Six Times Seven deck

Someazndood (David)

Collectors Corner

Oakland California

March 29 2003

8 people


This is my second report following my light deck report, which is just my scouting deck. Here is where people are scared of me for no reason I don't know why some people avoid entering the round I enter.


Monsters: (20)

Hayabusha Knight

Cyber Jar

La Jinn


Bazoo The Soul-Eater

Magiacain of Faith

Gearfried The Iron Knight 2X

Giant Germ 3x

Nimble Momonga 3X

G.A.F 3X

Kycoo The Ghost Destroyer 3X


Magics: (15)

Mage Power


Dark Hole

Change of Heart

Pot of Greed

Swords O.R.L

Snatch Steal

Monster Reborn

Premature burial

Noble man of crossout 2X

Heavy storm 2X

T.T.T.D 2X


Traps: (7)

Magical Cylinder

Mirror Force

Torrential Tribute

Imperial Order


Trap Hole 2X


Tournament Single Elimination ( 1 Match loser get the steps winner go to semi). 8 players. 1st place gets 5 packs of whatever they want. 2nd place get 3 packs of whatever. 3 and 4 get one pack.


Match 1

Duel 1

Someazndood (Me) VS. a little kid named Fraiser with a 100 card deck.

first turn I got my nimble momonga on him causing me to get 9000 life points. With that i got 2 more rats out. I then tribute to the doomed his three headed geedo to clear field. I used mage power on one of my rats (nimbles) to boost it up to 2500. I attack him like this for two turns. Next turn I reborn my giant germ summoned my kycoo and over killed him

(My life points was at 9000 LOL) (Beatdown)


Duel 2

Someazndood (Me) VS. a little kid named Fraiser with a 100 card deck.

He went first and laid a monster face down. My turn I crossed and stormed clearing everything for me muhahahahaha. I take out a Hyabusha and start to chop his life points. Next turn I let him draw twice that was a mistake for me. He didnt do anything but pass so it was my turn. I played la jinn and attacked with hyabusha and la jinn. His life points now were about 2200. His turn he put a malevolent nuzler on his 1200 attacker then he rushed to kill my hyabusha and I lost 1600 I was so sad. My turn I was waiting for him to bust out with something so I can take it with my snatch steal. I took it and attacked for the match.


Match 2

Duel 1

Someazndood(Me0 Vs Matt (He's a good duelist)

I forgot how this one goes but I got him to 3300 then I lost.(BEATDOWN)


Duel 2

Someazndood (Me) VS. Matt

This was the quickest duel ever two turns. First I went I set my goblin in defense ( What was I thinking) He killed it with his la jinn. I then summoned my goblin and he trap holed it. I was defense less for one turn. he got me with a hit from la jinn and during main phase 2 he

summoned his goblin big mistake. May be because of the change of heart I had on the field. I fisrt change of heart his goblin. I heavy stormed. I snatched his lajinn I reborn my other goblin and summoned my goblin for over kill.


Duel 3

Someazndood (Me) VS. Matt

I was nervous I did my Six times seven shuffle (Which my deck is named after)

My shuffle paid off. He went first. I crossed out his harpies brother and stormed his trap hole. I then played my hyabusha an2000. He just d got him for laid a card on defense and I was giggling in my head (you idiot) I wasted my raigeki and I summoned bazzo and attack with thm both for 4500. He then summoned a fish to kill my hyabusha. I lost 800. He finally laid some cards down. My turn I stormed what a lucky draw i summoned my germ and attched him for a total of 1700. I was happy that I won. Thanks to my Multiplying shuffle ray thingy.


Match 3

Duel 1

Someazndood VS Jared( kid i went to school with)

O.k. I got him down 700 with bazoo to his fish. Hw owned the rest. He used relinquished and everything it hurt(BEATDOWN)

Duel 2

someazndood vs Jared

I used my multiplying shiffle and it was time for my kuriboh to start tapping!!! I let him go first because of what a great counter hand I got. I used storm. Then I tribute to the doomed his face down card. I offered my kykoo. I summoned my nimble then reborn kycoo. I attacked for 2800. His turn he tried to be slick and attacked my nimble. Wait I used cylinder his face got red and he cursed. I stormed again and I snatched his harpies summoned my jinzo and raghhh I win.


Duel 3

Someazndood (Me) VS. Jared

He quit cuz he got to go so we both got 4 packs.




Kuriboh for giving me the will to go on.

Jackie he looks funny

Huy he is koo

K force one they don’t hurt me



Person who took my seven tools and call o the h.

all thieves cough cough weasly.



My name is Mac David Mac