The Last Warrior and His Drinking Buddies

Museum Of Science and Industry (MOSI)

Tampa, Fl

June 8, 2003

240 Participants


This is my 1st tournament report. This was a sanctioned Official Upper Deck tournament. Here it is:


TLW & His Drinking Buddies


Fusion Monsters: (3)

3x The Last Warrior From Another Planet


Monsters: (22)

2x The Fiend Megacyber

3x Zombyra The Dark

2x Gearfried the Iron Knight

2x Asura Priest

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Exiled Force

2x Marauding Captain

1x Sangan

1x Cyber Jar

3x Maryolcutai

1x Sinister Serpent

3x Kuriboh (Annoys opponents when the attack)


Magics: (18)

1x Harpies Feather Duster

3x Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

1x Horn of the Unicorn

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

3x The Warrior Returning Alive

3x Reinforcement of the Army (Soon to be restricted to 2)

3x Polymerization

1x Pot of Greed (draw cards = good)


Traps: (10)

1x Imperial Order

1x Light of Intervention

2x Seven Tools of the Bandit

2x Waboku (protection)

2x Blast with Chains

2x Metalmorph




Side Deck: (15)

1x Buster Bladder

2x Hayabusa Knight

1x Rageiki

1x Heavy Storm

1x Nobleman of Crossout

1x Swords of Revealing Light

1x Nobleman of Extermination

1x Mage Power

1x Mirror Force

1x Magic Cylinder

1x Magic Drain

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Blast with Chains

1x Skull Lair


It is a warrior based deck that compliments each monster and the magic cards allow me to search for any monster in my deck depending on the situation. My strategy is to control the field with either TLWFAP or Marauding Captain and then power them up and smash away. Asura Priest with Horn of the Unicorn allows me to clear the field for the warriors. The tournament was double-elimination. Entrance fee was $8 and you got either a TP3 or LOD pack. The Winners got cash prizes. Their were 15 brackets of 16 players. The winners of each bracket were then reseeded and dueled in the final rounds.


Round 1 - TLW vs. a kid named Zachary (No theme)

1st Duel:

LP - Me 8000 -7800-7700 


I had things running well, I got TLW out with Light of Intervention and then proceed to pick away.


2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000

Him - 8000-6100-5200-3300-4300-1950-0

Similar result TLW came out. Zach did manage to Rageiki him but I returned him with The Warrior returning alive and controlled the field.



Round 2 - TLW vs. a kid named Kyle (Fusion/Ritual Deck)

1st Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-5000-4000

Him - 8000-5600-6650-4000-5000-4350-2000-4350-1300-0

This round took awhile because I got TLWFAN out but no Imperial Order or Light of Intervention so all I could do was hit his FD defense monsters for about 7 turns before he finally destroyed my LW and allowed me to flip my field and finish him off with the rest of my warriors.

2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-7800-7100-6950

Him - 8000-7350-8350-3250-1050-0

This round went fairly quick. I got out Imperial order and the Marauding Captains and gained control of the field. He destroyed my FD Sinister Serpent with a Magic card and then my son reminded us that Imperial Order was out and that the magic card wouldn't work. He then accused me of cheating. So I called a judge over who indicated that pointing out a misplay on the table was not cheating or helping and no foul was committed. After that it was over fairly quickly.



Round 3 - TLW vs. Nelson (Gravity Bind/LP Attack)

1st Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-6800-5500-4800-4300-3600-3100-2400

Him - 8000-7300-4700-1100-500-200-0

This was a tough round. I had control of the field until he got out a gravity bind. He went to work with Jinzo #7 powered up and began chipping away. I finally got a Marauding Captain out with 3 Fusion Swords and began to counter attack. Then his Gravity Bind started working against him. He could only get out 4-star or higher monsters and nothing to counter the MC.

2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-7450-7050-6950-5550-4150-3550-2850-1850

Him - 8000-7750-7450-6700-6000-5400-3700-1800

I side decked in 2 Hayabusa Knights for my Gearfrieds. This was a close battle we traded blows and just as we got to the end of the duel the judges came over and called the match because we were running out of time for the round. (We had to wait over an hour for our bracket to fill before we could start.)



Round 4 - TLW vs. Michael (Defensive Exodia Deck)

1st Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-9000-7600-6000

Him - 8000-7500

This was over in about 5 rounds, before I figured out what was happening he had all 5 pieces of Exodia in his hand and it was game over.

2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-9000-8900-7900-6600-5700-5400-3200-1500

Him - 8000-7600

I put the Hayabusa Knights back in because of the gravity bind he was using. I never could get anything started. When I finally could mount an attack it either got Mirror Forced, Magic Cylindered or I'd hit a Labyrinth Wall. Just as I got the HK upto 2600 Atk he SORL me. Then he got his Exodia pieces.




Tournament Overall: I felt the deck did well. It needs some tweaks to handle an Exodia deck but it can hold it's own against most other deck types.


Props & Slops:



- To my son for doing ok with his Relinquished deck.

- To me for pulling a White Hole from the TP3 pack



- To MOSI for a long slow tournament

- To Exodia decks


Thanks again for reading my tourney report. If you have any Questions,

Comments, Advice, Compliments, Complaints, or whatever, feel free to E-mail me at