  Oh, and by the way, Trap Master and Hayabusa Knight are only in my deck because of the MetaGame – too many people around here like to use Gravity Bind, my most despised of all traps.  While I’m on the subject, my most hated monster is Jinzo and my most hated magic is Fissure.


First Match – Kevin Miller vs. Chris, but not the aforementioned Chris (Beatdown/Control)

Duel 1

He got a bit of damage off me initially with a Neo the Magic Swordsman because I couldn’t get a monster first turn.  The next turn I set up my Umi Tornado combo, and after several more turns, he realized that he had no magic/trap removal and as such could not win.

6200 – 5550 (forfeit)


Duel 2

Neither of us got any monsters until I got 7 Coloured Fish with Umi and attacked directly.  He used Change of Heart, tributed for Summoned Skull, and attacked my….Tornado Wall.  He forfeited immediately.

8000 –  6000 (forfeit)


Excellent, he wasn’t able to get out any Bistro Butchers against me, only a Dream Clown that I killed with a Cyber Jar in Duel 1.  Heh, control nothing…


Second Match – Kevin Miller vs. Colin (Leftover Toons)

Duel 1

He got some damage off me using Opticlops (shtoopid name) equipped with a Sword of Deep-Seated.  I at some point used Umi Tornado combo and actually got to use my Legendary Fisherman and Suijin to finish him off.  Pista was watching after finishing off Dave in record time, and was wondering where I finally got my Legendary Fisherman.  Heh, the look on his face…

5700 – 0


Duel 2

Essentially the same thing happened, but as soon as I tributed for my Amphibian Beast and attacked directly, he drew Trap Hole.  He got pissed and gave up.

8000 – 5400 (forfeit)


Just a note:  I have to give this guy some level of credit, as he was using some of Pista’s old Pegasus cards and a few LOD.  He left his deck at home.  Anyway so far I was undefeated, and so was Pista.  D’oh…


Third Match – Kevin Miller vs. Pista (Beatdown/Relinquished/Magic-Trap Removal)

Duel 1

He re-tooled his Deck with some Magic/Trap removal to limit my Umi Tornado combos and thereby get revenge for last time.  It worked.  I didn’t keep track of these duels because they were too funny.  He was PARANOID. He Mystical Space Typhoon’d or Magic Jammer’d everything I set.  He won the first and third duels, with Summoned Skull and my Reborn’d Amphibian Beast.  I won the second by default because I found out he was running illegal amounts of Cyber Jars and Witches of the Black Forest.  I was unable to get any Umi Tornado combos at all, but this was hilarious.

1st: Pista

2nd: Me

3rd: Pista…. D’oh….


In conclusion with this Tournament, I lost to the guy-to-beat and came in second.  Out of six.  Which is why we never had a fourth round.  I got me $6 in store credit, but didn’t get anything with it yet.  Here’s my rundown:



-Me getting so many good cards lately: United We Stand, Raigeki, Legendary Fisherman, and a borrowed Suijin.


-Getting six bucks in store credit!

-Getting second place, raising my stats to 15-6-0.

-Gemini for getting Metal Raiders again.

-Pista for being ridiculously paranoid.

-Hitting Dave with a 9750 direct damage combo today at lunch – it was like a nine-card combo!!



-Pista’s constant monster removal.

-Huge lack of attendance.

-Dave fighting with Holly.

-Dave being mad at his deck.


-Not realizing I could use LOD cards until I left my Legendary Oceans at home.

-Chris Campos, for being the biggest wuss ever.  He was actually afraid to come to this sparsely attended Tournament because he wouldn’t do good!!

-Kids who are like eight and get their parents to buy all their cards.  What’s the honour in that!? Your winning using the rare cards in your parents’ Deck.  There weren’t any of these kids there, but they just really piss me off and give the game a bad name.


Final Thoughts:

-Why does Upper Deck rename the cards so crappily?

-I would have gotten first if this were official – Pista would’ve been disqualified for his deck violations.

-Why are there so many artworks for Blue Eyes White Dragon?

-Why do people show up at these Tournaments just to watch, but bring their decks and challenge  the losers?

-I need to get my own Suijin.

-Why do people use Sword of Deep-Seated?  If you actually like the additional effect, Horn of the Unicorn is much better.  I prefer Malevolent Nuzzler, as it gives you the choice.

-The Japanese name for Yata-Garasu is 800 Crows, while the English meaning is just Crow.   What happened to the other 799!?

-Finally, Chris Campos is a wuss.  If you don’t buy cards, how do you expect to get better cards?  If you don’t enter Tournaments, how do you get experience?  Easy.  You annoy the people you follow around and use pity as an excuse to get their cards for free, then wonder why they want to kick your ass in a Tournament.  Get a job, deadbeats.  Buy your own cards to get a real idea of their value.  I have spent only my own money, sweat and blood on my Deck, and the feeling of creating such a graceful harmonious artwork is indescribable.  In short, get a job, get your own cards, and don’t be a frickin’ wuss!! You won’t get better by feeling sorry for yourself.


Questions?  Comments?  Suggestions?   Ridicule?  Email with a subject line containing the word Yu-Gi-Oh.