.::The Hall of Eyes::. Overseen by StarScream Tomorrow is Yesterday Inc. Loves Park IL March 29, 2003 Cost: $3.50 Participants: 32 Hello Hello! And Welcome back to the Hall of Eyes. Found an awesome deck name! This week's version contains some new faces and some familiar friends. Next week's version might witness the fall of the Eyes...we'll have to wait and see though. This week was a field test. If the Almighty couldn't bring me further with the improvements I've made, I vowed to sit him out next week. Well...after the deck list, you'll know the results. At the advice of a friend (acejr9290), I've removed my Hiro/Appropriate combo. During my Friday Testruns, I ended up deckin myself out because of the Butchers...Stupid Appropriate. I've re-worded my crack-headed deck list. So now it makes a smiggen more sense then last week. Unless it doesn't...then, oopps. THE ALMIGHTY (Fusion) 1x Thousand Eyes Restrict THE ALMIGHTY'S BRETHEREN (Ritual and Fusion Pieces) 3x Relinquished (2 to convert, 1 to sacrifice) 1x Thousand Eyes Idol (!!Sacrifice!!) HIGH PRIESTS (Seekers) 2x Senju of the Thousand Hands (They are to seek out the Relinquished) 2x Sonic Bird (The alter boys) 1x Witch of the Black Forest (Finder of the Idol) LOW PRIESTS (Tribute Monsters) 1x Buster Blader (My 2nd Favorite Duel Monster) 2x Summoned Skull (Hired Muscle...3 was a tad excessive) 1x Soul of Purity and Light (Ahh...Effectness. Opp. mons. lose 300 ATK during Battle phase) FOLLOWERS (Non-tribute, All effects) 1x Dark Elf (1000 LP cost) 2x Hysteric Fairy (Sacrafice 2 mons, gain 1000 LP) 1x Maha Vailo (add 500 ATK for each equip) 1x Cyber Jar (Oh...You Know!) 1x Bistro Butcher (Opp. draws 2 cards. He's been with me from the get-go.) 1x Mask of Darkness (Mask of Restrict/Weakness: RETURN!) 1x Man-eater Bug (Death to the Heretics) 1x Gearfried The Iron Knight (No SnatchSteal this week) TOTAL: 22 (23 if you include TER) MYSTIC ARTIFACTS (Magic Cards - 11) 1x Change of Heart (Dude...) 1x Graceful Charity (Draw 3, discard 2) 3x Black Illusion Ritual (Summon Relinquished) 1x Fusion Gate (Proceed, on your way to: #1::Oblivion:: #2::The Shadow Rhealm:: #3::Hell:: Answer at the end) 1x Malevolent Nuzzler 1x Monster Reborn (The Alpha) 1x Dark Hole (The Omega) 1x Black Pendant 1x Mystical Space Typhoon 1x Offerings to the Doomed TOTEMS (Trap Cards - 11) 1x Trap Hole 2x Magic Jammer 2x Seven Tools 1x Mirror Wall 1x Solem Wishes 1x Imperial Order 1x Mask Of Restrict (Mwahahaha) 1x Mask Of Weakness (See above) OVERALL TOTAL: 44/45 Well, All week it was lovley. Mid 60's...Sunny. Today...Cold as hell. 30 Degrees! Cloudy!! And We still had the usual wait!!! Anywho, today I brought some trading bait with me. 1st Edition Tribute to the Doomed. Some of you are probably saying..."WTF?!" Well, I prefer Offerings to the Doomed. Why? #1: Quick Play...almost Trap Hole? #2: Lets me keep a good card instead of having to discard. #3: COMMON!!! Well, let's see what I got for it: Absolutly nothing. No one wanted one. They all already had one, or played OttD...Oh well. I did trade a Magical Hats for a Gearfried and a Return of the Doomed for a Cannnon Soldier. There you have it. My catches for the day. Moving right along, I went today with my buddy Gordon. Zach didn't go. As always, Brent was there. As was Ryan. Hehehe. Ahem...Toiled over the card piles Friday. Some additions and some subtractions...Hopefully they do me proud, cuz the god's future is riding on these changes. I TOOK NOTES!!! So now these reports are highly accurate. On to today's tournament! Round 1: Starscream Vs. Nick (Crazy Premature Skull) I really don't know what kind of deck he had. He did use a Premature Burial and CotH in both duels. So that's what I'll call his deck. The Premature Skull! -=Match 1 (Nick)=- Well, we choose who goes first in our matches, by cutting the deck and reading the first 2 numbers in the lower-left hand corner of the card. He went first. Started like any other match. 