Tommy T's Bait of Fiends Deck (Trap/ Fiend w/ Beatdown)
Thomas Tremberger
Madison Square Garden
New York City

I played in three "tournaments" where you won a pack after 3 wins.
1 duel each

First off, the Bait of Fiends Deck:
Tribute Monsters - 6:
Beast of Talwar - 1
Summoned Skull - 1
Marie the Fallen One - 3
Dark Necrofear - 1 (not really a tribute, but you get the idea)
Masked Beast - 1

Non-Tribute Monster - 19:

Mask of Darkness - 2
Magician of Faith - 2
Kuriboh - 1
Newdoria - 1
Opticlops - 1
Asura Priest - 1
Cyber Jar - 1
Skull Knight #2 - 2

Spear Cretin - 3
Sinister Serpeant - 1
Sangan - 1
Witch of the Black Forest - 1
Nimble Momonga - 2

Magic Cards - 11:
Upstart Goblin - 1
Rain of Mercy - 2
Delinquent Duo - 1
Megamorph - 1
Painful Choice - 1
Curse of the Masked Beast - 1

Change of Heart -1
Monster Reborn -1
Mystical Space Typhoon -1
Graceful Charity - 1

Trap Cards - 13:
Bottomless Trap Hole - 1
Magic Jammer - 1
Mask of Restrict - 1
Horn of Heaven - 1
Torrential Tribute - 1
Mirror Wall - 1
Ring of Destruction - 1
Skull Lair - 1
Eye of Truth - 1
Seven Tools of the Bandit - 1
Bad Reaction to Simochi - 2
Drop Off - 1
Ultimate Offering - 1

Total Number of Cards: 50
My deck is a little bulky, but I find it hard to get rid of the cards so I tried to slim without tossing away my favorites. I went to Madion Square Garden hoping to challenge an Upper Deck leader, but I didn't win the "lottery" for it. So I went to a dueling area where you win a Pharonic Guarian pack after three wins. I only went to three different section so i only competed in 9 matches. Here is the first three match tourney I was in.

Duel 1: Me v.s. Nick (beatdown)
I was facing a 10 year old with a classic beatdown deck. He starts out with Gemini Elf in attack mode with an Axe of Despair with no Magic/Trap. I have Bad Reaction, Painful Choice, Drop Off, Mask of Restrict, Dark Necrofear, then I draw Megamorph, activate Painful Choice and grab my three Maries, Spear Cretin & Skull Knight #2. I get a Marie and remove three fiends for Dark Necrofear. He summons a Harpies Brother and destroys Necrofear w/ Gemini & attacks directly with Harpies Brother. I use Necrofear's effect to grab Gemini. Then I use Megamorph on Gemini activate my facedown Mask of Restrict & Bad Reaction. I use Ring of Desruction on his Harpie's Bro. and attack directly with Gemini Elf. Then I draw Graceful Charity, get Rain of Mercy, Upstart Goblin & Sinister Serpeant. I toss Serpeant & Marie and use the Goblin & Rain of Mercy for the win.
Final: Me - 4600  Nick - 0

Duel 2: Me v.s. Lauren (Bishujo Deck, female based monsters and harpies)
Me and Lauren have duel hundreds of times but I never thought we'd be in the same section. I figured she was buying cards or something, oh well. I start with Sinister Serpeant, Torrential Tribute, Skull Lair, Change of Heart, Summoned Skull & Asura Priest. I set the Torrential Tribute & Skull Lair, then i summoned the Searpent. Lauren summons Harpie's Lady, knowing of this play, and I destroy both monsters with the Tribute. I summon Asura Priest and attack directly and set the Bottomless Trap Hole. She special summons a Harpies Lady Sisters and I remove it from play. Then she sets one card face down. I use Change of Heart, sacrifice her facedown Magician of Faith & bring out Summoned Skull. I attack and set Ultimate Offering. She sets one monster & one Magic Cylinder. I draw a Graceful Charity, get 7 Tools, Opticlops & Monster Reborn. I through the Opticlops and Serpeant and set & tools. She uses Monster Reborn & Premature Burial to get back her two harpies, sacrifices one Harpies & a facedown Cure Mermaid for her Harpies Pet Dragon. Then she activates a facedown Call of the Haunted and brings back another Harpies Lady, but I counter with 7 tools. The duel eventually ends with The Eye of Truth/Bad Reaction Combo with a really close score.
Final: Me - 1200  Lauren - 0

Duel 3: Me v.s. Mark (a what the ???? deck)
My first two duels could be in the anime, but this third one was a little to one sided. He used Bazoo incorrectly, can't blame him much for that though, used a Rabid Horseman and used a Blue Eyes, with no Lord of D., Card Destruction combos. I guess he was trying to make a Kaiba deck, but with some machines in it. I basically beat him with my Necrofear, a Megamorph and a Mirror Wall.
Final: Me - 4000 (from Mirror Wall)  Mark - 0

To me winning a Phg pack
To Lauren and Nick for some great duels
To my next report about MSG

No one would trade with me
To Mark and the kids he beat (how could they be worse)
To anyone who lies, cheats & steals

Please e-mail me at for any tips or comments.