
Jinzo Attack Force Beatdown 3.0., Jordy Arceo, Galaxy Comics and Collectables,

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Deck Name: Jinzo Attack Force Beatdown 3.0.

Name: Jordy Arceo

Place: Galaxy Comics and Collectables

Where: Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada


Entry Fee: $5


1st Place – 8 Pgd Packs

2nd Place –5 Pgd Packs

3rd Place –3 Pgd Packs

4th Place –2 Pgd Packs

Random Prizes for other participants

40 People Entered Date :August 12/2003


My Deck:

Tribute Monsters (2):

Jinzo x1

Summoned Skull x1


Normal Monsters (7):

Gemini Elf x2

La Jinns x3

Opticlops x1

Harpie’s Brother x1


Effect Monsters (12):

Goblin Attack Force x3

Spirit Reaper x2

Yata-Garasu x1

Sinister Serpent x1

Searchers x2

Cyber Jar x1

Mof x1

Kycoo x1


Magic Cards (10):

Staples x6

MST x2

Heavy Storm x1

Graceful Charity x1


Trap Cards (9):

Barrel Behind the Door x1

Bottomless Trap Hole x2

Call of the Haunted x1

Magic Cylinder x1

Waboku x1

Magic Jammer x1

Mirror Force x1

Trap of Board Eraser x1



Round 1:

Jaf 3.0. vs. Some Little Kid (Beatdown)

I summoned my Goblin and my Gemini’s and kept attacking for the win, he had a budget deck.

I summoned my Opticlops and killed his Darkfire Soldiers, he was pretty easy.



Round 2:

Jaf 3.0. vs. Robert H. (Good Beatdown)

He had pretty much cleared my field, and attacked with his Spears and Beat Me.

The Next duel, he had bad hand management so I cleared his field to win with Yata.

He kept on attacking me, and attacking him, I was like at 1800 lp, then He Ringed my Goblin and he won.



Round 3:

Jaf 3.0. vs. Chris V. (Fiber Jar Abuser)

He kept on using his fiber jar, but then I eventually beat him with my Goblins, and and my Jinzo.

Used Cyber Jar to get my monsters out and raigekied to win.



Round 4

Jaf 3.0. vs. Some Gay Guy (Defensive/Burner Deck)

He kept on using Chain Energy and Toll, I almost got decked but he cleared his field and no hand, and had a yata my hand.

I won the first duel with attacking, I lost the 2nd because of stupid Chain Energy, but then I beat him with yata, because he seems to have bad hand management, and he abuses defense monsters.



Me and my brother both were tied for 3rd, so we chose to flipped a coin, I lost so I got 4th Place.


When I opened my Packs, I got Moisture Creature and Ring of Destruction (wooHoo!)


Props : -Trading my Lava Golem/ Premature Burial for Gemini and a Goblin.

 -For getting Ring of Destruction


Slops:  -Losing to Robert, and his stupid Ring.

-          Lost the Coin Toss, but no big loss.



Jordy Arceo

Xx_noxidius_xx@hotmail. com