
Deck name-Ultimate Wipeout
Location of tourney-Champion Card Collector
Name- Kris Evans
# of participants- 35

alright here's the cards

Non-effect monsters x1
Gemini Elf

Effect monsters x23
Yata Garasu
Injection Fairy Lily
Goblin Attack Force x2
Gearfried the Iron Knight
Exiled Force (better than Man-Eater)
Bazoo the Soul-Eater x3 (good for pumping up)
Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer x3
Wall of Illusion
Witch of the Black Forest
Man-Eater Bug x2
Sinister Serpent
Fiber Jar
Cyber Jar
Penguin Soldier
Spear Dragon
Tyrant Dragon

Mage Power
Premature Burial
Tribute to the Doomed
Change of Heart
Monster Reborn
Dark Hole
Graceful Charity
Snatch Steal
Pot of Greed
Nobleman of Crossout x2
Axe of Despair
United We Stand

Call of the Haunted
Bottomless Trap Hole (good against special summonings)
Magic Jammer (Harpies Feater Duster, Heavy Storm)
Mirror Force
Seven Tools of the Bandit
Magic Cylinder
Solemn Judgement
Torrential Tribute

Round 1
Me vs. Vince
Vince's deck was full of commons so this was going to be easy. I went first. I set torrential tribute face down, and mirror force. I also summoned Exiled Force in atk. mode. He summoned Twin headed wolf so i sacked Exiled to destroy it. I dew Injection Fairy Lily but I could only boost her to 3400 atk. so i hit him for 3400. He set a card a raigekied it summoned Gemini Elf hit him again and won.
Duel 2
Same thing as last time I won with Injection.

Round 2
Me vs Steve ( a kid with a retarded warrior deck)
He had Gravity Bind and prohibition on Jinzo first turn. I raigekied and hit him with injection. He Dark Holed and set another card. I didn't have any strong 3 stars. He was about to deck me when I pulled Fiber Jar. I set it he summoned atked and everything was returned to deck. I summoned Injection with aod, uws, and Mage Power. and won the duel.
Duel 2
Almost the same as last time except I got Jinzo out and kept attacking and won.

During break i traded a kid a Goblin for 2 Gemini's.

Round Three
Me vs. Max
Unfortunately the kid left and did'nt say anything so I got a by into the semi-finals.

Round 4
Me vs. Jim.
This guy had a crappy deck a week ago, but then he got mirror force, Imperial Order and other good stuff. I got the greatest hand ever mirror force jinzo Injection. He went first he set one card I changed of hearted it summoned Injection played mage and united and one.
Duel 2
He got a better hand but i still one because he had change of heart but he didn't have enough lp to use it. so i won again onto the finals

Round 5 the finals
Me vs. Brandon
this kid had won many tournaments and was in first so I knew I wasn't going to win.
So I came in second I did good. I won 6 packs and got nothing so some kid gave me an Asura Priest and a Goblin.

Props towards Bill the tourney holder
and my fiends for staying with me