Deck Name- Lily Beatdown- Michael Sohn

Legends Gaming – Cupertino, CA

8/3/03- $2 for entry, $5.45 (or something like that) for entry & TP

1st- $15 Gift Certificate

2nd- $10

3rd- $5

4th and below- NOTHING (duh)


Heh, being a newbie at this tourney reporting, I might not be as detailed as some…but anyway, onto my deck!


Regular Monsters-

x 2 – Gemini Elf

x 1 – Summoned Skull


Effect Monsters-

x 1 – Injection Fairy Lily

x 1- Exiled Force

x 1- Witch of the Black Forest

x 1- Magician of Faith

x 1- Bazoo the Soul Eater

x 2- Kycoo the Ghost Destroyer

x 1- Goblin Attack Force

x 1- Cyber Jar

x 1- Sinister Serpent

x 1- Airknight Parshath (I still can’t believe he/she/it, whatever, got to keep its halo!)

x 1- Man-Eater Bug

x 1- Sangan

x 1- Sasuke Samurai


Monsters: 17


Magic Cards-

x 1- Dark Hole

x 1- Nobleman of Crossout

x 1- Premature Burial

x 1- Delinquent Duo

x 1- Pot of Greed

x 1- Swords of Revealing Light

x 1- Change of Heart

x 1- Raigeki (some people don’t get it…it’s NOT pronounced ‘ray-je-kai’!!)

x 1- MST

x 1- Harpie’s Feather Duster

x 2- Graceful Charity (No halo…lucky Airknight…both had ‘angel’ in their names in Japanese)

x 1- Mage Power

x 1- Scapegoat

x 1- Axe of Despair

x 1- Heavy Storm

x 1- Creature Swap

x 1- Monster Reborn


Magics: 18


Trap Cards:

x 1- Seven Tools of the Bandit

x 1- Imperial Order

x 1- Mirror Force

x 1- Call of the Haunted

x 1- Waboku

x 1- Magic Cylinder (I need a RING!)

x 1- Magic Jammer

x 1- Ceasefire


Traps: 8


Total deck size: 43 Cards


Now, this was the second time I had ever entered a tournament, so I was cocky, and I was lookin’ at some people’s good cards.

As the judge droned on to the newbies and little kids about the rules, a guy named Ken looks at my deck and says, ‘You wanna duel for your Gemini Elf?’

I agreed to the challenge, and he put his Lily on the line. 

The duel started (in the middle of the rule announcing), and I was off to a….bad start.

See, I drew nothing but magic cards, namely Scapegoat and Dark Hole.  He went first though, so it wasn’t THAT big of a deal.

As I recall, I played a PoG, Graceful, and I revive a whole bunch of monsters, which he blows away, and attacks me with Lily, dealing major damage.

I draw the next turn…and out pops my trusty Rageki!  I bomb him using Harpy’s Feather Duster and Raigeki, and summon Bazoo, with an Axe and

Mage Power.  I pump it up, and he loses in one blast.  He hands over his Lily (which is 1st ed., mind you) which helps me to center my deck for a huge beatdown



Now, it was time to get cracking with the tournament.


I first play against this Spanish kid who doesn’t even have sleeves on his cards.  I think ‘Well, newbies hardly protect their cards, so what is there to fear?’

I was wrong, oh so wrong.  He said he started playing a few days ago, but I was amazed at what kind of cards he had.  He packed a Ring, a TT, and other

Staples which DESERVE sleeves, and that ticked me off.  But, he also had useless cards such as Karate Man, KSS, and other useless **** which no one uses in tournaments. Needless to say, our first duel went quite well.


Me- 8000- 5200 (or something like that)

Him – 8000- 0

Note: They didn’t let us keep the score sheets, so the LP is an approximation.

Winner: Me.


The second duel was boring, because I won in two turns.


Next: I play this other kid who seems to have a good deck, and I was right about that.

Fortunately, he didn’t know how to use his cards correctly (his deck being an almost mirror to mine), and I used Imperial Order and kept paying for it until I destroyed it, played HFD, and Rgki.  I then used Lily to win the duel.


Me- 8000-6000

Him- 8000-0

Winner: Me


The next duel got my heart racing for a sec, mainly because he got a clear shot at me with a fully cranked up Bazoo.  Fortunately, the good ol’ Scapegoat appears and allows me to stall enough to get cards like Lily, Raigeki, and Airknight to win.


