- South Beatdown Tourney Report

Player ---> Bennett Paylor

Date ---> 6 - 05 -2003

Place & Time ---> The Toy Chest - Raleigh, NC ---> 6:00 - 8:00 PM

Entry Fee ---> 5.00 Everybody gets a tourney pack!!

-=Tribute Monsters – 2=-
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[1x] Jinzo
[1x] Summoned Skull

-=Non-Tribute Monsters - 18=-
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[3x] Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[3x] Hysteric Fairy
[2x] Penguin Soldier
[2x] Magician of Faith
[2x] 7 Colored Fish
[1x] Bazoo the Soul-Eater
[1x] Goblin Attack Force
[1x] Gearfried the Iron Knight
[1x] Witch of the Black Forest
[1x] Cyber Jar
[1x] Mask of Darkness

-=Magic – 14=-
= = = = = = = = =

[2x] Mystical Space Typhoon
[1x] Raigeki
[1x] Harpie’s Feather Duster
[1x] Axe of Despair
[1x] Monster Reborn
[1x] Premature Burial
[1x] Change of Heart
[1x] Pot of Greed
[1x] Heavy Storm
[1x] Dark Hole
[1x] Nobleman of Crossout
[1x] Swords of Revealing Light
[1x] Graceful Charity

-=Traps – 6=-
= = = = = = = =

[1x] Mirror Force
[1x] Magic Cylinder
[1x] Imperial Order
[1x] Call Of The Haunted
[1x] Torrential Tribute
[1x] Robbin’ Goblin

= = = = = = = = = = = =
-=Total Cards – 40=-
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For all of you people that only read this far.......come help me email me to help with my deck!!! I will take any help you can give me!!!

Come Email Me At:


- Tournament Time

Round 1 ---> ConfederateYugi Vs. Jeremy {Deck He Made That Morning} 

I got here early so we got to do 2 out of 3 match, where as if I had gotten there at 6:00 we would have only had time for 1 duel. Well I mean I did not find out that he made this deck this morning until I got later on in the tourney from his sisters boyfriend. Well I really tried to go easy on this guy and I just put in Robbin' Goblin and I got it out and got his hand.......from just using it in my deck this tournament.  Well I am not going into both duels I just ended up winning!! ON TO ROUND 2!!

Round 2 ---> ConfederateYugi Vs. Chris {Weird Deck}

Alright this guy I was getting mad at cause he took so long with the duel before like I was waiting for 10 minutes just for us to duel and he was making a trade while we were dueling. Well if this had been almost anybody else with his deck I would have went a little bit easier but I did not let him know I was mad at him cause you know it aint nothing to really be mad at but I just killed him in both duels!!! NOW LETS GET SOME CHALLENGE IN ROUND 3!!

Round 3 ---> ConfederateYugi Vs. Mark {Barrel Dragon Deck Sorta}

Now I have dueled this guy before............2 times actually.....I beat him the first time we dueled in a match.......he beat me the second match........and we will see who wins the next match

Duel 1 --->

Ok well this guy likes to get his Barrel Dragons out and likes to do some damage but just check out what I did!!! Ok well first let me just say the he won this time and it was really close it was like a 10 minute duel. I dont really remember any of it but you he did win!!

Duel 2 --->

Ok well let me see.........he did end up getting Barrel out on me but it was so funny cuase I magic cylindered it!! 2600 to his life points! Yes.....well it was like so good to see the look on his face!!! Man and again I love my Robbin' Goblin.......it worked SO good!!

Duel 3 --->

These duels are alot closer than you may think and this was just a good duel......I did not get much dmaage but to win I had 7 Colored Fish down and then used Change of Heart on his Barrel Dragon and then got the win by flipping the coin destroying his face down MoF and then attacking his LP!!! Go Yugi Go Yugi!!!!!!

Round 4 ---> Me Vs. Kid I dueled first round's sissters boyfriend

This guy is in collage goes to my favorite school NC STATE!!! Well he had a nice mustang while I was pimping my Buick!!

Duel 1 --->

Well he got the best hand the first turn but he totally destroyed me......I mean it made me want to go piss my pants and cry!! Well not really its just that I got like 1 1800 attack and he just destroyed me from there.......he just said that he got a really good hand and he got really lucky and I was like yea right!

Duel 2 --->

So this was time to see if I can stay or go.........and really I got the upper hand on him and I really liked my Swords and MST's this game so I could get his LP and he could not attack back........but sometimes I dont mind to take my 1800 normal monsters and summon them and the destroy all monsters on the feild with torrentail tribute......such an awesome startagey and then reborn summoned skull!!!!!!!!!

Duel 3 --->

This duel could have gone either way but the only problem is..........was time.....half was through the duel....the leader of the tourney said that we have 3 turns each and that who ever was ahead wins it! Well wouldnt you know he was ahead........oh well!!!!!!

Now its time for the Props and Slops of this tournement!!

Props --->

Getting Pretty Far!
Robbin Gobllin Actually Worked

Slops --->

Legacy of Darkness Still Sucks
I dont get why I lose???


Come Email Me At:


I am always on AOL Instant Messenger and Yahoo Instant Messenger and Props to those who play Counter Strike!!

My Screename on Yahoo and AIM is --->


Just add me to your buddy list and come talk to me!!!!

Thanks Everybody AND EMAIL ME OR TALK TO ME ON AOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!