The Last Warrior and His Drinking Buddies V 2.0

Super Cards Sports Cards

Tampa, Fl

June 21, 2003

24 Participants

This was an unsanctioned tournament. The owner Skip runs a good tourney and he’s expanding into a new store in the next few weeks. Once he’s moved these will be sanctioned UD tourneys. I made a few changes from my last report. Thanks to everyone for their input. Here it is:

TLW & His Drinking Buddies

Fusion Monsters: (3)

3x The Last Warrior From Another Planet

Monsters: (20)

2x The Fiend Megacyber

2x Zombyra The Dark

1x Asura Priest

1x Witch of the Black Forest

1x Exiled Force

2x Dream Clown

2x Marauding Captain

1x Sangan

2x Maryolcutai

1x Cyber Jar

1X Queen’s Double

1x Sinister Serpent

3x Kuriboh (Annoys opponents when the attack)

Magics: (16)

1x Harpies Feather Duster

3x Fusion Sword Murasame Blade

1x Horn of the Unicorn

3x Mystical Space Typhoon

2x The Warrior Returning Alive

2x Reinforcement of the Army (Soon to be restricted to 2)

2x Polymerization

1x Pot of Greed (draw cards = good)

1x Rageiki

Traps: (9)

1x Imperial Order

2x Seven Tools of the Bandit

2x Waboku (protection)

2x Magic Jammer

1x Magic Drain

1x Magic Cylinder



Side Deck: (15)

1x Buster Bladder

3x Hayabusa Knight

1x Fiber Jar

1x Banisher of the Light

1x Card Destruction

2x Soul Release

1x Heavy Storm

2x Offerings to the Doomed

1x Mage Power

1x Call of the Haunted

1x Mirror Force


It is a warrior based deck that compliments each monster and the magic cards allow me to search for any monster in my deck depending on the situation. My strategy is to control the field with either TLWFAP or Marauding Captain and then power them up and smash away. Asura Priest allows me to clear the field for the warriors. The tournament was double-elimination. Entrance fee was $5. The Winner got a Booster box. If you lost you moved to the consolation bracket. Winner got two packs of their choice.

Round 1 - TLW vs. a kid named David (Don’t remember his theme)

1st Duel:

LP - Me 8000-7400-6400 


He started off stalling and using Mysterious Puppeteer. I eventually got the warriors out and picked of his LPs.


2nd Duel:

LP- Me – 8000-4800-800-0

Him - 8000-6850-6350

His deck got rolling and he owned this game. Didn’t draw monsters or magic when I needed it.


3rd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-5300-4300-2250

Him - 8000-5600-5400-2800-600-0

This was a back and forth battle. He would make a run on my LPs and then I would hit him back. Eventually I got the MCs lockdown and finished him off with the Fiend Megacyber.


Round 2 - TLW vs. a little kid named Michael (Disruption Deck)

1st Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-4400-3400-2200-0

Him - 8000-7000

He managed to counter or disrupt everything I put on the field. I couldn’t touch his LPs and everything I setup backfired.


2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-6200-4400-3400-3100-2950-1150-0

Him - 8000-7800-7450

This round went fairly quick. I got out Imperial order and the Marauding Captains and gained control of the field. He destroyed my lock and after that it was over fairly quickly.


Round 3 (Consolation Bracket)- TLW vs. Edwardo

1st Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-7900-6100-5050-1050

Him - 8000-7700-7600-7200-4550-4200-3200-0

Before this match I side decked in my Hayabusa Knights for the Dream Clowns and Queen’s Double. I had control of the field when I got the Marauding Captains out and began to attack. I was able to counter his Injection Fairy attacks with my Kuriboh. I then Rageiki his field and finished him.


2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-6550-1150

Him - 8000-7650-1150-0

I thought I was going to lose this duel. He had me with an empty field and pounded me for 5300 LPs. He had four monsters and I couldn’t get anything out. The only thing that saved my butt was Waboku and Kuriboh until I drew a Rageiki. I cleared the field. He played Scapegoat and I used Asura Priest to clear them and powered up the Hayabusa Knight and slapped him hard.


Round 4 - TLW vs. Josh

1st Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-7000-6600-3500

Him - 8000-7200-5400-3100-5000-1100-0

This was a close duel. He managed to get Jinzo out and hit me hard before I could X force him. I got the MCs out and locked up the field and then finished him off.


2nd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-7200-6900-5100-2700-2100-0

Him - 8000-7650-5650-5050-4650-2450-450

This went back and forth. I hit his LPs he hit mine. I got him down to 450 and I couldn’t finish him off. The next turn he hit me for exactly 2100 LPs and it was over.


3rd Duel:

LP- Me - 8000-6200-5200-4300-2300

Him - 8000-6700-6600-2000-1200-0

I got MCs out and hit him hard before he managed to Change of Heart one of my MCs and attack the other MC. He got Jinzo out and chipped away at my LPs. I managed to Monster Reborn one of them and WRTA the other and get my lock back. I couldn’t power up any of my warriors enough to take out his Jinzo. So we sat drawing cards and I would pick off any monsters he played. He already used his Rageiki so there wasn’t anything he could do to my monsters. I finally X forced Jinzo and he would reborn or COTH him back. I finally Rageiki him and finished him off.


Tournament Overall: I won the consolation bracket. I felt the deck did well. It needs a few more tweaks to but it is doing better.


Props & Slops:


- To Skip for a great tourney every week.

- To me for winning the consolation bracket.


- For getting nothing in my two LOB packs that I won

Thanks again for reading my tourney report. If you have any Questions,

Comments, Advice, Compliments, Complaints, or whatever, feel free to E-mail me at