Me- 8000-4500

Him- 8000-0


Because of this victory, I find that I am in the Semi-finals, with only 2 matches to go until the true Finals begin!  Sadly, I have to duel the brother of a friend who I traded with, and was forewarned that his deck was good.


There was a long wait, but the duel began. 

I was off to a good start, and got him into an Imperial Order lock pretty quickly.  He was helpless against me, and I quickly won the first round.


Me- 8000- 2100 (IO payment)

Him – 8000-0


The second duel was worse because my Imperial Order was sucking my LP too quickly.  I should have stopped paying to crush him for the win, but my overcautious actions did me in.  When my LP got to a low level, he summoned a Bazoo, pumped it up, and crushed me.


Me- 8000-0

Him- 8000-5200


The last duel, as I put it to him, was ‘for all the chips’, a cliché which I used a lot that day.  The duel was intense.  I again, played IO, but I let it die so I could play a HFD, Rageki, and other cards.  I don’t recall too much, but he just kept countering away.  At one point in the duel, neither of us had any hand, so if he drew a Yata, he could have declared a win.  Thank God that he didn’t have one.  I ended up drawing a Gemini Elf, and sacking it for Airknight, which gave me enough hand advantage to crush him, because all he could do was just pass and watch his LP being sucked away by the 1900’s!


Me- 8000-2200

Him- 8000-0


Whew!  The last duel of the Semi-Finals hath arrived at last!  I was still nervous, and hadn’t eaten for more than 6 hours, but hey, NEVER enter a duel on a full stomach.  The blood stays in the stomach and leaves you brain-dead.


Because of the duels in the little kid division (7-10), there was a 15 minute or so break, but I managed to tug my patience as I watched the duels to pass the time.


The next match WAS a surprise to me, because when I looked at his deck (I asked him), he had NO staple cards!  As funny as it may sound, he had some Wabokus, Enchanted Javelins, 1800 monsters, but the most bizarre card was Heart of Clear Water.  Seriously.  He even packed a Kisetai!  I asked him, ‘So, just how the heck did you get this far?!  I mean you bypassed all of those decks with Creature Swap, Ring, and all that other $4!T!’  He said that all he did was just get his monsters out and stomp ‘em flat.

While inside my head I was laughing my…uh…whatever, off, the duel began, with me thinking, ‘Oh yea, Ima win dis! Easy!’

And the first duel WAS easy!  He kept playing 1800s, and sacking them for Summoned Skulls and Amphibian Beasts.  I was ready, using my GAF, my Mirror Force, and quite frankly, the duel looked like something out of the SHOW.  It’s all ‘Activate trap!’ for me, and I blasted him with my Gemini Elves.


Me- 8000

Him- 8000-0


The second duel I thought would go the same, ya know?  No.  You DON’T know.  Partly ‘cause, I lost this one.  Don’t ask me how, I just LOST.  I forgot that his main focus was LP chippin’, and I was doing that for him with Imperial Order!  I thought I had him locked down, when all of a sudden I flip my Cyber Jar, and he gets out a Summoned Skull and attacks my Sangan (which I stupidly placed in attack mode for pride), for the game!  I hit the table (turning my knuckles red in the process, and start to reshuffle my deck.


Me- 8000-0

Him- 8000-6200


The last duel in the match was the adrenaline pumper, ‘cause it was anyone’s game.  I start my placing IO and MC on the board, and summon a Gemmi.  He plays some card (I think it was a Dark Hole), and I use IO.  Now, instead of keeping it on the field and losing LP like last duel, I take it off, and with good reason too.  I play HFD and Raigeki, and sac the Gemmi for SS with MP and Axe, for an easy win, because he couldn’t defend.  (My Sasuke bombed it all!)


Me- 8000

Him – 8000- Negative…something…


Now let the finals begin!  Because there were only 3 people left, we had to do a round robin.  For those of you who aren’t familiar with that style of play, I’ll break it down to basics.  3 people, each labeled A, B, and C.  A plays C, B plays C, and A plays B.  Whoever wins both of their matches is 1st place, whoever gets 1 win and 1 loss is 2nd place, and whoever loses both times, is 3rd place.


I played this guy named Nick, who is the all-time Champion at Legends (read the history, he’s YU3038794), and he is accompanied by Twinsen (who I had never met, and found out he worked at Pojo; COtD! Duh!) and some other people.  My friend Thomas bugs us during the duel…leaving me pissed, but I pull off some sort of miraculous victory for the first duel.


