Beatdown vs. 9.0
Charles Washington
July 19 2003
Ricks Card and Hobby Shop
St.Louis, MO
10 Participants

this is a very special tourney report i recived my 4 boxes of pharohic guardian and due to the spoilers posted on pojo i have at least 2 copies of each card so if u want 2 trade will see if we can work something out my info is at the bottom of this report and i rercived my 6 packs i won a few tourneys back i got crap except for my 4th barrel behind the door and my 3rd ring of destruction i had some many people wanting 2 trade me for them and traded it for 2 mech chasers!!!!!!! i would have put them in my side deck since it was right after i entered nothing in my deck or side deck could be changed during the tourney.

Monsters (18)
X1 Jinzo (PSV)
X1 Injection Fairy Lily (LOD)
X3 Gemini Elf (LON)
X2 Spear Dragon (LOD)
X3 Bazoo the Soul Eater (LON)
X1 Exiled Force (LOD)
X1 Fiber Jar (LOD)
X1 Witch of the Black Forest (MRD)
X1 Cyber Jar (MRL)
X1 Sinister Serpent (SDD)
X1 Morphing Jar #1 (TP2)
X1 Needle Worm (TP3)
X1 Yata Garasu (LOD)

Magics (16)
X1 Raigeki (LOB)
X1 Pot of Greed (LOB)
X1 Dark Hole (LOB)
X1 Monster Reborn (LOB)
X1 Swords of Revealing Light (LOB)
X1 Change of Heart (MRD)
X2 Tribute to the Doomed (MRD)
X1 Heavy Storm (MRD)
X1 Snatch Steal (MRL)
X2 Mystical Space Typhoon (MRL)
X1 Nobleman of Crossout (PSV)
X1 United We Stand (LON)
X1 Mage Power (LON)
X1 Harpies Feather Duster (SDD)

Traps (6)
X1 Mirror Force (MRD)
X1 Imperial Order (PSV)
X1 Magic Cylinder (LON)
X1 Torrential Tribute (LON)
X1 Call of the Haunted (PSV)
X1 Ring of Destruction (PGD)

Total (40)

Side Deck
X2 Needle Worm (TP3)
X2 Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer (LON)
X1 Suska Samaria (PGD)
X1 Mystical Space Typhoon (MRL)
X1 Fairy Box (LON)
X1 Delinquent Duo (MRL)
X2 Axe of Despair (MRL)
X1 Solemn Judgment (MRD)
X1 Goblin Attack Force (PSV)
X1 Nobleman of Crossout (PSV)
X1 Byser Shocker (PGD)
X1 Spear Dragon (LON)

well as u can see ihad 2 take out my beloved fairy box for a ring of destruction after destroy a mon and do lp damage at the same time come on thats diffently staple material and besides staple vs. minor staple please its kind of what happened to trap hole and fissure dont u remerber when that was the best mon removal out there and man eater bug was the best effect and despell was the best u could do for m/t removal but now they arent even used i like sets that change gameplay the only 2 sets that changed the game alot was mrd and psv metal raiders gave u ur waboku and raigeki in one (mirror force) and the currently the second best in m/t removal in my opinon heavy storm plus those countersa that stooped m/t when they activate and psv gave us 2 new beatdown mons (harpies bro + goblin attack force) and the 2 secr3et rares that stooped magic and traps also my favorite magic nobleman of croossout to stop effects all in all i dont like this set very much but thats my opinon i have 1 more thing to say this tourney had the top ten from the store and it will be an action packed report.

Round One
beatdown vs. warrior
first move he special summoned gilasurs and played a goblin attack force my move i played dark hole and atacked with a spear dragon and laid ring of destruction and magic cylinderhe summoned a barrel dragon from a monster reborn and graceful charity he tried the effect but lost and then attacked but i cylindered it my move i played gemini elf used ring of destruction on barrel dragon and attacked with elf for game.

since it was an uneven ssome one had 2 be dropped so the person who had the lowest winnings of tournaments and it was another beatrdown player so he recived 3 pgd boosters and got 3 don lazoog or something like that immediatly the dude i just dueled traded him a barrel dragon for 2 of em (he already had one) so on to the duels

Round Two
beatdown vs. burner
him-8000-5400-5200-5000-ext.-ext.-ext. (yata-lock)
he played cannon soldier in atk and 2 cards facedown my move i played pog and got duster and mst i used my heavy storm and laid toorential tribute and mst laid witch facedown his move he played fire princess i activated torrential tribute and got needle worm my move i played cyber jar face down and io he used nobleman of crossout but i countered with io he summoned cure mermaid and attacked i got 2 germini and jinzo then duster and nobleman he got all traps and a cyber jar my move i dont pay for io and got united we stand i used my noble man and used duster then equipped gemini with united we stand i got yata and got him in the yata lock.

he went home with 6 packs and got 2 suska samuri and gave one 2 me for a parasite parcide i love the art on this card

Final Round (this is 2 out of 3)
beatdown vs. water
this duel was over quick she just beat the crap outta me with her heavy monsters she destoyed all my m/t removal and her fishes under the bind.

beatdown vs. water
i put in all my m/t removal first turn she summoned fish under gravity bind i used tttd on her fish and threw out serpent then i play strom she had 3 toorrential tribute and 1 gravity bind and 1 magic cylinder and layed yata and got it in the infamous yata-lock. 

this last round she had to leave for a meeting her moms going 2 so she had 2 leave with 12 packs since i hate this set i gave her 5 packs out of my box i won so thats my reports

the tourney
my winning streak
i belive thats my 8th win
yata garasu
my deck
suska samauri

this pgd set
who ever stole my first beatdown deck

if ya want 2 duel me im me at wash874 or email me at
so dont delay come and duel vortexs way peace and holla