Adventurous Yata Deck
Dillon C
Putt Putt Fun Center
Abington, MD
July 13, 2003
Participants: 24-26

Tribute Monsters:3
1x Jinzo ( the zo)
1x Barrel Dragon (I wonder, should i trade in summoned skull for my other Barrel D)
1x Summoned Skull

1x Witch of the Black Forest
2x Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
1x Sangan
1x Wall of illusion
1x Cyber Jar
1x Spear Dragon
2x Magician of Faith
1x Exiled Force
1x Penguin Soldier
2x Bazoo the Soul-Eater
2x Goblin Attack Force
1x Injection Fairy Lily

1x Magic Cylinder
1x Call of the Haunted
1x Robbin' Goblin (Definitely one of my favorite traps)
1x Mirror Force
1x Magic Jammer
1x Imperial Order
1x Torrential Tribute
1x Dust Tornado

1x Graceful Charity
1x Pot of Greed
1x Harpie's Feather Duster
1x Monster Reborn (The holo)
1x Snatch Steal
1x Mystical Space Typhoon
1x Change of Heart
1x Premature Burial
1x Nobleman of Crossout
1x United We Stand
1x Raigeki
1x Dark Hole ( da Holo)
1x Swords of Revealing Light
1x Axe of Despair

        Welcome to the deck report. This tournament ended with me in victory, and better yet my first tournament win. It was single elimination due to the fact that a few judges did not show up, still it mattered not.
     I got at the tournament a half an hour early to practice duel and buy my YATA-GARASU for the price of $25, i know what ur thinking but no, this was the first time I ever bought a single card, but i think it was worth it. After defeating my practice opponent 4 times, It was time to start.

Duel 1: Me vs. Mark (A duelist who combined a Joey and Pegasus starter deck to form his deck)
Coin Flip: me
Me: I decided to wait to see what he would do so I set a penguin soldier and ended.
Mark: He set to M/T cards Summoned a 700 attack monster, he played dark hole and then attacked.
Mark: 8000 Me:7300
Me: Now after seeing his weak monsters I played Harpie's Feather Duster but he magic Jammed, then I set magic Jammer, Imperial Order, and then ended.
Mark: He summoned a 1000 attack monster and attacked with both
Mark:8000 Me:5600
Me: Now I was mad. So, I played monster reborn for a monster in his grave. I sacrificed the monster for Jinzo, equipped it wit United We Stand and attacked. Mark:4800 Me: 5600
Mark: he did absolutely nothing and passed his turn.
Me: I drew a GAF and summoned it, attacked his 1000 attack monster wit GAF, then I finished the game wit my supped up Jinzo.

Duel 2: Me vs. Roy ( Inaba White Rabbit beatdown)
Coin Toss: Roy
Roy: He began by setting one monster and 2 M/T
Me: I set Mirror Force, Magic Cylinder, and set magician.
Roy: He played Raigeki, summoned Inaba White Rabbit and attacked.
Roy:8000 Me:7300
Me: Set a Penguin and ended. (patients my friend, patients)
Roy: He Summoned Inaba white rabbit and attacked.
Roy:8000 Me:6500
Me: Now i just wanted to magic Cylinder him, so I waited.
Roy: He Summoned Inaba and attacked but this time ran into a cylinder
Roy:7300 Me:5800
Me: Okay, I flipped Penguin and returned his set card, summoned GAF and attacked,
Roy:4250 me:5800
Roy: He played Scapegoat and then swords of revealing light.
Me: Time to end it. I played Harpie's Feather Duster, Dark hole, I summoned Injection Fairy Lily, monster reborned my GAF and attacked to end it.

Duel 3: Me v.s. Lawrence (one of the better duelists there)
Coin Toss: Me
Me: I set Robbin' Gobblin, and set Wall of Illusion.
Lawrence: he set one trap and set one monster
Me: I played Mystical space Typhoon on his trap, I played Raigeki, summoned GAF, activated Robbin' Goblin, and attacked.
Me:8000 Lawrence:5700
Lawrence: He played Raigeki and then summoned and attacked with a Spear Dragon.
Me: 6100 Lawrence: 5700
Me: I set Witch and played premature burial on my GAF and attacked his spear, then I set Call of the Haunted.
Lawrence: He set a monster
Me: I played dark hole, and got an Injection fairy lily from my Witch which I summoned, then I played call of the haunted for my GAF and attacked for the win. Me:6100 Lawrence:0000

Duel 4, Finals: Me V.S Charlie (the dreaded burner deck)
Coin Toss: Charlie
Charlie: He set 4 M/T and ended.
Me: i set Robbin' Goblin and Imperial Order, summoned Kycoo, and when I attacked he activated mirror force.
Charlie: Set a monster and then ended
Me: I played noble man of crossout on his card, monster reborned Kycoo and sacrificed it for the mighty Jinzo, and attacked and he lost a card from robbin' goblin.
Me: 8000 Charlie:5600 Yes!
Charlie: He summoned Exiled Force and tributed it to destroy my Jinzo.
Me: I played Harpie's Feather Duster, summoned witch and attacked and he lost a card to Robbin' goblin
Me:8000 Charlie: 4500
Charlie: As he came ever so closer to defeat, set a monster in terror. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ha.......ha......ha
Me: I player Dark Hole and got a yata- garasu from my witch, summoned it and attacked. And with that I put him in my first Yata-Lock ever!!!:)
Victory!!! Me:8000 Charlie:Yata-Lock

So it ended and I received 4 booster packs for the victory.

Props: I got 4 boosters
Won my first tourney ever
bought a Yata-Garasu
Got really good trades afterwards

Slops: (?) Um..........I................won?!  

That's, that. My email address is, and I'd like to hear any comments. -Later Much