Clancy’s Hand Authority – By Clancy Wiggum

A World Of Books – San Leandro, CA

July 14, 2003


[x3] Gemini Elf
[x3] Spear Dragon
[x3] White Magical Hat

[x1] Raigeki
[x1] Pot of Greed
[x1] Harpie's Feather Duster

[x1] Yata-Garasu
[x1] Exiled Force
[x1] Fiber Jar

[x1] United We Stand
[x1] Mage Power
[x1] Axe of Despair

[x1] Witch of the Black Forest
[x1] Sangan
[x1] Jinzo

[x1] Swords of Revealing Light
[x1] Snatch Steal

[x2] Robin Goblin

[x2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[x2] Nobleman of Crossout

[x2] Graceful Charity

[x1] Imperial Order
[x1] Magic Cylinder
[x1] Call of the Haunted

[x1] Delinquent Duo
[x1] Confiscation
[x1] The Forceful Sentry

[x1] Torrential Tribute
[x1] Ceasefire

[x1] Monster Reborn
[x1] Change of Heart
[x1] Dark Hole



Side Deck:


[x2] Goblin Attack Force
[x3] Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[x1] Injection Fairy Lily

[x1] Soul Release
[x1] Light of Intervention
[x1] Time Seal

[x3] Dream Clown
[x1] Cyber Jar
[x1] Card Destruction

[x1] Bad Reaction to Simochi



Tournament Fee - $6

Single Elimination – 5 Rounds

Advanced Bracket


I'm tired of Beatdown, and I thought I would try something new.

Deck name: (It's inappropriate but you can E-Mail me if you're curious)


Round 1- Clancy Wiggum Vs. Donald

Donald = Best in the store.
His deck = Better version of my old deck.

Duel 1 - My Goblin Attack Force (See side deck) attacked him directly but he Kuriboh'd it. A few turns later, White Magical Hat and Goblin Attack Force attack. And he discards two Kuribohs. I attack him once with a Spear Dragon, but I was still no match for him. He slowly takes me out with Goblin Attack Force. Can you say...PWNED?

Me: 8000 -> 5700 -> 2400 -> 500 -> 0
Him: 8000 -> 6100

Duel 2 - Hrm. No wonder he is the best.  His forces were just too much, and his Kuribohs just keep on taunting me.

Me: 8000 -> 6100 -> 3800 -> 1800 -> 0
Him: 8000

If anyone wants to fix up my deck, you can E-Mail me. *Points to bottom*

I'm the guy with ClancyWiggum on the back of the sleeves.


Springfield’s Finest:



- James


- Reggie


- Ronald


- Edwin


- Julian


Edwin Narayan