Me- 8000- 700

Him- 8000- 0


The second round WAS intense, because all of our cards were being played correctly.  We did everything right, but he took the edge and disrupted my hand.  At the deciding turn of the duel, where I didn’t have any hand, I just delve into my mind and just muttered, ‘C’mon, heart of the cards!’ and voila!  Out pops a Scapegoat, which let me stall a turn before he killed 3 of 4…and I drew….!!!  A Seven Tools…LOVELY.  I concede the duel, because he HAD a Yata ready to go.


Me-8000- Surrender

Him- 8000- 5400


The third round was somewhat of a disgrace to my deck, because I TRUSTED it.  Needless to say, I swapped out my MP for a MJ #2, which dealt him major damage (it discarded his IO, Monster Reborn, and something else I cannot remember.  And…I lost.  Just pithy and sweet, I LOST.


Me- 8000-0

Him- 8000- Doesn’t matter.


Now that I was knocked out, I was told to hang around.  Ironically, Nick had to duel his cousin, and he made a ‘whine’ about it.  He said, ‘Aww, do I hafta duel him?! He’s my cousin!’  I inadvertently barked, ‘Suck it up and duel!’  As I watched, I heard the judge telling me not to watch the duel, and for what reason I have no idea.  Nick won, even though their decks were nearly the same. (both had Yatas, but there were some key differences)


Because he and I were both losers, Nick’s cus and I had to duke it out to see who would get 2nd place, because Nick already secured HIS $15, and I wasn’t gonna settle for anything less than $10.


So, we duel, and I take an early lead.  What I didn’t realize, is how annoying those Waboku cards were!  He just summoned the Emissaries of Peace and just HAD to play it when I had a fully pumped Bazoo out!  Thank God he only had two.  He didn’t even get to use Yata on me, because I had Airknight out, and my hand advantage was so great, he just collapsed under my assaults.


Me- 8000- 5200

Him – 8000-0


The second duel made it look as if we was going to win, and indeed, it DID look like it.  He used Yata, but I just put my foot down and said, ‘NO MUURE YATA FURRR YUUU!!!!’ Because he only had 2 cards in his hand, Yata included.  And when I played Delinquent Duo, well, that was just perfect, basically.  He drew and set a card facedown.  I said, ‘Ah ah ah!  Game!’  He said, ‘No!’ in a questioning way, but I played Harpie’s Feather Duster, and destroyed a bluff trap card (which was a magic), summoned Lily, pumped up Bazoo, and attacked for the 2nd place and the match.


Me- 8000- 6000

Him- 8000-0


The whole tourney took about 5 hours, and boy, was I happy when I claimed that $10.  Even though it’s cheap, I got an LOB and MRL pack.  I pulled Aqua Madoor from LOB (Boooh!) and a Black Illusion Ritual from the MRL (Meh…).  Overall, it was a gain, and one hell of a lot of fun, but it wasn’t without Ken coming for a revenge match right after I had opened my packs.


The duel went on quite well, and I won (no details needed).  He wanted his Lily back, and he put down a TT, a Yata, and a Fiber Jar on the line.  Kinda desperate on his part, but he won the second duel.

Our deciding match was a deadlock, because he attacked my Lily, when both of us had less than 500 LP.  I argued that even if I pay negative LP, it still counts.  The argument went on until he agreed to a rematch, but with his Fiber Jar taken off the stakes. 


I used a Sangan and Witch with Imperial Order, so I was able to declare a game, and take his 1st edition Yata and TT.

Not a bad day for stripping cards off people, huh?


Now my favorite part:



To my mom for driving from SV to Cupertino, twice…

To Ken, for letting me win about $80 worth of cards off him

For getting 2nd place and $10

For having fun

For being 2nd out of 44 kids that all LOST to ME!!! MWAHAHAHAH etc etc



To the newbie who argued for 5 minutes over a card ruling (which then led the judge to force us to restart)

To the packs I got (nothing good!)

To Legends for bein’ so cheap with their prizes

To the judge taking 10 minutes per ruling, with his prime phrase being ‘Okay guys, restart the duel.’

To Nick…for taking my 1st place from me!  (nothing personal)

To the judge again for threatening to DQ me if I watched the 2nd to last duel (between Nick and his cus)

For there being NO TP PACKS!



Michael Sohn