Name Kris Evans
Location Champion Card Collector in NY Pok
# of part. 30+
Name of Deck Tragic Death
Participants 35+
July 20 2003

Ya I know this is gonna come out in August but I wanted to write about this tourney. And I only got one good card from the Pharonic Guardian Packs.

First of here's the deck:

Tribute Monsters x1

Reg. Monstersx17

No Gemini Elf!
Bazoos x2
Cyber Jar
Exiled Force
Kycoos x3
Yata Garasu
Penguin Soldier
Spear Dragon x2
Injection Fairy Lily
Hayabusa Knight
Goblin Attack Force x2
Sinister Serpent
Witch of the Black Forest

Magic Cards x15
Premature Burial
Axe of Despair
Dark Hole
Pot of Greed
Mage Power
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Monster Reborn
Change of Heart
Swords of Revealing Light
Graceful Charity x2
Harpie's Feather Duster
Snatch Steal

Trap Cards x7
Ring of Destruction (the card that was the only good one I got)
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Magic Cylinder
Call of the Haunted
Solemn Judgement
Torrential Tribute
Imperial Order

40 cards total

Now on to the Tourney

Round 1
Me vs. Some kid
This guy had almost every single card I did except for the ring. This duel was pretty quick he goes first lays i card 5 cards face down and a Injection. My turn I play graceful discard Jinzo and sinister. monster Reborn Jinzo play Harpies and Raigeki sommon my Injection
put axe and mage on Injection and hit him game.
Duel 2
Same as last time I win.

During the break I met some kids we talked about Yugioh and who moved on. I also bought 12 packs of Legacy Pulled an Injection a Fiber a Spear and a Last Turn all doubles.

Round 2

I got a bye into the third round.

Round 3 the Semi-Finals
Me vs a good dueler
The kid left before he could finish but I coudn't get another bye so they re-drew. I had to face some teen age kid with alot of good cards. I went first i set torrential tribute imperial order and ring of destruction. I set penguin soldier. He play's harpies then I flip imperial. He sets a monster and three cards. I play feather duster (i dont pay ) I flip Penguin play swords then summon Injection and play mage hit him he gives.
Duel 2
same as last duel I win.

The Finals
Me vs Jeff
Alright he goes first sets two cards and play scape goat. I go I harpies then summon yata hit him set three cards. He goes plays feather duster flip imperial summons Injection I torrential My turn I play graceful discard Injection and Jinzo I monster reborn premature summon Yata he gives.
Duel 2
Same as last time I win The Tournament.

Winning a half a box of Legacy
Pulling another Yata and Injection
My mom for taking me
and for winning.

No slops this time

If you have any questions email me at