Clancy Wiggum’s Beatdown – By Clancy Wiggum

A World Of Books – San Leandro, CA

July 6, 2003


[x3] Goblin Attack Force
[x3] Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer
[x3] Gemini Elf

[x1] Raigeki
[x1] Pot of Greed
[x1] Heavy Storm

[x3] Spear Dragon
[x1] Injection Fairy Lily
[x1] Sinister Serpent

[x1] United We Stand
[x1] Mage Power
[x1] Swords of Revealing Light

[x1] Marauding Captain
[x1] Exiled Force
[x1] Fiber Jar

[x1] Snatch Steal

[x1] Imperial Order
[x1] Mirror Force

[x1] Cyber Jar
[x1] Witch of the Black Forest
[x1] Jinzo

[x1] Magic Cylinder
[x1] Call of the Haunted
[x1] Torrential Tribute

[x2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[x2] Nobleman of Crossout
[x2] Graceful Charity

[x1] Ceasefire

[x1] Monster Reborn
[x1] Change of Heart
[x1] Dark Hole



Tournament Fee - $6

5 Rounds – Single Elimination

Advanced Bracket


Side Deck:


[x1] Card Destruction
[x1] Confiscation
[x1] Exodia the Forbidden One

[x1] Wall of Illusion
[x2] Robin Goblin
[x1] Light of Intervention

[x1] Right Leg of the Foribidden One
[x1] Left Leg of the Forbidden One
[x1] Right Arm of the Forbidden One

[x1] Shadow of Eyes
[x1] Bad Reaction to Simochi

[x1] Left Arm of the Forbidden One
[x1] Sangan
[x1] Soul Release



Round 1- Clancy Wiggum Vs. No one

I got a bye.


Round 2- Clancy Wiggum Vs. Edmin


I side-decked in the whole set of Exodia and Sangan just for fun.

Duel 1 - Jeez. I got owned. In the end, I had an Exodia Piece in my hand and Crossout, defended with the piece, but still lost.


You guessed it.  I put back in my beatdown cards.


Duel 2 - Went faster than I expected. Heavy Storm+Nobleman Of Crossout+Injection Fairy Lily, with United We Stand = A lot of LP damage.



Round 3 - Clancy Wiggum Vs. Nick


I wasn't worried. I played this guy before (And won). Everyone always says 'Whoa! 3 Injections on the field!' I don't even worry about his Injection Fairy Lily anymore.

Duel 1 - His starting move was...Dark Elf in attack mode. o_O It was my turn, after drawing and discarding, I get out a Monster Reborn combo. I also use Marauding Captain to get out Goblin Attack Force. Goblin killed it, Kycoo (From Monster Reborn) and Marauding Captain attack his life points. He places a monster in defense mode.  I knew it was the perfect time to play.  Spear Dragon with United We Stand! Bam. I attack the Dark Elf, and finish him off. Game.


Duel 2 - He hits me with an Injection once. I hit him back twice as hard (With other little attacks). His last card face down was.  Dark Elf. o_o




Round 4- Clancy Wiggum Vs. Steffon (Semi-Finals)


He beat my friend, Voltaire, so he must be good.


Duel 1 - Got killed. I got him down to 3200.


Duel 2 - I beat him.


Duel 3 - I had Nobleman of Crossout in my hand, and he Snatch Steals my Witch of the Black Forest. He has a Sangan in attack mode. My field is wide open.  What does he bring out? YATA-GARASU! I tried to hold my own until he Monster Reborns Kycoo. I lost.



I'm the guy with Chief Wiggum on the back of the sleeves.



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