2 M/Ts and a high attack monster. On my draw I drew no usable monsters. Nick then summons a a Summoned Skull. And attacks Direct. I then draw the Senju. I already had my Thousand Eyes Idol in hand, as well as Fusion Gate. I play Senju and get Relinquished, and activate Fusion Gate. Since a fusion is a special summon, I call on the God of 1000 Eyes. And Take his Summon Skull! DIRECT!! And before my turn ended, I set down Solemn Wishes. On his turn, I activate Solemn Wishes he sets a Dark Hole. And sets down a Dark Elf in defense. Needless to say, he played the dark hole later on. After that, like London Bridge, it all fell down. Here were my Life Point totals. Never got the chance to get his. 8000->5500->.::Place SW and TER::.->6000->6500->7000->7500->6900->.::TER dies::.-> 7400->.::SW destroyed::.->7100->6500->5700->3200->1400->0 -=Match 2 (Nick)=- Almost as bad as the first. Except no TER to save me. Instead, I had Relinquished! Turn 1 he had a Dark Elf. Direct. My turn i have nothing. Back to him, he summons a Skull, and on my next turn,I set Maha Vailo w/Black Pendant. Killed his Skull. Then He used Premature Burial to get his Skull back, after he played Dark hole. Then I summoned Relinquished and took his Skull. I attack. His turn he does Fissure. On my next turn he used CotH for the Skull. After that It got cold, so cold. 8000->3500->1900->900->0 That's It. No Round 2. My how the mighty have fallen. Had my Thousand Eyes held his ground, then he would continue to duel by my side. But alas, that isn't so. Next week shall see a new Hall of Eyes. Perhaps, one day, the Almighty shall win back my favor. Brent went on in the Tournament to, unfortuanlty, lose to Ryan. And Ryan lost in the finals to a kid named David. Gordon had gone out first round just like me...how sad we are. We weren't just gonna leave after one match. So We stayed a while. Gordon and I dueled, then me and a guy named Andrew dueled. I won both. Gordon and I went into the store and bought a pack of LON each. The only good card I got was Amazon Archer. Gordon traded some cards...Messanger of Peace and Riryoku Field for a Blue Eyes. Dueled with the G-man some more. Then he left, and Brent and I dueled. I won 2 of the matches, he won one of them. I am becoming better witch each game...if only I could have beat Nick. Did anyone else get Tournament Season 2 packs instead of Tournament Season 3 packs? After leaving, i treated my broken spirit to lunch. YAYS: Ano Hino Gogo - Japanese Yu-Gi-Oh! ending. I love it! My 3 LON packs of the week - Mask of Restrict, Mask of Weakness, and Amazon Archer!! Magical Hats + Return of the Doomed->Gearfried the Iron Knight and Cannon Soldier. Me beating Brent. BAHS: Upperdeck - for not having the T3 packs. Not making it past Round 1!!!! .::Answer to the Question of the Day::. And the Answer is - Unicron...err #1::Oblivion::. Courtesy of Mr. Orson Wells as the voice of Unicron from Transformers: The Movie. and now, I leave you with this. "This was almost to easy Starscream!" "Much easier, Almighty Megatron, than attacking the REAL threat. The Autobot Moon Base!" "...You're an idiot Starscream." "{{silence}}" Chat? Advice? Dis this? Burn that? Laugh there? EMAIL!!! Starscream227@sbcglobal.net AIM!! SuperVegito227 Call me Starscream!